How about a league for Canadians only ........... Too many ignorant Europeans out there ruining the game !
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How about a league for Canadians only ........... Too many ignorant Europeans out there ruining the game !
Leagues don,t work no one wants to play when called upon would have to have a schedule for time of play >team canada < honesty
Your first post here buchhans and then you call all europeans for ignorant people. Way to go! What does that make you then?
If 8 more Canadians want to enter the 2011 World Championships at
all at the same time, they can all go in the same group. Nicks, e-mails and state below please. Best Wishes, An ignorant European (
> Too many ignorant Europeans out there ruining the game ! Way out of line. Statements like that embarrass all us other decent Canajuns. c²