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non subscribers have be right back activated, how odd.
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non subscribers have be right back activated, how odd.
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non subscribers have be right back activated, how odd.
just been in room 2 and room 1 of 8 ball and noticed that most players have brb icon activated, even non subscribers. can anyone explain why? this is really odd.
its a new feature if you dont do anything more than 2 mins u have brb status but is something wrong with that because i can challenge players with brb status and players can challenge me when im on brb status.
It is intentional. You can challenge others while on BRB hoping to get their attention. If you do not want to be challenged use DND instead.
If I use the button DND instead of the button BRB, then my friends get angry for that I do not answer them, believing that I am in the room .. :8} or some players will say that I am afraid of playing with and that because of it I do not answer. ;\ xD

When actually absent me for a few moments and I could not answer. 

It is a bit troublesome that they could invite me anyhow, when I use the button BRB :(

At least for the subscribers users, I think that it should analyze a bit more this situation, Thanks :)
The brb is just showing who is doing something else an might not be playing i love the feature and it shoulda been put on here long ago! 
Does the can be challenged mean the subscribers can be challenged too if they put there brb sign on? if so its wrong thats 1 of things some sum for,
When you put the BRB sign on then you go away, right?
Why does it disturb you that someone challenges you while you are away?
Yes, but only for a few moments .. actually, the problem is when I am in other rooms and stop my nick in "BRB" .. Or I am looking at some infos .. or reading the forum .. etc .. or when simply I am reading what happens in the room, Or I do not have desire of speaking .. then I use the button "BRB", not to look like a polite evil, until any opponent appears to play .. but thus it is inconvinient enough to remain of "passive" form in the room.

In addition I see it as a very good benefit that we had and now already we do not have it .. because of it I try to look for the logic..

I wait something has been understood of my English stranger :8}! xD
Until now, BRB and DND were almost identical, or very similar. Now you have two quite different features. If you prefer not to be challenged, use the DND.
The "BRB" was serving to say: do not write to me, do not invite me... 
 But actually probably if it was, only that maybe in this moment not tape-worm you gain of that they were speaking or asking things to me ..:8} And the "DND", it was serving to say: 
Yes, I am here ..
 But thanks to god I am sub and do not want that any guest or any other person invites me, and This way he was preventing them from inviting me constant;\ But well .. only it is my opinion, anyhow thank you, and I hope that they continue improving like till now B-), regards;). 
You are right that DND = I'm here but don't invite me.
BRB = I'm not here so if you invite me I won't know about it until I'm back. It does not mean "don't invite me".
What you are looking for is a DND+BRB state (=hold my seat in the lobby??)
What I still don't get, why it is disturbing you that someone invites you when you are actually away. You still have lots of muting options.
Ok, if you simply want to read what happens in the chat conversation without being involved or being bothered by invitations to play ... maintaining "
" an absent state (brb), which option do I have?


>What you are looking for is a state DND + BRB (= hold my seat in the lobby?)

I'm not trying anything new, just keep the benefits we had from the beginning.

>>What I still do not get, why it is disturbing you invite someone You That When You Are Actually away.

>>>It is intentional. Others can challenge you on BRB while hoping to get Their attention

I do not understand how I may call the attention of someone who is not here.
> Ok, if you simply want to read what happens in the
> chat conversation without being involved or being
> bothered by invitations to play ... maintaining
> "
" an absent state (brb), which
> option do I have?

You have the DND, which does exactly what you want, if I understand you.

> >>>It is intentional. Others can challenge you on BRB
> while hoping to get Their attention
I do not understand how I may call the attention
> of someone who is not here.

Suppose you are on BRB, which can mean that you are at your PC, but are doing different things, and your game is minimized in taskbar.
Depending on your browser, you may get some notification when you are being challenged with BRB, for example a blinking title down there, which might catch your attention even if you are doing other things.
Ok, you have absolutely, and completely right. good day :8}
>  maintaining "supposedly" an absent state (brb)

So you used BRB for something else it means. You want an "invisible" state.

> I do not understand how I may call the attention of someone who is not here.

He might be back soon, hence BRB. So one can decide to wait for longer on the challenge dialog for someone to be returned.
Also, when you return from BRB you can see that someone tried to challenge you and you can return the invitation (assuming you actually want to PLAY a game on a gaming site).

>So you used BRB for something else it means. You want an "invisible" state.

I repeat.

>>I'm not trying anything new, just keep the benefits we had from the beginning.

>>>(assuming you actually want to PLAY a game on a gaming site)

Obviously a site of games that contains a CHAT, a CHAT to converse, or simply in some moment to read what other persons write, without anyone bothering me at that time. (Sometimes it is entertained..) 
is bad it?
Could you please just tell me why can't you use the DND then?
I use the button DND when I want that they know that I am here. When I do NOT want that they know that I am here, I use the BRB. but already I cannot :) for that the invitations are very inconvinient constant.
If in these moments it could make a wish, he would wish that I could speak perfectly in English:p It is complicated ;\ xD
dont take long for brb sign 2 appear really annoying
Don't get it at all. BRB comes on automatically. I can turn it off by clicking on it but, cannot turn it back on. What's the point?
Manual BRB is still a subscriber-only feature.

Non-subscribers can only get it by the system after some time of inactivity, which can be turned off.
what is the point of this update? seems pointless & annoying.
I find it quite amusing that now when you enter rooms there's just a whole lobby full of people with Do Not Disturb...

Am I not supposed to be challenging anyone anymore?

It seems rude of me to challenge if the are saying Do Not Disturb but how else to get a game when everyone is showing it?
can't see why this feature has been added to be perfectly honest. i use dnd so as not to be challenged by players with a hugely worse rating. if i want to play somebody i ask them first. if i need to do something, (take a phone call, make a cigarette, etc...) i activate brb. now how are you supposed to know who is there and who is away? it just seems absurd to me. also i think brb should just be solely for subscribers, after all we are funding the site with our subscription fee.
> can't see why this feature has been added to be
> perfectly honest. i use dnd so as not to be
> challenged by players with a hugely worse rating. if
> i want to play somebody i ask them first. if i need
> to do something, (take a phone call, make a
> cigarette, etc...) i activate brb. 

You can still do it, can't you.

> now how are you
> supposed to know who is there and who is away? it
> just seems absurd to me. 

That's the whole point, that you can now better see who is there and who is not. Not everyone used the dnd/brb when moving away from the games for a while.

> also i think brb should just
> be solely for subscribers, after all we are funding
> the site with our subscription fee.

Manual BRB is still only for subs, non-subs can only get it automatically, mainly in order to help you and others  find out who is there and who is away.
but you can still challenge people when they have brb activated, so what is the point of it being there?
It is your own choice to challenge someone with a brb sign.
We think that you are less likely to get a decline/accept from such players. If you think otherwise, you are free to challenge such players.

Does it disturb you so much that you can challenge players who are thought to be inactive?
sorry to keep replying but this is madness. in lobby i have just challenged 2 players with brb activated. 1 automatically declined (wouldn't let me challenge), yet the other accepts my challenge. this validates my earlier statement, 'how do you know who is there and who is away'. really is odd this, hope it gets sorted soon. 
The current BRB sign tells you that the player has not taken any action for two minutes (except for manual BRB by subscribers). You have the option to ignore this notification, and challenge such players, or take this information into consideration when challenging anyone.

Still do not see how does this feature hinder you.
I dont like the fact that if i happen to be sat in lobby with brb activated, people are still able to challenge me. 
You can still use DND if you do not wish to be challenged.
Hello someone could tell me why it was removed or rejected my last post? thank you very much.
dnd indicates that iam here, brb indicates im away at this time, i think it is wrong that people can challenge me when i activate brb.
also just realised that whilst sitting in lobby with brb activated i have been challenged for games various times. may i be correct in suggesting this feature is flawed?
brb why is this necessary?? to be on all the time?? truly,i have been here 7+ years ,and i can honestly share with you many peoples opinions...we really do not like it ..i am not aware of any advantage it gives to anyone to have that constantly posted.. DEVELOPER , can you please share with us ,the necessity of this feature? and can we , as paying subscribers, please request it be taken off ?? 
The BRB Status Update for Guests & non subbed players is very usefull as it shows they are idle so that others wont waste their time challenging them.

also saves them getting spammed challenges.

very usefull update in my opninion.

Handy For me so far , thank you for this update Fod.

seeing guests with the brb icon , also made me chuckle a bit lol
As stated above by Essentials... its a waste of time challenging people with 'Be Right Back' activated as they are obviously either a) away from their keyboard, or b) not wanting to be disturbed

This being the case, I have just spent over 10mins sat in the lobby of Quick Snooker. 23 players in there and EVERY SINGLE ONE with 'Be Right Back' activated. 1 player (Mater) with 'Do Not Disturb' activated.

What is the point of having a subscription to a site where you can no longer challenge anyone to a game?
Instead, you have to just sit there waiting for someone else to be kind enough to challenge you.

Having been a subscriber for almost 10 years... this is extremely disappointing.
Are you suggesting that those players do not reply to challenges just because they got the BRB sign ?

In fact it is quite the opposite way. They got the sign, because they are less likely to reply to challenges, so now you know better who to challenge.

I am really sorry if you feel disappointed by this.
People sometimes come into lobby and just get given it without activating it, also people use it for no reason, just because it looks good i guess. Often when i challenge someone with BRB sign on they usually accept withing 5-10 secs.
Hello, if someone could answer me please by that it was eliminated or rejected my post would be grateful for it to him very much. Since this one is a forum of discussion and I only said what I was thinking with very much respect. That in these times that censure me in a forum is a bit disappointing. Though I do not like to ask for repeated times explanations, because I do not want to seem to be problematic. But these lacks of respect do not please me either.. Thanks.
This clock is activated every time someone finishes a game and returns to lobby.   I am not away, I am right there.  Users are challenging me but I CANNOT accept!! Just returned to lobby from a game.
It is super irritating and is so problematic that the only solution I have found is to quit after game and re-login. Grrrrrrrrr!  Sometimes one wonders why Flyordie does hits stuff.  
Somewhere else I read that it is somehow related to the forced ad break that we are all put through when returning to the lobby.
Doesn't make a difference if one watches that ad or skips.  Result is always the same: BRB clock! That is why so many ppl have it.  Every1 is suffering from the same thing.  May be time to finally quit FlyOrDie.  This is the most irritating new change ever.

This is not about the utility of the BRB symbol! This is about the way it is forced on all of us to the point where we cannot play!!
The system will be adjusted soon, in order to more precisely distinguish "away" players.

"The system will be adjusted soon, in order to more precisely distinguish "away" players"

This to me is good news. Why not just make it so that anyone who actually WANTS to activate 'be right back' can activate it.
Remove the auto activation so that we can clearly see who is there and wants to play and who is not / doesn't
I could see that this new feature has been ajusted. mixing new features, with the old .. 
This is much better
 .. I am grateful for my part for this improvement.. .. Anyhow always it is time to continue improving, good job! .. gl.;)
I am not in favor of it,unless you have a time limit on it.   Otherwise you can wait in the lobby for ages and not get a game.   
why have either of these icons. if you are not playing and have no intention of playing why bother logging in to begin with, that one has me more baffled than any other nonsense on here. change it to idle for 5 mins boot them out.
pdash and kevmon are you serious, its a double click of a mouse to challenge someone.and one click to decline. what difference does it make what symbol they have on it. if you dont want to challenge or be challenged either use dnd or dont log in, if not just ignore the brb icon cause its really of no consequence. what on earth does it matter, its like moaning about the moon being up there. 
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