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Hey everyone Pw Madness here 
Hey everyone Pw Madness here 
Hey everyone Pw Madness here 
im Reporting TCA NightWalker for bullying banned me for no reson so watch out flyordie tanx's player he will banned u for no reson what so ever and im 16 i am a nice person i just Subscrible Pw clan then he banned me so i dont no whats going on in hes head just watch out :|

[Approved by: TCA NightWalker on Jul 23, 2012 4:31 PM]
Well, the reason of the banishment is described in rules of use - 
I agree you are a nice person, but everyone makes mistakes and it would be good if you admitted yours sincerely, without trying to fool me around.
I hope you will make correct conclusions after this accident and won't repeat same mistakes twice (I am referring to current and original ban).
Yeah i got banned also. THis lil kid is a joke. Paid to sub then get banned. He has been bullying me also and alot of players. The MP got to his head i guees. I got banned for killing someone that didnt fire back. Its not my fault i will destroy your tank if your in my op in tourney. Then the sad news is how i found out FTW JEFF told me that TCA was bragging about banning me. He said he told jeff how i lost 2 dice on my record and got disqualified from tourney. To me FOD needs to take care of this matter because I will not sub again after my sub ends untill TCA NIGHTWALKER has been banned perm....     
Please pay attention to Tournament rules (
...Unsportsmanlike behaviour

2. Quitting matches

Intentionally loosing any matches in favour of the opponent
3. Rejection of fair play

A player facing such unfair behaviour from other players should reject playing them further. Continuing playing such players is considered as unsportsmanlike itself.

Creating rumors about me wasn't necessary as well...
How could one be in fault when the OTHER player chooses not to shoot. I agree with pancho.. If you join up in an op, just because you do not shoot back does not grant you immunity. If anything THAT player should have received the banishment. Even better, how hard would it have been to simply give the non-attacking tank a kick. I bet it is just as easy as you banning the aggressor for attacking. Wave of the finger tisk tisk to you Trainor (TCA Nightwalker).

I too have complaints against the mods. I was given a demerit for 12 days straight. It was the same person complaining over and over again. At some point, mods need to use common sense. If I am given a demerit, why does the same player unmute me and report me multiple times? There's an obvious reason for the demerit point (uhh... DUH). Also, that same player always gets demerit point or have others get demerit point. Use your common sense mod!!!! Give that player permanent dot or ignore him.

I'm not a tanx moderator so do not know the clear understanding of the situation that has happend, but I would like to answer some of the comments made here in this thread..

>Yeah i got banned also. THis lil kid is a joke. Paid to sub then get banned.

If you break the rules you'll get demerit/ban regardless if your subbed or not.  So getting a punishment is you own problem, repsect the rules then you won't get banned.

>>I got banned for killing someone that didnt fire back. Its not my fault i will destroy your tank if your in my op in tourney.

Completely agree with you here. ;)  Unless of course it was your friend who was just sitting there letting you rack up the kills..

>>>I too have complaints against the mods. I was given a demerit for 12 days straight. It was the same person complaining over and over again. At some point, mods need to use common sense. If I am given a demerit, why does the same player unmute me and report me multiple times? There's an obvious reason for the demerit point (uhh... DUH).

You have a demerit for a reason obviously, if you don't like having this, then you should follow the rules.  Having a demerit does not mean that additional punishments can't be handed to you, so running your mouth whilst having a demerit is a silly idea.  Yes, the person should have left you un-muted, but we (Mods) are still able too see your chat history ;)

Please remember that Moderator's are chosen and take part voluntarily, this is NOT our job, we are human like you and listen to any comments/complaints that would help the FlyOrDie community be a better/safer gaming site.

FlyOrDie Moderator
Allow me to explain a few things clearly.

NOTE: This is not the correct section of flyordie to be complaining about a moderator.

Artik is meerley doing this job , as for pancho , cheating in the tournament , i was there i saw this.

FTW WARRIOR was infront until the last moments , then pancho & ubr volume joined an op together , volume sitting still allowing Villa to kill him & overtake Warrior (Banking) to stop warrior winning the tournament.

Both players were Disqualified later on.

both players were banned for the correct reasons.

Pw Madness , Artik doing his job as a moderator for tanx , is in no way " bullying" , you were banned for allowing pancho to kill you in the snow tournament=unsportsmanlike behaviour which is not tolerated anywhere in flyordie , and especially in tournaments.
if your going to complain about being banned , at least have the decenty to be honest and admit you broke the rules , and stop trying to make Artik look bad.
any other moderator would of made the same decision so cut him some slack.

Brock Lasner , if you obtain a demerit for breaking rules , that does not give you the right to continue breaking rules , and encourage others to do the same.

if a player unmutes you and observes you breaking rules further , he is likley to report you for it.
note : a moderator does not act upon a report unless the case is serious.
if your demerit was extended , it was probably the AutoMod.
which monitors players chat , and if anyone is caught talking innapropriatley the automod does its job and punishes.

those with an active banishment are more likley to be the ones the automod is watching closley , so bare that in mind the next time you think about insulting people.

RFF_Slayer , Acid i disagree with your statement , if a player sits still and allows someone to kill him , both he & the killer should recieve the banishment for reasons explained by Artik & also found in the rules of use.

that is classed as point banking , and the case is more serious in a tournament then anywhere else.

i could understand from your point of view since you lost tons of names due to letting people bank of your secondary accounts over the years , so its hardly a suprise that you agree with pancho.

My Opinion of Artik as a moderator ,

Artik , since becoming a moderator you have introduced new rules to the game , stopping players nickhiding , banking , insulting/harassing in the tanx community , as best you can whilst active.
i for one am glad you are the moderator now.

I thank you for making the game a more " enjoyable place " to relax , and shoot a few tanks.

Keep it up.


RFF_Slayer , Acid i disagree with your statement , if a player sits still and allows someone to kill him , both he & the killer should recieve the banishment for reasons explained by Artik & also found in the rules of use.

Lets make this "clear" for you as well. Nowhere in my comment did I say anything about the non-aggressor "allows" the other player to attack him. Scroll back up and re-read that a few times. Were speaking about tanks that join up and choose to drive around aimlessly not shooting anyone - or going idle. I have been around this game since 03/04. I have seen my fair share of abuse from moderators. I was here when MASH was on rampage, and plenty of other mods at that (whom FOD has taken badges from). And yes I myself have probably lost more names than games you have played in tanx. And because of that I am extremely familiar with the system/rule book. Back to the point, I have seen tons of players banned for playing in full open ops with a idle tank not shooting back. That used to drive me insane. Especially when it was from a billards mod who still has the ~ score by their name. If you join up in an operation and go afk, thats not our problem. I can't tell you how many times I had been in an op and that very same tank that has been idle for 20 minutes randomly comes alive to send a nuke your way while you are already on fire for a slick kill.

Bryan (Unidos Revolution) fought a lot of billards mods bans because of that. In 2004 we even tried to get FOD to implement a OP kick system that would allow the players playing in an operation to place vote to kick another player from the op for a short period of time. Obviously that didn't work.


Oh and good to see you Peter, Pancho, and Brock :)hope you guys are well.
Then automod really exists...

This system needs to be adjusted, i'm a french guy, and i speak then french, but also spanish and english as you can see... 
Thanks to automod i got a 3 days dot for saying "con" in spanish with means "with" in english , "con" is also an insult in french...

automod fails ! lmao
I'm only replying in regards to the shooting of a player if he or she is not moving.

Things have changed these days you get a tournament of 3-10 players on average, so let's say you make an op and a total new guy joins and doesn't talk just sits there, if you don't shoot him, what can you actually do?, all you will do is waste time waiting for him to leave (if no mod is on to kick)? ,and if he doesn't leave, your forced to leave making you lose points in which case you could lose the tournament due to that one incident. 

Does FlorOrDie really expect us to just sit there and waste time? or leave the op?, this rule is only effective if someone is intentionally giving away points.

I don't play as much but i would shoot anyone who enters, as long as it's not an actual friend helping(cheating).

I don't think the mods are to blame on this issue either, however maybe a new adjustment in rules should be implemented, this could be tricky, or even better why not an auto kick system if they don't move for a certain amount of time.

I could create an auto kick system in my sleep... ok i lied, no i can't... but you get the idea.

I doubt anything will change around here.



Sitting still and allowing another player to shoot you in tanx is just the same as giving free wins in 8ball & every other flyordie game , and should have the same punishments.

although your not the official tanx moderator , im sure your aware of the rules of the game , and would act just as Artik did in this type of situation.

Note : Lewis you would be be a good "Tanx" MOD also , afterall the more the merrier.

i could understand you might not be , for the following reasons : you played billiard/8ball games more then any other game on flyordie and favor it over some of the others , making it natural that your mod position would be on 8ball , the game you enjoy .

Artik i could say the exact same reason , but for tanx.

although it would be nice if you could do both.
less people breaking rules in tanx would make the game so much better.

anyway im done for now , ttyl.


Pw Priest..lol dont tell me you left ftw for pw? o.O
well i don't play tanx anymore but i remember my last days in tanx Artik gave me lots of breaks. If anything, i think his a fair mod...Unlike those mods we had in the past that kill you on the spots than ask questions later. In other words, they ban you on the spot without giving you warning. What i see here is the old classic game; friends backing up each other against a mod that they dislike just because he dot/ban one of their friends because that mod decided to finally stop giving out chances and finally applied the t.o.s rules. In the opposite, if it was one person "they" dislike and i mean Jeff,Nucleic, and peter they would be backing up the mod. In the end, i'm with Artik on this one. Good gob Artik! keep up the nice work. I knew you would come as good example applying the rules fairly. :)
I Made No mistake in my statement , as i am FTW WARRIOR , i was the one they tried to steal the tournament from Acid.

im sure your aware of this by now.

since Artil became a mod , alot of people left the game because they cant go around breaking rules anymore , knowing Artik wont tolerate it , in my opinion your one of those people , although you were hardly ever online  before he was a mod nuc.

i havent seen you login since the day u and twist got banned for arguing with me.

"When i left Xc"

i left your clan , for 1 reason more then any other , that reason is simple.

i am ftw.
& i always will be.

dont get me wrong i have respect for Xc , but not as much as i do for ftw.

me & alex made xc names , to own uag for Xc last year im sure ul remember , since u subbed them both.

hence me being the one that brought your " clan " back in 2010 , by subbing old xc's Sam , nitro , , had alot of clan wars with sam then aswell against uag.

still remember beating Highlander & tornado with wolf in 2v2 lol

had alot of good times with you guys when i was xc , but iv literally always been ftw , thats the main reason i chose it over xc.

XC_Ownage & XC_Pwnage.

i liked being Xc & all , but got sick of people like yourself making jokes about my personal life.

you were a good friend , most of the time , until the rest of your clan was online.

fine until they login , once their on i become the "puppet" you make fun of.
i dont take that from anyone
no matter who they are or their history on here.

but..speaking of Artik being a mod , i havent always been happy about it either , hes banned me a few times for next to no reason.

but its not like i can do anything about it.

hes still a friend of mine , has been since i started here.

being honest , i think MODS  got tired of banning me last year , i just kept on coming back , never gave up , now im playing ,fine , no problems , besides the odd demerit from the so called " AutoMod" for saying things like " Noob ".

the game itself has fallen alot the past year or 2 , but i still enjoy it strangley , though its not like a cod game  or so popular , i mainly log on just to talk to my clan , or friends like Alex , Sam ,Jean , Bryan , Artik , Lorna , Lewis.

or fight for ftw if they need my help..

nothing else to do anymore.

right now im focused on my current college application , so im not on half as much as i use to be.

Besides arguing with you and justin , acid , i still have respect for you , but i wont take any trash talk you think of dishing out to me.

so keep that in mind :D

PANCHO & UBR VOLUME are both in " PW " clan , volume sat still and respawned instantly for 4 deaths to let pancho bank past me to take the tourny from me , but i still won it due to Fod catching them doing so.

tournaments dont mean alot to me , as iv had almost as many bans as you acid.

i will never have " VIP " on any of my current nicks.

although it doesnt mean alot to me , its just a temporary sub with a distinguished service badge , that looks better then the army icon.

anyway i think iv said enough this isnt a chat box lol.

Riight.. Now that this thread is completely off topic LOL. I think you fail to realize that Xc and UAG were allied? So what a 2-2 was doing in the mix is beyond me. And to be honest a handful of Brazilians played under Xc names including Tornado for years. Bet you didn't know that. But I am flattered to hear that you felt apart of something when we let you play on that name.

or fight for ftw if they need my help..

I agree with that, FTW needs all the help they can get. lol kidding sam.


And then Sam... who like to wear girl pants. 
"Proud Catholic" 

Max i have no idea why you bother responding to this topic you dont even play this game.

Well Jefferson Lekinsky, i still lurk around the forums :) whenever when i can...now that i have a life  and i don't mean to offend you :) i have little time for this game. But i still remember how many times many people that dislike me ex. Acid,Justin,Luis just to mention few...they would invent things on me just to try me to get me ban (most of the time it never work thou). They would gather up in room 3 and plot against me to get rid off me but fourtunely it never work i'm still around. When they saw one of the persons they dislike that was in the lobby they would try to get them bann too not just me. But when it was one of their friends like Sam being point with a finger of doing something that broke that rules they would immidiately back him up against a mod. I'm not suprised acid or even you Jeff is on pancho's side. After all his both you and acid's friend. So stop bothering Artik and trying to make a petition to remove his mod badge just because he applied the rules on one of your friend.
You have quite the imagination Maxi, you never disappoint. 

You let your thoughts run wild again huh, I remember always defending you when anyone said anything bad against you, especially Death.... always talking behind your back as soon as you logged off, oh he was sneaky one!

I really felt me and you had a strong bond to be honest, after that first 10/2 on you, well that pretty much secured our bonds for life.

BFF Brah;\ 
well well...if it isn't Samantha. My English muffin has come out of the underground UK sewers to reply this thread. Sam...first of all, you never beat me 10/2 i would've have quit ages ago if you did...the best you did vs me was 10/8 and i just had come back after 3yrs retirement. I did beat you one time thou 10/7 and ever since that day you weren't that much anymore in tanx lol. You would come in rare occasions and what a considence...you would log in exactly when i log off...you might be asking how he knows? well i would log off and come back as private. Yeah you beat me more than i beat you...but years makes a player and you spend more time and yrs in this game than me. I have a life now and gf probably something you don't know about. So good luck with your life Sam and i hope your getting life now too because to be quite honest, i'm kinda dissapointed that your still playing tanx...even though i don't know you in real life i know you smart nice person Sammy but your wasting your time in this game...wish you the best, Maxy :). 
LOL let me use a name , dont flatter yourself dude , me using an xc name was just fun.
i have no interest in being in xc , maybe i did years ago , but now no chance.

all the xc members are great people , got on fine with most of them , and you until earlier this year.

i dont care what you think of me personally.
but " FTW NEEDING HELP " LOL thats a good one man , since Me Alex & Grave own everyone , i cant see us needing any help.

Sam knows id fight anyone for FTW , im sure he would aswell.

but if you come back looking for a fight , dont take me lightly i aint a kid anymore.

and il await your fot joke response for " dont take me lightly "

im sure you have one at hand like always.
afterall thats all you have on me , insults.
to me , your just someone thats full of himself , i have literally no care of what you think of me.

dont waste your time trying to argue with me , it wont happen.

BTW , i did not fall apart over xc , your clan mean nothing to me.

and with you leading it ,no wonder its dead LOL.
Im guessing that I somehow managed to hurt your feelings? lol.. I was simply appreciating the fact that you enjoyed playing under an Xc name. And of course it was just for fun as you stated. Do you really think I would let someone of your caliber rep our beloved clan? Think about that one for more than a second please. Because it seems like you have not comprehended 1 thing anyone has said in this thread thus far. Also being the reason it has completely derailed from topic.

"but " FTW NEEDING HELP " LOL thats a good one man , since Me Alex & Grave own everyone , i cant see us needing any help."

I see you also surprisingly missed the part where I told Sam "just kidding Sam". Sam has run FTW like it should have always been run.

No disrespect to Grave or Alex,  who are both great players and close friends, but you own who? Everyone? All 10 players who still play this game? Most of which being 0 rated players? I don't think you should be speaking on their behalf lol.

And btw, Justin (Twister) was the leader of Xc. Roughly anyone I let in during his absences were immediately booted upon his arrival. It was always about the original Xc from the beginning and it will always be just them. Hate it or love it that clan was the elite from 2004 on.

This thread has brought back some fond memories and made me miss the glory days of Tanx. :)


and then sam.
Why keep it going?

this isnt a court room you cant sue me and win your case on the forums :$

just let it go baby :$ i dont care ! 

i thought i made it clear i dont care what you think about me? lol

iv whooped your clan in duels everytime iv played them , only good one was sam.

il do it again if you feel like calling them on , tho i wouldnt reccomend it , theyl just get handled , including yourself , feel free to come on when im online and get wrecked acid.

like i said , i dont care who you are , or what your clan is capable of.

il fight anyday.

thats what made this game good , fighting baby ! wooh , come ahead :$
0 players..lol

thanny man , but u seem to be mistaken me for yourself , iaint an xc that goes round banking 5 stars in power ops in roo m4 like you use to nuc , , as for beating people , hmm ye , if you think i played 0's thats cool , but ask around , iv owned everyone thats been active in the past 3 years.

iv beaten everyone iv ever known in this game , probably more then you have , considering all you do is talk trash to me here , iv never seen you beat anyone good besides zeus like 3 years ago

if you played me , you would get handled , that isnt a statement , thats a promise , doubt me if ou want , but in the end i wont be the one looking like a newbie.

same goes to anyone else you think can take ftw.

you should just leave acid , all your doing is arguing with me in the end we both know you wont do anything else other then talk , so quit while your ahead , im here to play , and fight for my clan , that is what i will do against anyone that gets on my nerves or disses ftw , keep that in mind when you think about saying a player is better then me , i wont be proved wrong , il take anyone you put me in 1v1 with anytime.
id include you , but your as washed up as the rest of xc.

i am done talking , if you want more , you better get yourself a sub and start playing , otherwise , just stop wasting both mine & your own time by talking endless rubbish about who is better.

the game is made for playing , either play it , or dont , your choice.

and btw , dont expect another reply , im done talking with out of date players.
Wow 2004 elite... But hey mate it's 2012 here, and there are no elites but FTW players at the moment.

So... Well don't bring it, since you don't play mate.

Who am i on tanx? Well i don't know who you are, you are closed from a tanx fossile for me, but anyway, i know as whole arrogant non playing guys from tanx past, you will ask me this : i'm not one of the best, i'm just a fine player i guess, even tho i can tell you, you fail :)

2004 is far away in past, then taking care of what you said, so is Xc. 
Xc is dead. 
Xc doesn't exist. 
Xc is nothing here in 012.
Realize jeffey started that seemingly endless Xc convo that will just never go away. I even tried to keep the thread on the OPs topic lol. Yes it is 2012 and the only thing you both keep saying is Xc is dead. I'm not sure what that is supposed to mean to me, not much though. But so is tanx. All the clans have died. This 90's computer game has run its course. It has been years since I have truly played/enjoyed this game. Just like everyone else who has left. But there was and is 1 thing that is always a given. Which is obvious lol, pestering you. It gives me a laugh when you say its over and you don't care, but 1 of my post leaves you to reply to multiple times. Or when I log into tanx for a brief visit and you follow me around op to op trying to argue old pointless things. Xc is a good example lol.
As much as i'm enjoying you all talking about clans and clan wars, I would appreciate it if you could keep on the topic of the thread, rather than needlessly flood it with fighting talk.

1 more off-topic message on here and i'll delete the thread.

FlyOrDie Moderator

P.S  If you want to discuss clans and battles, please either create a new thread or resurrent an old thread relating to clans.
Kreapy here, i just had to reply to this thread once again, because one of the mods didnt approve my last post

and, i too im a victim of tcas bans,, power got into his head.. 

tca banned me alot bros
and also dots..many :(

his one of the reasons i quit this game :o

brothers from another mothers , we need justice :) i im 100% sure that everyone who posted in this thread has ever gotten banned by tca  / dotted. (max the most) 

''ill never return tanx til tca is gone '' - uag tornado.. same goes for me..

once his gone, call me, ill be back and own pw ;)

-Erik ;)

Recently i requested a clan section for this kind of fighting talk between clans , and OP/DEVELOPER just blanked it as usuall , to busy updating the boring games like chess , billiards , curling..lmao , i still cant see why you chose to give us Curling instead of bowling or air hockey , anyway.

calling someone out on the forums for an ingame brawl isnt offtopic , this "tanx" forum is based on tanx itself , and what happens ingame nothing what either me or acid posted was offtopic , i dont consider the thread holders post to be correct , so its in no way off topic since he lied about why he was banned.

although  idont see why you gave me a 10 day demerit for posting in the forums , i didnt swear or insult in either of my replies , meerley called Acid/Xc out for a fight in the game , thats in no way insulting , go study Lewis , and read the rules yourself , instead of giving me a demerit any chance you get?
if your going to login the game and say , hey jeff m8 , at least have the decenty to be honest and give me my banishment face to face instead of hiding behind Artik.
and yes , it was him that told me you gave me it , besides the fact you called me a "Little GITT" which i was once banned for calling someone else , but oh hey , your a moderator your allowed to insult me , so thats np yea?

stop acting like my friend ingame when you clearly dislike me , i never disliked you but i guess things change.

i could say the same to Artik , i once stated he is a great moderator , seems i am mistaken he is the worst moderator iv ever had in tanx.

if this post isnt approved then its obvious you gave me the demerit Lewis.

at least be honest and explain why i have it ;).

note : Artik becomming a moderator Killed tanx.
Tornado was one of my hardest opponents ever , now he never comes on because Artik is a mod , that leaves top players less competition and another good player missed , despite arguing with him over the years , he has been my friend for the past year or so on msn.

Thanks artik , you killed the game.
you stated " i will always be the same person despite being a moderator i wont change who i am " 

with all due respect , there was nothing you could of changed , you have always been against FTW since me & alex beat you & siby 5-0 in clan wars , and i recall beating you & B9(FTW Fighter) in 2v2 with sam also , so its no wonder why you hate us , we were clearly better at the time.

you can say you dont but we both know you do Trainor.
anyway , im not here to talk trash im here to play the game , and if you "Mods" dont like what im posting , dont bother reading it , iv had enough of false bans.

i will play how i want , when i want , without anyones permission , if i want to call someone out on this forum for tanx , then i will do so , as everyone else has been doing for years , you think because iv had a ton of bans il just be quiet like a little mouse?
think again.

FTW lives on & so will i.

you will never get rid of me.


P.S Acid , if you dont wanna fight thats np , il just wreck SFT in clan wars for ftw , since their active again.

FlyOrDie Moderator
Tiếng Việt