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CUEBALLER8 flyordie is 1 of the best game site out rating the mod I thick all of the mods do the best job and gith them a brack Rating means not mush 2 me but 2 u it mite subscription u get a lot 4 £20 Just have fun Have a good day
High m8! Seems like u got bad days!Thats happens on FlyOrDie! Hold ur head up high!Better times will come;)!!! Greets,Smoky!!!
Why would they fix the game?, people have good days people have bad days, sports psychology suggests that if you're letting yourself believe that you are being cheated or the games is rigged you will get more frustrated and play worse. Just try and enjoy the game.
Your saying the system chooses who wins? you take the shots not the system?
Thats why i dont play anymore.Its so obvious that when you move up to say brown rating the shots become easier.Then when the system wants you to loose, whatever shot you take the white goes in.I only came back here today to tell Jamnal to get a life and stop assosiateing me with GaryGlitter, end of.The only way to play snooker is on a real life proper table.Also you are socialising properley and not living in LA LA land like people called Jamnal.I wont be checking this forum again so ban me, say what you want.You really should get out more Jamnal. The End
The system doesn't control your spin, your cue control and the power you put into shots, thats your fault alone, stop flaming Flyordie for your own common errors and fix it yourself by playing calm and smarter instead of just smashing the balls all over the place hoping ul sink a few. I'm not a good 8ball player but i'm not an idiot either i know how to play the game and i'm guessing you just hit & hope without aiming properly or applying the correct amount of spin & power on your shots. 2% of the community complain about this kind of issue meaning the other 98% of the games population have no problems playing , which means they play smart where as you play careless and just blame it on the system. Just play with patience and actually make effort instead of hitting balls at random.