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My Nicks
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My Nicks
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My Nicks
Dear nice moderators I am absolutely fuming that you seen fit to ban all of the nicks in my household except 1. As you said in an earlier topic called multi nicks
In fact one person can use multiple ip addresses and one ip address can be shared by many. So this would not only limit normal use for family members for example, but could not stop anyone from having multiple nicks

So by that reasoning I want them back, you can keep the goldfish & bluechrome 1's banned, no complaint about that but I want the others back. I was told by the mod Goddess that I could keep the God nick as long as I never done any harm & I never done so......
You have a nasty habit of not letting my posts through but you have not heard the end of this. And while i'm having a rant about you ignoring things it is 7 weeks until Scotland are legally not under the Union J a ck flag so you better update your server.
Well Well, we now see the fod has lied about being able to slam down on multi-nicks from the same ip server. If they are going to do it to one they should show NO favouritism and slam down on ALL. I especially find it loathsome that they have banned GOD.
"you can keep the goldfish & bluechrome 1's banned"

so you know exactly why your nicks have been banned. No need to complain then...

Explanation for others: this user "Wulliebhoy" has been creating clones of other user's nicks with the only purpose of annoying them.

We normally do not ban anyone for having more than one nick, for the reasons mentioned above. But as soon as someone is abusing our rules, for example starts creating nicks just to annoy others, we will do everything we can in order to limit the amount of nicks from the same user, even if it involves others from the same household.
Yes, cloning nicks is very naughty and should be punished. A suitable punishment would be a slap on the wrist and a spanking on his bare bottom in the main street of Glasgow at high noon.
Some people don't seem to realise that FlyOrDie Moderators can review all chat history between users & that includes private messages.

So for a player to come on the forums and claim to be truly innocent is almost always laughable.

If a Moderator claims you have broken a rule then the chances are you have broken that rule.

And if you really have used multiple nicknames and clones of other peoples accounts just to annoy them then you my friend deserve a permanent ban for such actions.

FTW-Warrior brought up some interesting points in his post. I should 1st point out Wulliebhoy does not deny that he cloned a couple of names, the reason being that he wanted to show them up for the kind of people they are. (Not very nice) The 2nd point being the fact that they can check all messages, open and private, This being the case how is it that they haven't come down on a lot of abuse that was going on a couple of months ago that cause me to post my first complaint about multi-nicks
Moderators please stop blocking my posts, this is a public forum & as such please let the posts go through so that people can judge for themselves. I am not being abusive in them, merely defending myself.

I did not abuse anyone here, I had humour with them & you can go back & check all messages even private. I have asked several times for the God nicks ban to be lifted as you had no right to ban it in the 1st place. Also my wife had a nick which you've seen fit to ban. I mean come on get a grip. Candygirl must've had 100's of nicks & he did abuse people. I have put my hands up to the cloning so leave it there & reinstate God. 
Ftw warrior you don't know me so kindly don't judge me.
Two dozen moderators, thousands of players.
They can't help everyone.
Just to add my 2 cents about your point wullie and while FOD is here to listen, player 'Mestari' is the new subscribed version of candygirl and they haven't done anything about him yet (to my knowledge). Wullie isn't a bad person, having talked with him on many occasions here. He is actually quite a nice & funny guy. However, playing with antagonizing multinicks also isn't the answer. I wish both parties gl
FlyOrDie Moderators have the right to ban anyone they see fit if they have a valid reason. They are also given these permissions in order to keep the games free of trouble makers, racists and cheaters.

Read > 

for further information on possible reasons for banishments.

My advice to you "Wulliebhoy" is to read the Rules of use and start a fresh. If your ban was recent I would strongly recommend you don't login to any of your accounts for quite some time because you may find yourself losing more, and more nicknames for evading the first banishment, A permanent ban is meant to be Permanent which means the ban will last a long time, even if you create a new nickname you will get banned instantly because you are avoiding your punishment, so if you were banned recently and are under evasion there is a high chance that you will lose the account you are posting with right now for ban evasion.

Ban evasion is also the same for Demerit Points, not just Temporary or Permanent bans given, bare this in mind when you think about using another account to avoid one.

Best option for the time being: Take a break from FlyOrDie games for a while or play under a guest account.
Thanks for the input people & I am a nice guy 77. All i'm asking the mods for is the God nick back. The mods obviosly are reading this as they have to approve the posts, they are letting some through & ignoring others so is that making them nice people? Goddess a moderator said I can keep the God nick & I challenge the mods to prove where i've been cheeky or aggressive to anyone. Ftw your opinion is noted too & its in my under consideration box ty.
Just adding my thoughts to this debate:
If I had my nicks cloned by a random user, I would be pretty upset. So I understand why Bluechrome was angry. However, Wulliebhoy is a funny guy who means no harm, and he did not have any bad intentions when he set out to clone these two nicks. That being said, cloning nicks of someone he didn't know too well was perhaps a bit uncalled for, and so I think FOD should choose to follow whatever they think is the right course of action. I just wanted to make sure to note that in my opinion, there was no real malice behind Wulliebhoy's actions.
God wanted to sub when my sub was up on this 1 too.
First of all, I allowed you to use the nick "I am God" because you asked me (few months ago) if it is inappropriate, as I don't see anything wrong about it I told you that you can use it as long as you don't breach any of our rules. 

Way too far from the reason of why you were banned in this case. 

I think FlyOrDie statement here is quite clear and cannot be misunderstood. 

You have numerous accounts and most of them are forged nicks which is made for provocation. You absolutely aware that cloned nicks are prohibited, no wonder why you still insisted on creating them.

You have disregarded the rule(s):

(1.1) is similar to another nick already existing on the FlyOrDie forum or games.

-All such names will be deleted and made unregistrable. Please remember to keep your Username clean, fun and free from any wordplay that would be considered offensive to any community member.

-FlyOrDie will not tolerate using multiple nicknames in order to avoid banishments. Offenders of our rules might face permanent banishments on all nicknames used by them.

You have agreed in our terms of service thus rules are applied and each action has been taken based on Rules of Use.
Only the 2 Goddess were that way & I done no harm with them. All the others like the Jock nicks or Jen nicks the guys had a laugh at them & none were offended. So as the God nick was a clone of nobody am I getting it back?
I can personally vouch for the fact that none of Wullie's nicks that are similar to mine have offended me in any way. lol
I got a laugh out of them, if anything.
Thanks Jen & that was my aim, to make you's laugh, to bring some humour to the place. The mods can go throught all the private chat & they will find nothing offensive unless it was to candy.

In light of this can i make a suggestion. 
If a user has other members of his/her family playing fod, please let the moderators know so we can add the information to your notes of moderation, then the other nics wont be affected if one member obtains a dem / ban . 

Speak to a moderator in a lobby or email us     moderator@flyordie.com   

thank you 

Its finding a mod when you need 1 or if the top players are to be believed its finding 1 you can trust. Will a mod please answer me, I want the God nick back as I want to subscribe it when this sub is up.
Sry Wulliebhoy   but the ban on the  nic cannot be lifted.

Sure no worries, so i'm stuck with 1 nick & can't create more while others can?
please can you wait for a few  days before making any more nics  ty. 
Not a problem, thanks for the prompt replies, have a good evening.
Every cloud has a silver lining, and in this case I think it is the the fact that fod showed restraint in not rubbing out the best fun guy on the site. The fact that he uses a lot of nicks just to get a laugh out of his merry band is a well known fact and amuses us all. Thank you fod for allowing him to continue, even in a restricted fashion. Have the next round on me.
We whant God nick back!!! We whant God nick back!!! We whant God nick back!!!
Well Wulliebhoy it looks as though you've been shot down in flames this time. The two mods that replied (Goddess and Geelong6) Explained it in a reasonable manner and seem quite fair about it. Looks as though you will have to cop it sweet and just battle on with the one we all know and love. Better luck in the future mate.
PS for the mods. Thanks for not rubbing him out completely
Jockaroo my number 1 fan thanks again for all the support but you rival me for being funny.
Gotta add my voice in support of Wullie....always a fun guy to play against or watch...never disrespectful to folk.
FOOTNOTE: God giveth and God taketh away HaHaHeHE
Footnote to footnote!!! What GOD giveth, FOD taketh away HoHoHoHo.
Sorry Wullie the devil made me do it. Snigger Snigger.
It's pretty interesting to observe that many players were complaining about some players having multi nicks, and now many players (many of whom were in the first group as well) complain that some nicks of a player who has multi nicks (and used it for unwanted actions) have been removed.
Yes FOD. I was wondering if you would pick me up on that. My main objection was against the multi-nicks who hide behind nicks to cause trouble to other players Which was happening quite regurally when I put in my complaint
"hide behind nicks to cause trouble to other players"

that is exactly what the author of this thread has been doing. You, and some others, might find this amusing, but we have been contacted by some who had been cloned, and did not find it funny at all.

Those who disturb you, and want them removed, might seem amusing to some others.

Now at least you hopefully see, that this multi-nick question is not as simple as black or white.

Thanks for the support Craig & haha Jock. To the latest mod that replied that is a lie, I did not cause trouble, merely tried to humour a guy. One person I might add that I cloned his 2 nicks so please do not make out otherwise. The same guy that was so offended that he challenged me to a 4 ender last night, go check my stats
I repeat once again for the last time: what you might think is a good joke, might be not so funny for others.

Better close this one before it gets worse (for your interest).

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