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Elite Curling Tournament - Draw & Rules
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Elite Curling Tournament - Draw & Rules
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Elite Curling Tournament - Draw & Rules
Hello, too all those participating in the 
Elite 8 FOD Tournament
. This tournament will be a round robin (Everyone plays everyone once) and that will be 7 games per player. The first game you play together counts (Ex. You cannot lose 3 times to the same guy than later go beat him once and tell me that that is your win now). At the end of the round robin the top 6 out of 8 teams will make the playoffs. With two players being eliminated and the top two players getting byes to the semi-finals. If you have any questions make sure you ask me. The 7 game round robin will consist between these 8 players/teams:

Trout - Canada
Simiplex - Spain
Mr. 77 - Canada
Back of Burke - Norway
Nobodysfool - Australia
curlforgreen - Canada
Lionking3 - FYR Macedonia
Gringo monster - England

Rules: Games will be 10 ends (regular NOT skins), with a minimum of 6 ends being played before conceding or shaking hands. You must tell me who won the game and what the final score was (scores will matter for Tiebreakers). You must play with the SAME nick the whole tournament. The order in which you play each one of your 7 round robin games doesn't matter. But the sooner you play the better. Like I said earlier top 6 records make playoffs. Bottom 2 will not, and top 2 get byes to semi-finals. Tiebreakers may be needed. The Goal is too have the round robin done at the latest of 3 weeks time from today, as I know lots of us are busy. Again, any questions just ask. Remember have fun & Good Luck too all and Good Curling! :)
Best players or trying to win friends?    Have they all agreed & have you a back up list for those who refuse?
I've seen a lot of joke forum posts in the past about tournaments, but this one is the worst one.  Why am I not on the list?  
I know you are jealous of my four in a row crown, but show a little respect please.
Trout must have a very big sense of humor, what a joke. Maybe he forget some players? :-)
why only 8 players what kind of tournament is? least it has to include the top 20 players to be a serious master tournament.for the top 20  i would watch official ranking  :) ty.

you are asking for respect for being crown in c4 ?

what respect should be shown to you...... the skill of beating people rated 0 ...... the skill of avoiding good players...... 

i respect your pointbanking skill and lack of trying to better your play 

Please consider these facts and stay quiet on c4 leave it to better players 


This isn't the c4 forum.  I (amongst others who weren't mentioned) am definitely an "elite" player here.  (Just to make it clear for you, I do NOT play zeros here.)
Gringo monster can't play for England. England isn't recognised as a country by FlyOrDie. He/she will need to be listed as from the United Kingdom of Great Britain & Northern Ireland. :)
Banker boasting about his crown when all he does is play 0-100 rated players, oh how impressive..sigh.
The reason why I mentioned my crown in c4 is because that is the reason why Trout didn't add me in this tournament.
Aiglon stop making excuses. I couldn't care less about connect four it's a childs game that has already been mathematically solved. I didn't invite you because you aren't an elite 8. You transport and play easy players, you'd get killed by us 8. It's not personal, I don't like 77 very much but I still think he plays well so he got the invite. Nothing to do with anything but your lack of strategy and shotmaking in curling.
Trout, I have 1 win, 1 loss, and 1 draw vs you with this if I am bad than you are the exact same, ty for your understanding.

please understand nobody actually likes you, or respects your skills in c4 or here it would seem.

I have nothing personally against you other than you are a leech on poor skilled players and are not willing to test your ability against people,

not anger bud just pity towards you

good luck and hope to see you better yourself at some stage 


Picklehead, I'm sure you have bigger, better things to do with your time.  :)
is that the best players now kkkkkkkkkk ridiculous
With High Maintenance being Royalty should she not have been invited?
Aiglon after losing to me 10-2, Lion 15-4 and Mr Bubbles again, I think it is pretty self explanatory why you wouldn't get invited. You play easy style of game, transport and complain about servers yet you still think you're considered "elite" :D c'mon guy how else can I spell it out for you.
Trout...this explains it all:

I don't think you do anything other than this game anyway.
and was 7-10 vs you last game, with Lion it wasn't quit that bad, and with Mr. Bubbles it was a disconnect...all you ever do is exaggerate! :D

A couple extra additions to the draws and rules. Due to work commitments curlforgreen cannot play, he will be replaced with "tommy.gun" - Sweden. So make sure you play Tommy. Another rule is extra ends will take place, no ties will commence.
Trout, you are a fantastic manipulator to excluding people! How about giving some women the chance to be with? or some promising young talents some experience instead of letting these old men and friends play against each other? Maybe you're just a male chauvinist? Look a little on the real tournament results and get some new knowledge, buddy.
Anna you tell him, unfortunately a lot of good players were excluded. You have to be in Trouts good books to get an invite to this. This list was not a true reflection of all the top players, some yes but deliberately left others out.
This forum post was for only the other 7 players in the tournament. All you others obviously have too much time on your hands. The best players playing right now all play in this tourney, many are not my friends. Rating doesn't show who is always best, and many don't realize this. If anyone wants to make their own beginner/novice tournament go ahead invite who you like or invite everyone. Nobody is stopping anyone, so stop being jealous and whining. This an elite tournament but many don't understand that they simply not, even though they may spend hours a day here yearly.
@Aianna.. Hi! Old men? Im only 19yrs old, and i know Burke is 20 or so. Dont know if the rest are ol`farts, but i am not! I hope for more tournaments like this in the future. Thumbs up Trout! 
Hi Trout. Your argument does not hold. FlyOrDies Forum is for all partecipants and not for a little VIP group, lol. Otherwise, you ignore Grand Prix standings, you ignore the rankings, but you're right in that the rankings do not always show who is the best, some players who are in the Middle zone is actual better than many of the top;).
What is missing is a tournament which is based on the whole picture. Some of the players you have selected also play against some lower-ranked, without mentioning names.
The error is probably that 8 players does not cover the extent of the very broad Elite who play here, which probably includes at least 16 players. Where is Gabriela, where is Rymata, where is Benji, just to come up with some suggestions. It is only following your own personal taste you have selected the players, therefore ought name for your tournament to be something like "Trouts friends cup" or the like. I will leave to FlyOrDie system to appoint who represent the elite here.
He did suggest a Trouts friends cup but only he was willing to play. Trout we have this argument on a weekly basis where you accuse us all of having no life & being jealous cos we never got invited. I simply did not want an invite as i'm not good enough but you can mock others that are. You make excuses for excluding, Anna, Gab, Benji, Aiglon, Hog,John, Jen & all the other yellows & above. If they are not your cronies you either mock them or find some fault. You are a very arrogant & manipulative person & its a pity that the Mods never check out your chat log more closely. Having said all that I find you funny cos I know how to handle you but others don't & when you stick the knife in you forget to let go & you tell us to get a life. Wise up mate before you end up with no friends. 
Thanks Tom. Many are enjoying it, but people only look at the negatives :)
Trout its hardly a negative to point out that you simply hand picked 8 people of your choosing, that is fact. Your tourney so your choice but others are entitled an opinion without you ridiculing it. It simply was not the top 8 going by Fods or GP standings. Please accept that point or go check the standings & all the latest tourney winners & runners up etc. By your own admission half of these people you excluded are useless, top 30 or top 50 so by that reckoning Fods tourneys must be crap? 
You guys should make a league (I suggested this already however someone decided to delete my thread for no apparent reason). Form a tournament of your own and invite everyone not just the best players, give the others a chance for once instead of putting them to the side and making them feel unwanted like some people seem to do on here. Some rate themselves so highly compared to others and just pretend they aren't good enough however that's just an excuse they give to avoid admitting others can actually beat them from time to time.

Make a league without picking people only because YOU LIKE them, give Everyone a shot.
no untied states players?? I know we stunk up the Olympics but there are some good players here from USA just saying. 
Tommy-gun; when do you want to play our game? We have 7 days left and I haven't seen you in a while...
its quite simple wullie   wind is elite more than gringo
bonobo is elite as much as tommy gun many other examples trout just hates to admit hes wrong.there are 15 players that could have played not 8 .gringo shows most of all that trout picks the people he plays all the time no way an elite player many beat him all the time...trout grow up and organise a proper tourney.curl for green also loses to many players not in tourney.nobodys fool lion and burke are the only sure elites there.all know trout by now lololololololololololololol
Oh, the first time I went to the forum and found interesting topics to talk!

Trout, I respect your modesty, but you have proved that you are the best player today. This gives you the right to consider himself a true elite player. Your suggestion about the tournament's best players are not new, the players from the top 20 always wanted to hold this tournament (Talent, Cantona-Vinnie Jones, WIND). I think a reasonable proposal, although personally I could not take part in such a tournament because little time. I have small children, I am unable to even practice, but I am taking part in the tournament Grand-Prix. Today it is the only option of competition, and you and I both can play in it, we do quite well. I will be happy to play with you in these tournaments, it is a pity that you rarely have you participate. There is no alternative is the only way to compete in the curling who fights better here and now. Sincerely, Rymata
I do not see what the problem is. Each player can organize a tournament, of course, if his other players to join. Otherwise, what is more criticism, the tournament is more legitimate
why do you have to be a hater wullie,??? let people do there own thing and you concentrate on your game.!!! your forever leaving negative comments on here about people...obviously your the one lacking freinds and with your attitude .it is easy to see why...(N)
Listen you do not know me so don't sit there & judge me ok. I did not start this topic, merely gave my opinion along with several others. For the record I don't hate Trout, we clash at times & have fun at other times. Any other post you might be referring to then kindly quote it & then get your facts right before running your mouth off. Thank you & good day.
Define being a hater please.  Arguing with Trout along with several others doing it too but you single me out?   You refer to forum posts so lets see.  Aiglon saying that someone lent their nick to a higher rated player & I agreed with him as I know it to be fact.    A resign button suggested, I agreed & said Mods should clarify things faster.  Scottish flag debate? Where's your problem there?  Wolfmans latest rant?  Room was full of people & apparently only Trout seen what he claims, not had the opportunity to speak to Trout yet on this 1 so entitled to defend myself against Wolfman, still does not make me a hater, any reply to. Jimmy Mac? No idea who he is, you could be him for all I know but he has taken a dislike to me & has taken to privately making a fool of himself but I tend to leave him to it, he's not really worth the effort. No idea exactly what posts you mean so lets hope you can come back with facts & I'll let you know the meaning behind why I said what I said in response to them, I do like a good debate but without stupidity.
Just for the record (for what its worth), Gabrielamihaela has almost 13,000 (12,967) wins (as of time of this post), no one else has even half that many. If that doesn't rate and invite to an elite tourney what does?? While I do feel that Trout (or anyone else) has the right to invite who ever he wishes to his tourney, how does that tourney rate being called an elite tourney with such an over sight as this?? It kind of does take away from the credibility of the tourney itself. Now I know there are some (many, as a matter of fact) who pad their stats we, all of us know, that she isn't cut from the same cloth as those that do.She plays highly talented players and even lowers herself to play the likes of me too but 13,000 wins can't be over looked. (Just my 2 cents worth)If it's worth even that.   
If anyone wonder who top eight is? Here it is: nobodysfool, Trout, Talent, Lion King, Back of Burke, Vinnie Jones, vanhassan (sad to say) and Mr 77. Overated players: RYMATA, Xayal, Aiglon, Luiz and so on..
Overrated?? You might want to improve your own game before saying false statements, bud. :)
I have asked you many times who is the best player, and every time you said me :p 
Aiglon has mentioned to me numerous times he thinks you're the best cash :)
Just for the record Trout has been asked & knows nothing about it either so considering the room was apparently full of people nobody seen a thing. I do wind people up but i'll always put my hands up to what I do & won't have lies told. I am not a trouble maker, I just have a sense of humour......this is one of your posts wullie !!! point proven i you wind people up.!!!! just leave people alone and also i advise you stop  making false accusations against people..,,, will get you most likly a bann...flyordie keep chat logs for a least a year,, and i am not going to play message tennis with you,in this forum,, everytime i see you i will mute you simple
I know Trout! @bendercurl: You been a member since 25 Jan. You sure know much only being here for 4 days. Or are you hiding behind nickname #83?
"cashprovider" if one of your nicks is "Back of Burke", than yes, you are the best. :p
Ah that clown bendercurl is Trout, explains a lot.
Cash calls you overrated :D You say he is the best :D That's how it should be
What does it mean to be the best? It means you have to be better than the number two guy. But what gratification is there in that? He's a loser—that’s why he's number two.
Number 2 player on Fod decided to complain & get my post taken down, my post basically said what Cashprovider said & number 2 player agreed with him, number 2 player then comes in & laughs once he knows that a Mod has had words with me. Nice Mod I may add but again number 2 player gets away with it.
I agree ,where can i find who is this number 2 LOL
Dear participants:

We must delay the start of the tournament for a little, until we get clarification on how many will participate in order to make a tournament formula. However, some rules here, applicable regardless final formula:

A) All matches are 6 ends. If its a draw after 6 ends, we play extra end. Both players go out and in again to play the extra end, until hammer is with the player who lost end nr. 6.

B) If 2 or more players get same placement, the mutual match/matches will determine the final placement in the eliminatory group/round robin.

C) the goal is that each player play at least 3 matches a week, so the tourney will totally take 2-3 weeks. Players who delay the progress of the competition on a large scale, may be excluded from the tournament. All the played games will be reset. Played games by players who resign from the tourney will also be reset.
SORRY!!! I wrote my reply in this topic, wrong topic :-D
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