Fresh Update
lionking vs Trout 12-2
Trout vs Lionking 1-17
Trout vs Lionking 9-11 (lion lost connection 7th end)
Lionking vs Trout 13-1
Lionking vs Trout 19-0 (famous Trout shame run)
Trout vs lionking 4-7
Lionking vs Trout 16-3
Played now 44
Won by lion easy 43 (1 time lost connection)
Lion why still play easy Trout even Aiglon beats him all the time,here info to proof
Ranking on 25-12-2014
Lionking 5-0
Simiplex 4-1
Back of Burke4-1
Curlforgreen 3-2
Nobodysfool 3-2
Mr.77 3-2
Gringo Monster 3-2
Last trout 0-5
Half finals?final Draw
Lionking vs Nobodysfool
Simiplex vs Back of Burke