Hello SKY-22, I pointed out to the moderators that only the two of us point out players making bank. I sent a list of all the players you marked. The chief of these is the famous nickname Sandy, user 27837797. I wrote down on a sheet over 80 nick of this player. This has already been banned three times and always comes back into play. I suggested to the moderators to apply permanent icon to all players who are banned. They are crooks and will never change. They will change the technique to cheat, but always cheat. Currently in second place is the player user 21456634, he giò banned for the bank. He has 761 points, and is next to the first. Think you've got these points by playing regularly? I do not think, he has changed tactics, trying to play for two / three times with the same player, not to give suspects. The same goes for the player in first place, the user 15675022. He is the smartest of all, I follow him for some time and I noticed that never plays two games with the same opponent. Its points are the result of the bank with its multiple nicknames. Of course, since I am not a subscriber are not taken into account, also because all these players spend money on subscription. I accept who I played with the program, the icon should be immediately opposite the first point gained, not by 350. I do not accept those who bank. No program can compete with those who make bank