what has happened..........
Why is FOD so dead nowadays?
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The powers that be don't listen to paying customers concerns, qualms and queries enough. People are sick of being ignored. Can never find a moderator for love nor money. That's just 3 reasons off the top of my head why the site has gone downhill and I'm sure there are many more.
Hi, The Moderation don't manage subscriptions;. And it isn't here for to please or for to like, nor to make friends and allowing him to remain impartial. Regards.
dishonest players, without respect, greater number of moderators........
Shield my friend it's me again. You may be right in your defence of Mods to a certain extent but the guy has a valid point. You are newish here but I strongly suggest that you go onto the curling forum, bottom of page 1, page 2,3,4 etc etc then have the nerve to tell us that the Mods don't ignore posts, questions, suggestions. Infact all topics. The only time recently that Mods have answered is because of the server issues & even that was because a complaint went in to a higher authority than them. I know that you mean well but do not insult our intelligence, I have been here for 7 years & seen full rooms & friendly Mods & know when a site is in decline when I see it. Regards Wullie
I think that users have a right to complain, yes, because they pay money to be part of a community where you have to have at least attention, respect, this direction to serve not to be servida.Recrutar moderators who want to work not to They want aparecer.Obrigado sorry my english.
Probably 1 of the reason is due to Google Chrome Browser is no longer supports NPAPI that affects numerous players of FOD and a lot of players are not willing to switch into another browser. But still we received hundreds of reports everyday via email so I don't think it is dead unless there were no players in each game, especially in Chess where there are tons of loyal subscribers and non subs players that are playing everyday.
Hi Goddess, you are 1 of the better Mods & I get along with you ok. You are right to an extent that people will not switch & that accounts for some of the numbers but in Curling I have seen 120 in room 1 & room 2 about full too. The attitude of some Mods & the failure of them to communicate too has been a factor whether you agree with that or not. I know for a fact that in the Curling forum that people have pleaded with Mods for action or a response & been ignored. The numbers are down on what they used to be & if FoD want people back then its in their hands to do something about it. I refuse to resub until all the glitches in Curling are fixed & I have subs telling me that they are on the verge of quitting the site for good. Shield has stated that Mods are not here to win a popularity contest & that's fine but they need to be human & treat people with respect. I exclude you from criticism as I've never had a problem with you. Regards Wullie
Wullie, I respect your opinion, but please understand that Moderators have a very limited expertise. Most of the questions were related to Server and Technical issues which Moderator has nothing to do with. Rest assured that it has been read and considered. If it's not answered, there might probably have no concrete explanation or no enough information that will be given.
Dead? What r u talkin about? Chess has more than 3000 players. I think it has never had many users like this before