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FlyOrDie Games & website
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FlyOrDie Games & website
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FlyOrDie Games & website
Hi dear all,

I know that you all are bored inside FlyOrDie website recently.

No more users, no more updates and no more players in the tournaments.

What do you guys need to make FlyOrDie great again ?

Would you like a new tournament ranking system independant of the Overall rating?

More tournaments with interesting prizes?

More tools and options in the games so that you can enjoy it more?

FlyOrDie App on Google Store & AppStore for board games players?

Get back PC Game to billiards games?

More Users wordwide and new selected moderators?

New games ideas and more contact between administration and users for help?

New look of the website?

If this was up to me , i would make FlyOrDie great again by improving my ideas, but i hope this can be heard to work together and progress.

Waiting all your suggestions/reply to this topic 


Hey, nice to see at least someone trying to change something...

Of course the website need a huge update.
I think an App is needed (probably only for board games)
VIP status is the only thing you can win with tournament since yrs, need a change ! And also new tournaments like 2vs2 etc..
Same about PC game, its really boring to have to connect on a navigator..
I stopped playing this game but came back when I found out could play billiards games on my iPad rather then having to go on my laptop to play it which was a great move since a lot of people like myself use tablets nowadays.

Think FlyOrDie is missing a trick by not having an app on the Google/App Store, sure people search for snooker/pool games to download.

Needs to be a variety of tournaments, I only play Snooker ones but instead of having every one points based, include some knock-out format ones and maybe tie it in with the snooker season's ranking events, have them on the same week? Also I think having tournament matches not having an effect on your overall rating would be a good idea.

FlyOrDie website has looked the same for years, could do with modernising. I could be wrong but don't really see any updates from the admin, have they lost interest? 

Hey Translator,

we could boost the game of Four in a Row a lot just by adding new board sizes. So many people have been suggesting this for years. The 7x6 Board is so worn out, the first player is always the winner. I know so many people who would subscribe for having that feature. It would solve the problem with programmers as well because programs do only exist for the standard 7x6 board. 

My suggestions (columns x rows): 

7x7 (very fair size, no player has an advantage, which is great for tournaments)
8x8 (most popular board after 7x6)
8x7 (different row system)

You should also add a time setting feature like you did in Gomoku. 1 min, 2 min, 3 min and 5 min would be cool.

I hope this gives you an idea about what we need to really bring back and gain new players. 
And thanks for trying to make FlyOrDie great again.

More tournaments for non subscribers, get rid of half the  dif language rooms.nobody uses them anyway.Or mayb even bring back the old dowloaded version of 3d billiards 
Hello Aladin.

Some Updates will be great if it happens, and of course will catch more players, old players and new.

In my opinion, it should have happened much earlier.

To be quite direct, this site is good but could be so much better. Many things can improve it overall, not just updated games but even new games. New subscriber features, fairer tournaments, updated forums, the list could go on.

My personal opinion is that the site itself needs to aim towards a better goal for a more fluid gaming environment. Instead of treating this like a simple gaming site, why not turn this place into a gaming hub.

Merge all games with better features, better account organisation & personalization. Make it a community worth being a part of.

By "merge" I mean get rid of the browser oriented style & make a universal download in which you can open up from your desktop and access all games from it. Get rid of the "buddies" feature which barely works and incorporate a friends list, able to add other users on the site & remove/block at will.

Add a new chat system that allows you to converse with friends in different games. For example let's say I add a few people to my accounts friends list, I could be in 8-ball while they are playing Chess & we could be in a group chat conversing.

Adapt to the player information, make it so we can see our stats from all games via icons, make an online/offline visibility icon, even displaying the game they are currently in. Make it so we can change our privacy settings to adjust it to our liking.

Overall, make the site an actual gaming platform with it's own community. I would much prefer to log onto FOD with friends added here, to speak here & play with them here rather than have to go out of the site to other social media platforms just to keep in contact with them or to organise things. It would also help moderation & improve the player count dramatically.

I have many more great ideas aimed towards tournaments, new games, updated forums, new sub features and game features but too much to list here.

Thanks for the time.
Hello everyone!!

Personally, I find it better to invest in new games or improved games than in the "design" site.

FlyOrDie is a very good site but pity that it does not develop all these games. As with gomoku, there are several sizes of games. Why not do the same with other games? Like putting the size 10x10, 9x9, 8x8, 7x8, 7x7 for the game "four in a row"? That would bring back a lot of player. The "Pop-Out" was a good idea. Although the game is restricted.

It would also be nice to add other games, such as card games, such as "poker", "country", "8 American" ...

More tournaments (for all players), and that players can create! Because there are very few tournaments in the month, and in addition they are on a specific date. And make tournaments with revenge.

Have the choice of the time of the parties.

It can also have improvements, for the emoticon, for a dialog, to be able to communicate more easily with the list of friends ...

Note: sorry for my english!

Bonjour à tous!!

Personnellement, je trouve qu'il vaut mieux investir dans de nouveaux jeux ou l'amélioration des jeux que dans le "design" du site.

FlyOrDie est un très bon site mais dommage qu'il ne développe pas tout ces jeux. Comme au gomoku, il y a plusieurs tailles de jeux. Pourquoi ne pas faire de même avec les autres jeux? comme mettre les taille 10x10, 9x9, 8x8, 7x8, 7x7 pour le jeu "four in a row"? Cela ferait revenir beaucoup de joueur. Le "Pop-Out " a été une bonne idée. Malgré que le jeu soit restreint. 

Ce serait bien aussi d'ajouter d'autre jeux, comme des jeux de cartes, tels que "poker", "contrée", "8 américain"... 

Plus de tournois (pour tous les joueurs), et que les joueurs peuvent créer! Car il y a très peu de tournois dans le mois, et en plus ils sont a une date précise. Et faire des tournois avec la revanche. 

Avoir le choix du temps des parties.

Il peut aussi avoir des amélioration, pour les émoticône, pour une boite de dialogue, pour pouvoir communiquer plus facilement avec la liste d'amis...

Je répond en français je suis naz en anglais 

Création de jeu en équipe 2 vs 2 comme je voit lapoueze le dire est une bonne idée,  également création de jeu comme poker,  belote et autres jeux de cartes serait pas mal :P 

Avoir un bouton d'option pour mute les jeux de billard comme aux jeux de tables , avoir l'option de match sans rating également au billard au lieu de se diriger en salle sans rating 
Et avoir plus de modérateurs en salle ayant l'option de vous mettre un reset à la demande du joueur. .



It is a very interesting subject, and even very important ....
I play on this flyordie since 2009 I was very young ...

And it does me a lot of trouble to see flyordie die away ...

There are many problems that make it become so ...

It is absolutely necessary to advertise for flyordie ... because there is a lack of new player and it is obvious ...

for example,

2009/2010 = 120 player in the room 1 French chess failure and 120 in the room 2 also.

2013/2015 = 70 player in the room 1 French failure and 0 in the room 2

2016/2017 = 30 player in the room 1 French at night, 7/10 player on the day ...

You have to advertise flyordy! ....

And add a more modern disign to flyordie, flyordie is very convivial but lack of modernity ...

You have to give a new twist to flyordie, and especially in advertising, add games too, like poker for example if you can, I do not know your possibility but if you want I think you can do some A very productive and beneficent thing.

Take in concideration what I say if you please, I like flyordie I do not want to see it disappear.

PS: sorry for my bad English
My suggestions,

Improve the rack, the balls should be opening much more for some reason there is a gap between each ball in the rack when they should be touching. leads to lots of tapping and drawn out games.

Penalty for those caught cheating to be removed from top list, more moderators needed.

Option to change shotclock if both agree. eg from 60to 25secs

Carom Billiards game would be good.

option to [no move] in 8 and 9 ball if both agree
How about you provide the HTML5 update for tanx that was promised 3 years ago. Now tanx is dead because you guys never delivered the update you promised and poor Tornado is playing all on his own and winning every single tournament because real players have no reason to play anymore.

Bring the PC game back for both tanx and billiards is the only other positive. Make the forum theme/template different..it's been the same since i can remember...it takes like an hour to make a nice theme in photoshop..
Hello. Obviously moderators need to be sorted.
Some of them definately need to retire.
Fresh and motivated moderators would make more sense. 
As second to get pool more famous again create special things as 2vs2 - something we want since years.
Maybe some new prizes for tournaments or include some real money games.

I can only give my opinion on snooker because that the only game I play on fod. Hate to see it dying on fod.
I think graphics and gameplay are good. The option of 30s shot clock would be great as well as 10 reds snooker (not talking about power snooker). 2 VS 2 is another great idea or a team championship.
I (prob not only one) play all my shots on full zoom out mode. I would be nice to have a full zoom out option rather than clicking 4 5 times on every shot(Waste of time). 
Hope you consider these ideas.
 Some good ideas Firstslowdown,uhhm,regarding zoom out option,don't you use a mouse with finger roller control@ roll forward = zoom in...roll backwards= zoom out,no need to click any buttons.
No I have always played on laptop. Its get annoying when i have to zoom out on everyshot.
nice to see them listening to their customers...
Are you being ironic? They don't listen as much as you think. They haven't responded to any of my queries.
Can join any tournament even i am not a subscriber.
Definitely big up for CAUTION, ÐËÃMØÑ-Aynur-13 and Shaun Murphy no1 suggestion. I think they make a lot of sense.
Hi!The battle for the grand prix between the few players has caused the most damage on the site for years!Maybe we should pay more attention to them!We are talking about 7-8 players who appear in all tournaments but are otherwise inactive players!The cumulative annual grand prix points have grown from a normal 1000 gp to 4300 gp.As long as these players are free to cheat without consequences it is not worth going to a tournament!And updates are needed in some games.I believe that the work of the moderators should also be checked!!!A lot of mistakes and judgment!And new moderators are needed who are motivated!need a blood refresh.This is my opinion! cud
Hi.Poker game flawless idea!I miss you a lot on fod. cud
- Make Personal chat possible which is in form of inbox which can be viewed in a later time.So when 2 players are conversing and suddenly one has to go they can continue the conversation later as it wont be gone.

-There should be an actual friend list which can be viewed so as to view your friends id name which can be used to easily identify their nick and converse with them.

-Creating an app in appstore or google play wd be a great idea.

-I personally dont think gp need to be cancelled cuz many tournaments have players who are jus there for gp and lets face it,those tournaments will be dead if they too dont play. However give more attractive rewards for more players to go for the win and make a different system where there is less of an advantage for select few players.

-You should record the info of players with crown like how much months or days were they as crown of the game and make a top 10 list for that. 

-Option for name change for players.

-Administrators should listen to the players. Make a survey ingame when you open any game where we can answer about our gaming experience and stuff and allow players to give additional feedback and suggestions.

These are just the basic things and im sure there are more basic things to be added.

For updates for specific games listen to the suggestions given by other players in this forum. All the players giving suggestions are from those particular games and whatever their input is will be valuble im sure.

Thank you.

We need game changing updates not socialising updates.
Zarlar adil dgil bu sebepten çok kişı şikayeçi ve oyndan soğuyor ayrıca cok puanla az pua rasindaki galibiyet ve mağlubiyetlerde puan alışverişı çok fazla mümkünse aynı olmali
Tavla oyununda zarlar adil degil bu durum bizde isyeksizlik yaratıyor ayrıca oyunu katlama talebinde red etme hakkımız olmalı
Definitely a 7x7 (or more) in connect4 game settings. Tournaments shouldn’t be 7x6 if they give us 7x7 or 8x8.

Also should be in the App Store and Google Play, because everyone wants more players.

Make Tanx and Darts accessible in all browsers, and accessible in mobile if possible.
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