How can the opponent leave before the last end of a game and still win? Especially when only up by 3 points?
Opponent leaves in last end up by 3
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Opponent leaves in last end up by 3
How can the opponent leave before the last end of a game and still win? Especially when only up by 3 points?
This is because by leaving, the player only concedes 2 points. This is very unsportsmanlike but unfortunately cannot be prevented. I think this feature was added to the game in case someone is winning by a lot and loses connection. The best thing you can do is not play people like this again
Because the penalty for leaving is only 2, so opponent can leave and still win by 1. This is a known issue with the game.
what about some one challenges you and then decide to waste time, kingofthering has done this to me 3 times, but cant block him permanently