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A quick reminder regarding the rules
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A quick reminder regarding the rules
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A quick reminder regarding the rules
Just a quick reminder: here is a part quoted from the official FOD-Rules:
Only one account

Members may only have ONE FlyOrDie.com account, unless explicitly allowed to have more. Members who create more than one account may have all accounts closed.

No cheating

Any form of unsportsmanlike behavior will not be tolerated, FlyOrDie reserves the right to reset points to zero and/or ban your nickname for this offense. It includes artificially adjusting your rating, encouraging your opponent to leave the match, intentionally losing, accepting your opponent's behavior who is intentionally losing, using other's account, using more than one nicknames, hiding program use.
End of quote.

So what is the reason for those rules not being applied and followed in the community? Lazyness of the responsible people to take action or simply allowing paying members to do what they want?

Just think about it - for all of us who stick by the rules.

90% of the top-tier snooker players use aim assistance! How long are we going to keep pretending that such a thing does not exist when it's obvious:


Who plays like that? Switching repeatedly between aim, fine aim, shoot, and spin multiple times quickly, making small adjustments in the process, before taking the shot, and somehow potting with 99% success? Any normal player, would line up the shot first, add the desired spin, and maybe readjust after the spin is applied... no normal human (unless one using aim assistance), will aim the shot, apply spin, then readjust the aim, then go back to readjust the spin and go back and readjust something else... all while also switching between the other options for no obvious reasons, and doing it lightning fast, without taking a good look at the object ball in relation to the pocket, and it's position on the table.

FOD is an f'n joke at this point!
Hi, that's me in the video. I don't use any aim assistance I use my keyboard to control alot of things ie spin, fine aim that's why you see alot of stuff going on and as for the speed I'm just super fast:)
My eyes are blooding reading it ! OMG. So now we cant fix our shots before each shot and we cant pot hard balls easily or then play fast ? Lol Still THERE ARE good players who make u think thats some program but it is just a talent!
@Marshmello, listen, if you don't understand what i criticize in the video, please, don't spill your nonsense here, would you?

I didn't say you're not allowed to aim your shots, or to play fast... as long as you play natural. The video above doesn't show natural play. There's a clear aim assistance there that is not caught by the video recording program.

If you're a good player, you would not make so much small adjustments like you're suffering from neurosis or something... if you're good, you will know exactly how to play the shots. A real player will apply his aim, add spin and maybe, but not always, make a small readjustment to the aim after the spin is added. Doing multiple readjustments of the spin and the aim (repeatedly) before every shot, and doing it so fast, suggests unnatural play, maybe with an aim assistance, for the following reasons:

The player aims the shot, the aim assist line points to the pocket. He adds spin, the line changes and goes out of the pocket, he readjusts the aim again, but now he's not happy with the cue ball trajectory, so he readjusts spin again for positioning and then once again, has to readjust the aim, so he doesn't miss the pot. 

^A normal player can do this things too, because sometimes he might change his mind about how he wants to play a ball in the middle of applying aim and spin, but when a player does these non-stop repeated readjustments, and on top of that, does them fast and somehow pots 99% of his balls, even the trickiest ones... well,  then there's clearly  something wrong there. 

And you might say - Well, how do these players miss shots then? Why don't they do century breaks in every game? 

They have to be really stupid to expose themselves like that, are they? Of course they're not going to make it obvious. Also, you know very well that aiming assistance (at least the one in practice) is not always 100% accurate - it also depends on the power of the shot, the difficulty of the shot, and the amount of spin applied... so shots are missable even with aim assistance, but still that doesn't change the fact that 99% of them will go in.

The sign of such cheating are especially obvious in snooker on the large table, where even the smallest inaccuracy in the aiming and the spin can result in a missed shot. Yet there are players, who doesn't even take the time to look at the ball's position relative to the pocket, then do all that unnatural aiming and fixing mentioned above, and yet, almost never miss a shot. What are they? What do we have here, a bunch of O'Sullivans and Trumps? I don't think so!

And please don't bring the word "talent" in an online computer game... If you're an actual talent, you'd be competing professionally, in the real sport, you wouldn't be hanging out here in flyordie, trying to defend cheaters. 
Hi guys!

Since there are some rumors and false statements going around here, I would like to clarify a few things.

Some of the players here have been playing for several years ... (10 sometimes 20 years). As with any game, over time you get more experienced and you get faster at what you do. 
 of this is evidence of any kind of manipulation.

The statement made here that 90% of all good snooker players manipulate is definitely wrong.

We constantly monitor the game behavior and 
 exclude any behavior against the rules.

People from the video link may already have been excluded.

Have fun, everyone!


FlyOrDie Moderator Team
Billiardtron...make sure your facts are correct before you go making an accusation like this...many players have been here nearly 20 years , they are going to be good!

Mr Vanian is clearly not using an aim assistance here...
Player_No1, oh yeah? And how many programmers have you personally banned from the games in your time as a moderator... without counting that obvious one up there with a nickname "Program", who completely exposes himself? Like real cheaters who play smart and hide themselves well. 

First of all, you can't really monitor anything properly, because everyone knows you're a moderator, and your nickname is visible when you spectate a game. So everyone who's cheating and doesn't want to get caught can very easily adjust his game style, when they see you, or other moderators in the room watching.

Second of all, just spectating a game is not enough to really notice the foul play of a cheater, if they know how to hide themselves well. You need a first person point of view, like the video i posted to see the oddities, and you need to observe the player for many games, not a few to reach a conclusion.
I already explained why the gameplay i shared looks unnatural, i gave you my reasons... Can you give me a logical explanation to why my statement is wrong? Something better than "well, there are players who play here for 20 years".

I know there are old players here, but that's not the point. I've seen how a good player plays... A good player simply doesn't act and plays like the video above. A good player doesn't make 10 readjustments every single shot, even on the easy ones, like he's seeing something (lines) that we don't see in the video. A good player evaluates his position on the table, and knows how he wants to play the shot without the need of multiple tweaks.

And then let's add this to the topic... this website has been accused of bias for years, there are corrupt moderators here, who punish players who did nothing wrong out of sheer spite, while protecting others and their buddies who are breaking the rules constantly. I'm not making this stuff up, look what's been written about FoD in other forums and sites. Some of this stuff i've been personally a witness of. Other things, i can't say if they're true or false, but i certainly have my suspicions.

One thing i can tell for sure is, that there's not enough proper, unbiased moderation in the game rooms. How come the game is nearly dead (snooker and 8-ball are nearly, the other pool games are already dead and buried) barely able to fill one room, yet every single day we see newly registered players who reach 800 rating withing 1-2 days? Do the moderators take action about it? No! You just sit there and watch the rules being broken if front your eyes and do nothing. Are you going to tell me that all these new players (cheaters) have a personal permission from the moderation team to register new and multiple nicknames, whenever they feel like it? 

So for you to tell the people, that the mods are doing a great job in monitoring the game, and expect people to take your word for it, and discount me and other people who complain about the state of FoD... it's just ain't gonna happen. You gotta do better than that.

@bilharatron im laughing here man lol lol lol.. So are u 100% sure Scotty is using aim cheat ? Hahahahaa
Thank you all for your replies. But woth this topic I did not intend to create that kind of discussion, it is more a general question to why FOD does not take action when players do infringe the rules.

As you, Player No.1, did already reply once here, I would like to pose the question directly to you as you can speak on behalf of FOD: if it says that only one account per person is allowed, why nothing happens to those who have more than one? If this rule is not a rule, then you should take it away from the official FOD-Rules at this point… And could you specify what that exception is, that some players might receive allowence to have more than one account? What are the conditions that someone can benefit from receiving that special treatment?

In my opinion this rule should be followed a lot stricter, since a big amount of multiple account-holders makes people loose their individuality. And honestly I loose track of who is who. When i come back after a longer break of gaming i see lots of new accounts, which I am sure are players that I should know - but honestly I am too lazy to update myself on who is who or trying to speculate.

An other point is, that it falsifies the statistics, since a single player can gather more points in total with all his multiple accounts and play another high rated player with all his accounts. This causes an increase of the average points per player and a higher number of total rating points being distributed among all players. This is one of the two reasons why we are having so many people (I shall say accounts) rated  600/700+ (the other reason is of course the new rating deduction system).

Having multiple nicks leads people as well to be tempted to exchange points between other players with multiple accounts. I let you win in 8 ball with my „second“account but you let me win in snooker with my „main“ account, for example. And if you play the matches regularly, no one will figure out that the win was „given“.

An other advantage of having more than one account is that many players use one to get crowns and another to play in tournaments where they win their subscriptions and by doing so, they do not risk to lose points for losing in a bo1 match.

I think you all get my points. So I suggest (since FOD isn’t ftaking action) that everyone should choose their main account and close the others, to make FOD more equal and as well more personal :)

Thank you for your time.

You told about playing in tournaments and using second account to that. In my opinion it's nothing wrong with it, because if you enter the tourney with your highest rating, and there is many people with ratings around 100/200, who plays like 700+, then it's not possible to keep your rating (with BO1 on tourneys). 
For EXAMPLE: you can win the tourney with 12 wins and 3 looses, for every win you get like 1 or 2 points, because people there can be red/yellow ratings, but for loose with such rating, you get -32. Reffering to that, it also could be not fair to get the first place on the tourney and same time loose around 50 rating points. With that I am not even surprised that people don't want to play tourneys with account, which has crown rating on any game. 
« Just a quick reminder: here is a part quoted from the official FOD-Rules:
Only one account » 

Sorry I laugh.
We are in 2021, moderators using 3-4-.... accounts too. 

You are just focus on your points rating everyday that’s why you stay on your account for play low rating. 

I am not interested in what you think ant. You talk a lot, without saying anything. „We are in 2021…. Bla bla“ - what is this even supposed to mean referring to written rules that are infringed…? That in 2021 rules doesn‘t matter..or what? Such a nonsense, everytime you type something on your keyboard. A child‘s mentality. And you add a direct offense to me again.  For no reason.
I play 3-5 games a week maybe, because I am busy and I do not enjoy a lot the vibe that is going around in FOD lately (and people like you are the raeson). So i will explain one last time (as you seem to be so interested in me) since my sight is bad and i prefere to win than to lose, I choose playing with people I think I might have better chances to win. Nothing is wrong with that. Not like you, there is a lot wrong with you. But this topic is not about anyone, it is for the general greater good. 

If all had only one account, it would be equal again. So if you want to get a free sub, then you need to take the risk of participating and possibly lose points - as a prize on the other side you win something that is worth real money. But people want everything, the high rating and the tourneys. All the players you mentioned have multiple nicks and since they ate very good, they get high ratings with all of them in no time. Still everyone of them has their „main“ or „favorite“account and their „second“ and so on.

I am really interested in hearing a statement by a FOD-responsible regarding this topic (rules infringed with no punishment and all other posed questions above). 

I know it is easier to go with the swarm, and changing something requires courage - but the only way of doing something right, is doing it the right way. The just way. The equal way. 

Cheers I am not interested in what you think ant. You talk a lot, without saying anything. „We are in 2021…. Bla bla“ - what is this even supposed to mean referring to written rules that are infringed…? That in 2021 rules doesn‘t matter..or what? Such a nonsense, everytime you type something on your keyboard. A child‘s mentality. And you add a direct offense to me again.  For no reason.
I play 3-5 games a week maybe, because I am busy and I do not enjoy a lot the vibe that is going around in FOD lately (and people like you are the raeson). So i will explain one last time (as you seem to be so interested in me) since my sight is bad and i prefere to win than to lose, I choose playing with people I think I might have better chances to win. Nothing is wrong with that. Not like you, there is a lot wrong with you. But this topic is not about anyone, it is for the general greater good. 

If all had only one account, it would be equal again. So if you want to get a free sub, then you need to take the risk of participating and possibly lose points - as a prize on the other side you win something that is worth real money. But people want everything, the high rating and the tourneys. All the players you mentioned have multiple nicks and since they ate very good, they get high ratings with all of them in no time. Still everyone of them has their „main“ or „favorite“account and their „second“ and so on.

I am really interested in hearing a statement by a FOD-responsible regarding this topic (rules infringed with no punishment and all other posed questions above). 

I know it is easier to go with the swarm, and changing something requires courage - but the only way of doing something right, is doing it the right way. The just way. The equal way. 

Lol. Who is crying? I am only discussing a serious topic and bringing up my point of view on an issue i find interesting to talk about. Your comments bring nothing to noone, so i ask u to not comment here anymore, unless you have something constructive to say regarding the topic. You are the biggest hypocrite. You are probably the one that is more into this game than anyone else on this site. But you are one of the best at pointing your finger to others.
Just stop it and mind your own business, you should have enough to do with your 10 accounts. I am here to discuss with people with an open mind and hopefully get some constructiveand smart feedbacks.

Australian Player by the name of Macko (sometimes had Mark nicknames) use to sit on skype and screen share himself playing against others on 8ball & 9ball with a Path program. He always played with two guys called Callum & Mike. No clue if this guy or them are still around as I blocked and deleted him a very long time ago. He had his own client that somehow connected to ROOM 1 on here. He was also able to disconnect people. This was back in like 2013. Mate of mine who I played TANX with who played a lot of 8ball invited me to some random group chat on skype that this guy happened to be in, that's how I met him. I ended up leaving it and blocking them all. But yeah, this guy use to sit there streaming himself playing with path on fresh accounts under a VPN. He was always ban evading.

Before that I had doubts of a program even existing but I guess it's possible others have one these days, honestly no way of knowing unless one of them exposes themselves I guess lol.

In the end whoever is cheating is absolutely pathetic.
hello u sound like jeff. marko is the best jeff must not make lies about our australian friend and yes he still comes on every now and then. love u to matey
Serious topic lol ! Make me laugh ! 

You talking about points everyday, you just need a break of flyordie. When you don’t have fun you need to stop some months / years. 
I repeat we are in 2021 (close to 2022)  if someone have fun to use a program for pot balls it’s him problem (don’t play him anymore)
If someone have 10-15 or 30 accounts it’s him problem too. Just play your game.  And have fun, if you don’t have fun quit the game ;-) 
Sorry Ant, I can‘t deal with your stupidity. It‘s like talking to a piece of bread. For the last time, we are not talking about opinions, we are talking about official rules, which people do not follow. If you commit a rule (law) infringement in real life, you can not say: „it‘s someone‘s problem if he speeds with his car, let him be.“ sure, this is not real life, but my question is: what are rules here for if they don‘t get applied? Let’s delete them then…
You still have something against me for those days where i did beat you few times. This is the ridiculos part here. All the times you have your mental breakdowns in lobby and give all your points away because you lost a game are sign enough for the amount of problems you have. Now go and find yourself another topic to spread your words of wisdom you hypocrite.

Asking myself why FOD does not respond to my questions (as they surely do read this). I would appreciate aswell a private reply. Maybe they do not have an answer themselves - and they surely have their good reasons for it :)

Another form of cheating. Nice.

Everyone does what he wants without having to fear any consequences since FOD does not punish rule-infringements. I think that sums up this site.

I did recently one account and almost inmediately was eliminated, I wanted to have two accounts, one for regular play and the other for tournaments, but as I said the account was eliminated instantly, I know of players who have up to 5 or 6 active accounts and nothing happens, there are even others who create accounts practically weekly are not punished, and a player with more than 10 years of playing comes and is instantly punished, it is more than evident that the rules are in place but only apply to some, and there is no type of control over this issue unfortunately.
Thank you elmorado for your reply. This is why I am trying to raise awareness regarding this topic. To make this site more fair and equal for all of us.

But I would not be surprised if they delete this posts very soon. I mean… where or how do I have to pose my questions to FOD responsibles to get answers?

Unfortunately this is the only channel enabled, I understood how things work in this community for quite some time, could it improve? of course; things will get better? I doubt it very much, the only reason I continue is because I really like the game as such, but not the community so toxic, which sometimes even forces you to be toxic as well, since the feeling of helplessness is generalized , due to the great inequality that unfortunately prevails.
hi,I think you all are talking too much play and have fun fgs this is only game
elmorado, it's nice to hear you talking about being toxic, moment ago we played 9ball and you came to my next game and said "muted noob", just because you lost a game. I did not say any word to you earlier, so don't even try to say that I insulted you or anything like that. Little bit hypocrisy, don't u think? :)
Hi Gruezi we run to 1000 now or you understand ?
You apparently got Nothing to do in life. As I already said: a piece of bread has an higher IQ than you have - that‘s why it makes no sense to talk to you :) my sweet little cheater (k)

Now try to forget me and do not put too much effort in prooving something to me. No one cares. My last advice to you is: find purpose in life, maybe a girlfriend, a real hobby or go and travel the world and most important reduce your energy invested in here. You will thank me one day.

Your idol - grüezi

Thanks Sweetheart for those beautiful words. I’m glad ! 
I will say thank to you because flyordie without some players like you can be boring. 
Then, Thanks you ! 

I’m glad I am your idol. 
This first place on 4 days make me very happy because it’s 2 years for you I hope you SEEN my beautiful performance. 

My gf wanna say something I pass the phone to her : 

Well it’s enough. Thanks for made me laugh a lot we can see how you are angry after some loses. 

Relax you will take ur first place again I don’t have time everyday for play my life on a « all billiards toplist » 

Anthony your idol. 
>hi,I think you all are talking too much play and have fun fgs this is only game

Hi bread

I am not so sure that you are able to understand everything. Looks like you are even to dumb to be insulted. Maybe it is only your lack of knowledge in the english language.

Anyway, I play my 5-10 matches per week, not my fault my rating got higher everywhere with the time passing. I don‘t care and most people know. I am not the one that writes down a list of players maximum ratings in his computer and has his own personal statistics - i think that guy is you. I imagine this is the case when you got nothing else to do.

Let‘s remember that my topic was about clearifying why cheating is such a commom thing here - it was never about ratings and toplists.

Now leave me alone. You go your way and I go mine. We will never share the same opinion.

Anthony stop replying you are just embarrassing yourself.
I remember the old days of FOD when you first play Anthony, you are an average player, a very little fish in a big pond.

You are at the top now because you play so much year after year and most of the top players do not play anymore. It is not natural talent that got you there just total dedication to your chosen craft in life which in your case is online billiards. Most people who spend so much time on one thing become very good at it. Research the 10,000 hour studies and you will see.

My problem is you feel the need to insult everyone who is not as good as you or whenever you lose to somebody it is always because they are lucky or slow. These people have other things in there life so aren't able to practice as much as you, an idea you cant seem to grasp.

You are mocking a person with impaired vision that plays 1/100 of the games you do for not being as good as you. Its amazing you are not banned.

You have people that will set up tables to play by yourself all day in snooker but when somebody else makes a break vs you, you normally quit before they finish.

You are a sad case.
Anthony. Why do you have multiple nicks then? What's the purpose? I saw you play. And yes sometimes I think you is a program. Impossible balls you pot. I am member from 2006. I saw many good players. Who played for real. Now I see 1 or 2 dat account having 800 points. That's impossible. You are 6 months member now and 1000 points and stil going. I don't understand what are you doing? What's the fun? 
Ok yes I’m a cheater yes I’m a programmer yes I’m cryer yes I’m everything you think. 
Thanks you so much. 
I’m only play games lose or win it’s the same , but can’t accept losing vs some fluckers like seby etc. 
But ok I’m probably a bad guy but actually I’m polite and I will continu. 

The fact is yes I’m playing everyday or close to everyday that why I’m not so bad. 
And I comment this post because every game I play Gruezi come and talking to private to my opponent to say to stop playing me and giving me points lol. 

Sooo now the story is close sorry if I’m crazy sometimes but I have fun like that I will try to work my respect more ok 
Many thanks to all of your replies, this helps getting awareness to this topic. Very appreciated.

Let‘s step away of focusing on single persons, let‘s try to keep the discussion as general as possinle. Other way they will remove this good post/topic from forum again. I made mistakes as well, because i let the provocations influence my replies.

I apply to the common sense and hope that all of us think twice before they decide to cheat. The fun-side gets lost in the long term anyway if you make it too easy for yourself to win. No matter if by program,  by letting you get the balls setup by your friend.opponent or by exchanging wins with your multiple accounts. Just keep it real to yourself

Yes, my sources told informed me the gentleman in question was using some form of aiming assistance as of late and has now 'retired' when the kitchen was getting hot.
Lets not be so critical of Anthony, I have found him to be fair and pleasant.

I think as programs are allowed on board games then perhaps there is an argument for allowing some form of assistance in billiards for those that find the game too challenging and become frustrated easily. As long as this is made aware to opponents beforehand.

I can still respect his 147 and centuries as even trying in practice myself setting up the balls nicely and using lines I cant even come close to it without multiple undo shots.

We wish him the best in his next chapter, maybe he can use his singing talents in some way. That would be very cool.

Take care, Anthony.
Its well known atm there's quite a few players using some kind of programme and flyordie cant detect it so for this reason I won't be playing here until its fixed. Not fair on other players who put alot of effort in.
Actually we're able to detect and several players using a program have been removed. Cheers
It's more fun to stick by the rules because I like that fair competition. I'm happy that there are not much cheaters here. Only Anthony, tirolerlady, mr century and the fake accounts that belongs to them. I think we all kind of know that. just not play against them. They play their own sad game of fake wins. It's what they like to do. Let them be sad.
ye retired for 2 days, tho prob longest hes gone for past 15 years lmao
In reference to Mr Vanian's comment about the program, I can confidently confirm that the program is indeed undetectable.

A few players who are currently on the toplist in multiple pool games have been actively using it and streaming while using the program. One of them even played against a moderator to add insult to injury.

I know that FlyOrDie allow program usage on the website as we have seen on board games and OPERATOR has actively defended the use of programs by saying "the rating reflects the skill of the program and not the player", which will continue to force decent players and non programmers such as Mr Vanian and wilko to retire. 
Of course this is also why I avoid playing high raters who have +90% wins-rate. Luckily there are the statistical information. Like that i minimize the chance of having to face a cheater.

Sadly FOD is not showing any sign of response to us - the community - regarding this topic who is getting daily more and more importance.  So maybe we have to interpretate their silence as that they have no intentions in changing anything and making this a better place.
I would not be surprised if many players will start taking action and turn FOD their backs and leave this place more and more desert.

Guys stop complaining about Anthony using a program, we all know he has been for ages. Just don't play him, and any tournament he's playing in that he is not streaming you are not going to win. You are fighting for 2nd because he is exempt against dq's compared to other programmers for reasons beyond me. 
another account for marty... 
Useless to be on stream because when i am everybody say im using a program because i play so fast. Soo , if i was a program i wont lose lot of games like tonight.
Go away and stop follow me everywhere i know you love me. 
Anthony isn't using a program. He plays on flyordie for 20 years now. Day in day out. So he has practice alot. He's very good. I saw him play many times now. Also recording his games. And he is not using sort of a program. He has skills. Because he practiced every day for 20 years now. If you want to be good like him. Practice a lot. But don't be jealous. Enjoy the game. 
Hi lincoe(Anthony), please stop defending yourself on multiple nicknames as its getting sad.
I am lincoe not Anthony. And I say only what I see. In the past I thought maybe he using some sort of a program. But he isn't. I saw it with my own eyes. If you practice for 20 years you become good. I don't no Anthony personally. But saying the guy cheats isn't fair. I don't know how how his behavior is to other people. I only say he isn't using. 
Hey, lincoe... you are here since 2006, are you this good? I don't think so. Let's see you make a maximum break, with an average 3-4 seconds per shot.
With a program and the balls set up by friends it wouldn't be hard :) 

Stop posting about yourself in the 3rd person Anthony, your time at fod is finished, every nick permanent ban. You can try your VPN but you won't last long. There are many other websites for you to go and be toxic, just not at FOD.

Best of luck :)
For the last time. I am not his friend or something,It was about Anthony using sort of a program. I saw and watched him play.  And i think he dont uses a program. Thats my opinion.For the rest what he does and  do i dont know, and i dont care. If he is rude or if he cheats, he must be banned i agree. And yes i am a member from 2006. but i played not that often. So i am not that good. But who cares. Enjoy the game. And have fun.
For the last time. I am not his friend or something,It was about Anthony using sort of a program. I saw and watched him play.  And i think he dont uses a program. Thats my opinion.For the rest what he does and  do i dont know, and i dont care. If he is rude or if he cheats, he must be banned i agree. And yes i am a member from 2006. but i played not that often. So i am not that good. But who cares. Enjoy the game. And have fun.
Fod could you please check the name: Miss the Signs	

this is probably Anthony. It's like Covid-19: only together we can beat Anthony. for all others, be aware that this person is Anthony and will fake win you all over. watch out for him on tournaments.

Yes that nick is definitely Anthony, I could tell after 30seconds spectating him. He seems to have stopped since his cover was blown, good job Ronald. Keep the virus out of fod.
Lol it’s not me ! Guys you see me everywhere…
Im on my big week I will play Thursday and Friday + Stream ;-) 
Omicron is back for another permanent 
You can add 'paper skill' to the list of his nicks ;)
Ahhhh please, i am Mateus man... Everybody know me !
Why do you need even more accounts? You are one person - one account should be enough, or what is the point? Week after week, month after month we all need to wonder who this new created nicks are that get 700+ in 5 days. This is not cool.

One account each.

I apologise for anyone I upset, I will work my respect if moderator let me play, I'm not a bad person.

Unfair bans are more the rule than the exception these days, many players are banned daily even when they re-register they are banned from multiple accounts as an excuse to ban players who do not even cheat and participate in my case in games that do not or are hardly played anymore, ridiculous for you as with me but there's nothing you can do but accept and group your activity clanize so you can show your identity in the sense of UBR and make your voice heard because you're there belong to FlyOrDie and are an added value.

Feel free to join UBR whenever you want to, your properly the best snooker player there and youve got some Tanx history so again, chin up and become UBR matey.
glad your ok Mark, which chin do you mean specifically?
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