Hiya, The gift subscription Button hasn't worked on any nickname I clicked on today. Please advise : ))* Thanks in advance! J*
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Hiya, The gift subscription Button hasn't worked on any nickname I clicked on today. Please advise : ))* Thanks in advance! J*
Hiya, The gift option is still gone from the Profiles! When I tried to go to the Maine page "Subscription* It was impossible to give a gift! One can only add their own! The old way to give one is gonzo! It always worked. It isn't available anymore ...using the number and letters of a nickname to join You know. Also, for almost a year when one goes to Subscribed, there is Fake Information. It states One-month membership is ONLY about $2.99! But when one continues, it shows the true price, $4.99 I believe! These two issues I hope will be resolved, especially in time for Christmas or, much sooner! I have 2 friends Birthdays coming up next week! I had hoped to give them a Membership! Well, that's it. Thanks to all the MOD"S and The Operater for having The Forum. Is very useful and it brings people together. Cheers~~*~*
The gift subscription is available from the player info page of the player whom you wish to give the gift subscription to. Could you please tell me where can you see 2.99 price ? Thank you.
Dear FlyOrDie, Thank you for your reply! Yes Thank you, it usually is! I've given many, gifts that way. What I am saying that every nickname profile information for 2 weeks that I usually see a subscribe option with an extra line marked for it, it is not there. I could tell you privately what the nicknames I am trying to give gifts too if that'll help. Yes, I can, yet, that is not showing now when I go to the Maine page-Subscribe! The last few months I've given gifts, the way you say to, and when I initially go there, it said, "$2.99 Monthly. Then I clicked to do so, and it told me the right price, $4.99. I suppose as a long time member, I hope n good standing, (mostly) that you'll please need to take my word for it. Unless and until the same bug comes when the usual Suscribe button is fixed. I am not the only one that has encountered this problem. It's not a big deal, I havebn't even bothered to mention it here, or to Thor, until this new bug popped up. In no way am I saying or implying that FlyOrDie is intentionally trying to confuse or rip us off!! Never! Ever! No way would I. Methinks you know me well enough, I hope to know that! I hope this gets fixed. I wanted to give gifts that some Subscriber's don't need to lose their status. As always, yours in love and FlyOrDie service, Lady-In-Red. ❤️
Hi again, I was wrong at what the monthly price showed initially, it is $2.09. Luckily I was able to see it earlier because the system did allow me to send one gift to someone. However, just tried with another player, still no line to click for a gift. We wait with gratitude and patience:) Yay, progress not perfection. Good luck and, thanks again. Red
Below the price of $2.08 / month it says:
* in case of one year subscription
As far as I have seen, you can only give a subscription to players who do not have one themselves.
FlyOrDie Moderator Team
It's now possible to give a gift subscription to an already subscribed player.
Hiya guys, Yes, and it has usually been possible to give extended gifts, to subscribers. Done so often. Yes FlyOrDie, exactly. ))* Thank y'all for taking the time to reply! Today the Gift subscription works!! Yay, teamwork! We did it! Thanks to all Moderators, for your help. And, for making this Forum communicate. It's been manna from heaven to me for very many years!! Blessings, stay safe, enjoy your games and each other. Best wishes, Red *
Hi there, ah ha...well, well, I give subs, often to players that have them before they run out! News to me, I need not pay the full $4.99! Thanks a lot, hope it work dear heart! Stay safe, sane and happy-go-lucky : )))))*. Just Judy *
>I give subs, often to players that have them before they run out! Very generous of you! Good luck in the games.
Thanks, guess it is generous, yet a one-month subscription is like paying for coffee in a cafe with a friend. I blame this on my Uncle, who gave everyone gifts on his Birthday. lol, what a man! May he R.I.P. Cheers~~*