What does NBK, LNCD, LBJO and DTONA stand for?
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What does NBK, LNCD, LBJO and DTONA stand for?
Nitro Ball Kingdom Larp Nation Chaos Department Low Battery Joint Outlaw Darkness Through Outstanding Navy Angles. cheers, Ronald.
I have a creeping feeling that you just made that up. :D But if you didn't, then thanks.
It is a league or clan. NBK = Nameless Black Knights Team; LNCB = Liga Nacional de Clã Brasileiro; LBJO = Liga Nacional de Jogos Online and DTONA = Detona ( this word means " Destroy " in portuguese. There are a couple more like LBDT, A.V.K, etc...
I am MakingCenturies, brazilian, so im sure about what i have explained !!!
Nah, not buying it. I was right. I asked the people with those weird letters in front. They know.
(Liga Nacional dos Clãs Brasileiros)
was the first league to join FlyOrDie in the early 2000s I've been part of it and it was the best team and competition site by far compared to the others