It's big and it's ugly.
New forum user interface
Posted in
Probably the problem is on your end. Perhaps minimizing/adjusting your font could help.
You're right, I had it set at 150% display for the game play. I reset it back to 100% and it's a bit better. Each message is still using up more real estate than it needed IMO. And the general layout is still bad. Again, just my personal opinion.
I prefer the previous version. Sure it didn't have the pretty colour and graphics, but it was more compact which allowed a quick scan for new and old messages. It really served it's purpose well. Adding more colours to the old forum format will make it more contemporary with all the functionalities.
The Old Emoticons and the old Angry Face one we had in the early 2000s before we had different ones. I would love to be able to use these ones in the forum and also an option to perhaps customize our UI on our end as players would be nice. Perhaps some options to change the colour of the website template or even a Light to Dark Option for the skin itself I could use Super Dark Mode which is a Chrome Plugin but I don't trust Chrome what id like I see no issues with the UI, just feel it would be a bit nicer if we could personalize how it looks on our end.
it's ok to have another opinion! you just could have said it in another way. I like your explanations below (Y)