He's waiting 1 minute every shot and I don't understand why. He doesn't say why and he's also insulting his opponent. Kind of strange, but anyway, don't play him.
Don't play ПАПАНЭС
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Don't play ПАПАНЭС
He's waiting 1 minute every shot and I don't understand why. He doesn't say why and he's also insulting his opponent. Kind of strange, but anyway, don't play him.
That's sad, reviewing that player, he's from 2008 and full dice, I beat that it isn't the first time he does that, that behaviour should be punished somehow, it is unsportsmanship behaviour. Several players do that in 8ball and 9ball, e.g we are playing bo5 and I'm 2-0 up, so they will start loosing time in deliberate way after that, they know chances are small to come back, even worse some players start that behavior since the first frame.
Hello All, To help moderators take necessary actions, i'd like to encourage you to report any unsportsmanlike behavior via the available report abuse features. Making accusations against one out of many on the forum will not lead to any improvement in this situation. Kind regards, John
They don’t care. I reported this and I got banned cos apparently for disrespecting opponents. Very hilarious and disrespectful.
funny thing seeing u writing about bad sportsmanship. I muted u @ 1st Shot :-)*
Edited by wiechiHST