I notice in my ID the symbol for my gender (mail) has been replaced by:a:symbol I do not appreciate for my ID. Is there an explanation for that? Please return correct symbol.
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I notice in my ID the symbol for my gender (mail) has been replaced by:a:symbol I do not appreciate for my ID. Is there an explanation for that? Please return correct symbol.
Hello shlook, Please try whether clearing your browser’s cash helps. When I take a look at your profile page, everything looks normal. If it still doesn’t look normal for you, after clearing your browser’s left cash FlyOrDie will fix this soon. (when this happened last time, they were working on something.) Kind regards, John Stewart
Thank you. I did notice other odd symbols on my page at the time, so will allow for that in the future. Also, I have had trouble with scr
I have had trouble with scrolling to proofread my submission, and it has been submitting before I am ready for it. Could be something not quite right at this end.