I was wondering why my opponent could replace the ball back after a foul even when snookers are still required? Can someone please have a look at this, they aren't the proper rules of snooker.
Replay shot in snooker
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Replay shot in snooker
I was wondering why my opponent could replace the ball back after a foul even when snookers are still required? Can someone please have a look at this, they aren't the proper rules of snooker.
What do you mean not the right rules? if you make a mistake the player can click on replay just like in real snooker games?
If your opponent needs snookers then they shouldn't be able to let you replay the shot, please check the rules before you comment..
This is a common misconception, but under the official WPBSA snooker rules, an opponent can still have the balls replaced and force a replay of the shot even if they need snookers.
So not true. I've played snooker 8 years and the miss rule when needing snookers is not true.
Snookers Are Irrelevant: The number of points required by the opponent (even if they need snookers) does not affect the “Miss” rule. A Miss can be called even if snookers are required for the opponent to win.
Well this rule must have changed then because I've been watching snookers for years and when watching on the tv they've never been able to do that