Why is it ,a player can leave the game anytime he wants when he is winning and still gets credit for a win ???? Fix this now or I will delete my PAID account !!!
leaving the game
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leaving the game
Why is it ,a player can leave the game anytime he wants when he is winning and still gets credit for a win ???? Fix this now or I will delete my PAID account !!!
I agree ! When a player leaves a game for whatever reason, and whaterver the score, he should loose the game. There are many post about this topics. Unfortunately never taken into account for implementation.
It is sometimes the case that an internet glitch ends a game and if it is on your side, the other player can win, ahead or not.
I will jump on the band-wagon here. This needs to be fixed. I am not sure how "3" was the number points to be awarded per end was decided, but it seems i bit foolish. Why isn't it 8? Players quitting in the last end with a 3-point lead is becoming an epidemic.
Yes, he can win, when he quits. Because he only loses 2 points per end left. So if for instance he is ahead with 3 points before last end....he can just quit during the last end and still win the match.
Hello, jó napot, elnézést, nem tudom, hogy beszélhetek-e néhány dologról, ami Flyordie-ban történik.
Hello, jó napot, elnézést, nem tudom, hogy beszélhetek-e néhány dologról, ami Flyordie-ban történik.
Hi everyone :) -I agree this is an issue - the thing is this issue is a balance between 2 problems -PROBLEM 1 : you spend up to 80 minutes playing a game just to have the opponent leave in the last end when they are up by 3 > they win the match by 1 points notes about problem 1 : from what i understand you used to be awarded 3 for the first end after your opponent leaves + 2 more for each additional end > i think it was changed not long ago to 2 for all ends - leaving with 3 point lead is very poor sportsmanship when your opponent has the last stone of the end ie. hammer PROBLEM 2 : if the game were to be changed to make it that if you leave for any reason you lose , or 8 points per end after opponent leaves we will have "troll players" challenging to many end games and not playing the game to annoy and wait ''till you give up When that happens now you only have to play a few ends alone to make the points necessary to be able to leave and not lose points >eg. 8 end game you need to play 2 ends alone to get suficient points that you may leave May i suggest that the game is modified to 4 points for the first end that opponent leaves and 2 for every end beyond that it should be a very easy modification in the code thanks everyone , do you guys agree ?