The chat box is disabled for some users. I mean, I can't write anything to them. How can I disable my chat box?
Disable chat
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Disable chat
The chat box is disabled for some users. I mean, I can't write anything to them. How can I disable my chat box?
Hi, you just click on the name of the one you'd like to talk to and a msg/ line appears. Type in your chat. You can't talk to guests though.
You didn't get what I meant. I want to close my in-game chat so no one can type anything to me.
Hi, That's not possible. But you have the option to mute players. 🚫 Kind regards, John
So why is it possible for some people? In the game I can't type anything in the chat box for some people!
Hi, It's not possible to deactivate the chat. This must be a different issue, maybe with the device you're using. Kind regards, John