What is your choice? Which of the two choices do you like better? Do you like Soccer? Or Do you like Football? Me, I'm 110% on Soccer... What's your choice?
Soccer or Football?
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Soccer or Football?
What is your choice? Which of the two choices do you like better? Do you like Soccer? Or Do you like Football? Me, I'm 110% on Soccer... What's your choice?
aren;t they the same thing? :p or do you mean football or american football ;)
Football is much better than American football, why do they even call their poor excuse for a sport ''football' it is not played with their feet, it should be called ''run and fall''
I find football far more interesting compared to american football..But thats my opinion, Some people might hate football and love american football, were all diferent
lmao, amazing picture..:D does any1 actually like american football here......
Personally I have no favirote I like both ( Its just you english men grew up with soccer and American football just seems weird to you ) I might add though that the soccer game never stops which means you need better endurance for body and mind. American Football on the other hand you need to have many plays that work and be able to mix and match them with very little time to secound guess yourself. And I have to addmit American Football over time (extra time) is screwed up and is not a fair way to end a game. Where as soccer has a normal overtime followed by "kicks from the marks" is a very well thought out and organised way of ending a game.
Football rules!!!!!! >>american football is boring:|
(it should be call handball since they play with there hands):|
>>>Fut Bol Rules!!!!!
erm..both are okay i like basketball :p oh and rugby is better than amercan football ;)
I am 100% with soccer seeing as it is one of britains most recognised mainstream sports :p
I love football and also, Rugby is a very good game and it is the closest thing to american football ...ENGLAND WORLD CUP CHAMPIONS :D
I prefer Football to Soccer. I mean the same thing here, Soccer versus the Football we have in Europe. I would say, that the skill, flair and speed of the Europes can't be matched (except by Brazil) and it's one thing the American Soccer players lacked. Saying that though, there are some class young American Soccer players coming through; one 15 year old is being scouted by Manchester United if I'm not mistaken. Sorry if I'm swaying a little away from the original topic but I don't know much, if anything, about American Football, so I don't want to comment about it. My cousin has just come back from Canada and he said it was an interesting game which he thoroughly enjoyed. So, if anyone would like to send me a video tape of two top teams competing, it would be greatly appreciated ;)!
nothing worse than seeing a bunch of girls running around waiting to kick the ball i like it when they finally score after about 3 days of playing a game. real exciting soccer is
Ahahahahahaha... compadre si no saves no hables guey... :p mexican rebel:(:(??? lmfao :p:p de donde eres de chiapas or somewhere around there??? only place in mexico where rebels exists.... guerrillero de la montaña?? :p Indiooooooooooo!!!! :p Y arriba El America!!!!! Soccer Rules :D!!!! Joel B-)
Go Australian Footy lol :p, there's nothing better than a cold rainy sunday night, and the FOOTYS on! lol. Sorry i love my footy, Go Bombers! AT