There are some nicks that are very clever, or just make you smile when you see them. I just saw Koo Koo Kachoo and it makes me smile eachtime I see it. What names strike you?
Good Nicks
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The Larkinor Quest
Good Nicks
There are some nicks that are very clever, or just make you smile when you see them. I just saw Koo Koo Kachoo and it makes me smile eachtime I see it. What names strike you?
Hmmm HotOldLady gets me guess i think of a 60 grandma sitting on her pattio looking 24;\ lilM&M
:| sick lol. Another funny one is thebighurt. And its true. :( he is able to beat koo koo kachoo in the arena regularly, and thats no small feat.
Then there's
. Now how does someone come up with a name like that? The Larki character names are almost always a mystery and a delight for me. With BEANFACE, I picture a baby in a highchair with baked beans smeared all over the place... especially his face; Or maybe a girl whose head is shaped like a lima bean. Or it could be someone from Boston (bean town). I guess I like 'em so much because they make me wonder and get my imagination going.
I like "Wasn'tme" and "Huh..whome?" I also like "pleasedon'tkillme" Please forgive me if I got the syntax on the names wrong.
there is smtn bout the nick
that makes me smile lol dunno what i also like
an extra nostril
lol that last one really makes me wonder;)
heh, a funny one ive seen is
Town Drunk
.Makes me always think of three people, Ralphie,Monty,and Pyro.
i heard of a person called InsaneParents, so when you rob em, After rummaging in the junk you realise insaneparents live here, prolly not far from the truth:p Katie
lol, I'M Bomb2Win, and also KissMyHershey. hehe. My cousin is "the master". Irony eh? =D
PIEpiePIEpiePIE or how ever many pies there are is probably my favourite. I also like Yourself because of how it would fit into an attack message.
The topic is Good Nicks, not funny ones. And that isn't funny. Plus why dig out an old topic?
My other character is "Dig Salot". Have a guess what his main project is :D? ThUnDeR FlyOrDie Moderator