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Fire Starters
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Fire Starters
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Fire Starters
As most players willingly choose to combat in classic mode they are forced to play alongside privates and non paying subs (Subscribers) This is all good but for a few rotten eggs who choose to spoil the game by setting sub tank ablaze and leaving them to other sub tanks to kill, like lambs to the slaughter. This can be very annoying if youre a main target. It would be nice if a classic room was created only for subscribers as this is by far one of the most popular rooms in Tanx.
i agree if we can get the subscribers out of the way im for it good ideaer 
   I agree with you taliban. Good idea. Why cant flyordie help the subscribers who paid money to have fun when you get the fun taken away from the by privates and non suscribers. I paid for rank and rank only isnt it why we all paid? I suggest that flyordie make a classic room for only subscribers that way we dont have to worry about privates burning us.
why dont subscribers ever use the desert or mars?
i think the classic for subscribers might be just as popular as those
I agree Tanx Master, i love the desert:) heck... i live there:D all jokes aside the desert is in my mind the best battle field but most players prefer or feel comfortable with the classic op:( Majority rules:D
welshman wrote: "i agree if we can get the subscribers out of the way im for it good ideaer" never thought how good you privates might end up having it:( lets stick to the way it was, huh:) Dont want you getting a better deal than you already have:D
Privates that set people on fire are detrimental to the game.

I have seen 30 subscribers playing and one private start setting people on fire and everyone leaves.

I have aked for a way to keep privates out, supposedly the downloadable version is going to address this issue.

You can tell by the style of play that these people are subscribers that are trying to bring scores down to their level.
well i say subscribers but i mean jumpers and bankers who spoil the game all they want is points so let them bank and jump with each other and leave us alone if they are that way inclined let them have there own room 
The only "rotten eggs" is 
your group of bankers and jumpers. Tell us again who is ruining the game? Tali hate to admit it , you are the only good player in your banking group. Flame on all of you. ANYONE with 500 or more points are likely banking or picking on the newbies.
You may not like the tactics used , to bad. I see you are trying to employ protection.That's amusing also. The shareing of passwords from your banking club was GREAT, 
provided many laughs THANKS :O. I also frown on your snake bud bankin himself in the previous tourney: see UNDEFEATED. SNAKE (many versions of that name) usa forces,
Green tank, Brandon, Maxi, Bling (never fires) just there to be killed, Bigdognuke (many versions of that one. Flame on all of you. And you talk of ruining the game ,Pleeze. Yes you all make great targets. Flame on Bro;) Then theres the conduct in the lobby that should be addressed, we will save that for the future.
I think this game should be just the way it is right now and let everyone have points. That way there will be no anti mongruls.
)==BROCK AM==>
Member of anti mongrul
couldnt have put it better myself the private is right flame on you all lol 
I haven't been here in quite some time but I'd just like to say,


I have no idea if Taliban is still cheating or not, but he still deserves to have his games ruined for trying to ruin mine so much in the past.

Between him, his budy, and their rich parents that bought then 20 usernames, I'd say they're the reason anyone complains in this game whatsoever.

I think that simply banning them would fix almost all of flyordie's problems with most of the games here.  

Think of how positive the results would be:

1) Less revenue and time spent modifying code to fend off cheats in the game

2) Less people complaining, and more people to stay and resubscribe

3) New players would stay because they wouldn't be taken advantage of.

4) You wouldn't have to hear from me so much.

So, my proposal is that we ban anything with the ip addresses used for Taliban or Snake's accounts and move on.   Some people you just don't want as customers.

  As the GENERAL OF THE ARMY and fello tank subscriber.  I say we need our own classic room fod.  Im getting tired of these privates and the non subscribers burning me up. I know that is no fun you guys. Getting put on flames for another tank to come and take your points. And sometimes they help other tanks get after you 2. Im just getting tired of this fod. I didnt pay 20 dollars to get chased by non subscribers and to get my rank taking away like this. We need our own classic room. Lets see if we get them to subscribe like that. I bet we will.
Oh Pancho,

I bet you that those people are subscribers who are coming after you.  I guess they're just tired of you acting like a complete and total moron when it comes to this game.  

Maybe if we had a telethon, and raised enough money to replace the idiots who have ruined this game.  If we told FlyorDIE that we would pay to replace the accounts of those we, as a majority, want banned...

Maybe this would be a better place.

I wounder what Jerry Lewis is doing next week.

[by the way, this is the crying that we prediceted after the new rules were but into place]

[and yes, I am still laughing :)]

[img http://www28.brinkster.com/synister/tr/]
I love the new rules throninyourside absolutely fair. Spot on:) 
Lol, that must be why you started this thread then, you like rules.

lol [img http://www28.brinkster.com/synister/tr/]
(Okay, one more long rant from me... and yes, I’m still here ;)  )

Yes, yes... it is very irritating to have a game ruined by the human weaknesses of other gamers. After all, the entire point of the game is to match skill with other tankers... and what is the game then, if that challenge is corrupted by shallow, opportunistic, play? It’s a pointless, hollow, joke. And a huge disappointment.

But wait! THE ENTIRE GAME’S LIKE THAT! LOL. Especially for subscribed players. Instead of just playing the game, the top-ranked tankers are out for shiny plumage points. Instead of the way the game was meant to be played, they’ve developed routines of gathering these points that operate by opportunistic strategies.  I’ve played a few times with a rank, and EVERY time (unless it’s in a full room) I get people that stop by long enough to get in a few sneak attacks then leave as soon as it’s legal. It’s common practice, and it’s a shallow, disappointing, joke. Especially compared to how things were in the “good” old days.

You complain about not having a room only for ranked tankers. You whine about having paid to be waited upon by FOD as though they were a bunch of nursemaids. You talk about privates and nonsubscribed players being detrimental to the game. 

There already are rooms only for ranked tankers... they’re never used because all the high ranked tankers can’t milk weaker players there, or play opportunistically. FOD aren’t nursemaids, and there’s nothing in the subscription subscribers paid for that says they are; nevertheless, they’re working on it.. bear with them. That’s right, nonsubscribed and anonymous tankers are detrimental... but that’s only to YOUR game; YOU being those who are out for ridiculously false titles and empty prestige... you who have ruined the game, and now look to anyone with a marginal label to blame for the consequences of your own actions. 

But I’m biased here. You see... I set high-ranked tankers on fire. I laugh when they swear about how it sets them back.  I enjoy it when it makes them leave my ops. It’s one of the few tools at my disposal to influence the game in favor of straight play... also, if I didn’t, high ranked tankers would continue to LET ME KILL THEM for healing and rearmament, which they’ve incorporated into their opportunistic strategies.   

However, I know it’s disruptive. It’s far more productive to create an atmosphere of healthy competition, anything else loses sight of what you’d be striking out for. For all you like-minded Fire-Starters (Nice term Tali... thanks for giving us a common label, maybe we should all start a guild! HA!), keep your goal in mind, know that there’s already a lot of gaming going on that’s less than “virtuous”. Go ahead and light the lamers on fire, but make sure they’re lamers, and be careful of the innocent bystanders. 

Thorn: Right on buddy.
  THE new rooms are real horrible. We want a classic room..............................................................................................................
y Max? is it because u r not good with other rooms?
 noone likes the other rooms dummy.

Subscribers should get points killing non subscribers. That would solve this problem.

(yes... i know how the Rating system works...)


If FOD devoted bandwidth to have another room for tanx, just like the normal room, it would be a total waste because no one would play in it.

Tankers are drawn to the number of competitors a room has, and there are always at least a half dozen or so chatters in the lobby of the main room.

Customizable options for each op by its starter is a better idea.
Thats my idea limao. Dont copy my idea.

We both have the same idea.

I´m not copying anything


But i think thats a good one.

Separate subsc. from non subsc. will ruin this nice game 

      I think that is a good idea either another room or give us points when we kill nonsubs. That will make them subscribe for sure. And do something about the privates.
Both take and give points as things were before subscriptions, but hide the rating/ranking of unsubscribed players. 

Along with the recent rules against jumping, this would restore play-balance to the way things were before subscriptions, solving the problem of fire-starters and the erratic movement between ops by point barons. 

This will do much to bring the game back to the hight standards of the past. Do this, and add customizable ops, and the game would truely kick but. 
 It dont get that good. Only us get rank.
Things will always be unbalanced if unranked tankers don't take points from the ranked ones, and on the same scale as other ranked tankers. There'd be no percentage for unsubscribed players (apart from the quality of the game itself) because there'd be no way to know what our rank would be.

If rated tankers could get points from unsubscribed tanks, but not loose any, then things would be further unbalanced, and there would be more disruptions. 
  His wrong. Very wrong. This topic is for the benefits of subscribers. What were trying to do is leave you guys behind. Just today you left me on fire what in the world lets you type on this topic you sellfish player you. You need a life along with 20 dollars.............
ure wrong. separate subs. from non subs. will not bring new good players or more subscribers to Fod. 

Im here for fun ... But i will not pay when theres not fair competition.

Oh... and i dont kill who doesnt shoot me.

yah i get points takin away from me all the time because of them and subsrcibers come and take points!! :@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@ Good idea;\ Thats y i dont play much:(.
MAX, the reason un-ranked players will set u on fire but not kill u is because u want them to kill you, you do it all the time.  You want the un-ranked people to kill u so u can keep points, and that is also a bit shelfish, and because we dont get a good fight, we dont finish u off, but since i doubt u'll ever stop doing that a classic room might just go well with subscribers
Yes, ill never stop doing that. That is wrong for them to leave you on fire. And i was talking about hound from hell limao. Hes the one messing with me.
Thanks Tanx Master.

Maxi... I've already explained why I do what I do previously in this thread, but I'll spell it out another time for you: You're basically complaining about me taking points from you from honest consequences of play. I shoot you, and as a result you loose points. 

It's the natural consequences of competition... unlike what would happen if I DID kill you, rather than leave you to burn, where your positon in the game benifits from my defeating you in honest battle. 

You and many other ranked tankers are taking advantage of this loophole, and have been disrupting the game this way for a long time now. Tanx has been reduced by the weaknesses of your attitudes.

This topic IS for the benifit of subscribers, and so is what I've written. The game's sick because of the corruption of point barons, and their expoitative opportunisims. The points taken by you are from other subscribers who have to face you after you suicide by way of unranked tanker.

You will never leave behind unsubscribed players. The corrupt way that you play this game DEPENDS on us as much as it used to depend on jumping; as a quick way to gain an unjust upperhand.

I am not just messing with you (though I do so enjoy messing with you... the language you use is so colorful!) -I'll target any unrealistically high-ranked tanker (read: 500+), or anyone I see not killing unranked tankers. If point barons reap the consequences, then it's becuase their rating is not from honestly-earned kills, or because they were ignoring me. 

I do not go out of my way to hand out judgement by fire, rather just not act as a field medic to ranked tankers who wander into ops that I'm in. However, perhaps it is time that I DO start to look for "worthy targets".

Remember... you could always play in the desert room, or even just not in my ops, if you prefer your opportunisms. 

The roof.. the roof.. the roof is on fire....
We don't need no water let the M*&%^$F#&%er burn,
Burn, M*&%^$F#&%er, burn.....

Hey Houndfromhell could you shorten it up a bit ,im not even going to bother ..i'll do the dishes instead be productive yeah thats it.Oh yeah also Tali it happens some sick chemical thing goes off in some peoples heads know what i mean.
I just leave MAXIMUS burning becouse he's got a big mouth
that's it.
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