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Large Robberies post here number 2!
Large Robberies post here number 2!
Large Robberies post here number 2!
Since the first one is getting to full I thought we might start a new one:D

ITrick lives here!
Kick Me lives here!
rololand lives here!
Draakske lives here!
tryagain lives here!
MaskeoLad lives here!
banen lives here!
Eis Maedel lives here!
hiss lives here!
dataxman lives here!
Raiken lives here!
Salamix lives here!
cadoon lives here!
scabkiller lives here!
Silwei lives here!
WizardRalph lives here!
kirby14 lives here!
me that guy lives here!
Pvt_Chad lives here!
Talwin lives here!
Drako the mage lives here!
Swashbuckler lives here!
Pioneer-88 lives here!
Cera lives here!
Crusher McGeek lives here!
j666f lives here!
Arlo Jr lives here!
Vy Perr lives here!
Isaac999 lives here!
Jon the cool one lives here!
CaptainBlack lives here!
catsup_ketchup lives here!
HellAngel lives here!
draco_warrior lives here!
dataxman lives here!
Zaknafain lives here!
Chadwyck lives here!
fatkt72 lives here!
Vote 4 Pedro lives here!
Anvar lives here!
Silwei lives here!
WICK lives here!
Vilanous Tom lives here!
findin stuff lives here!
B_DUB lives here!
sirfightsalot lives here!

Glad to see my name isnt in there anywhere, u little robber.

Wtg by the way

Try to rob
You activated a blademachine trap while looking around! (140)
You avoid the blades skillfully until the machine stops!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 82,741 silvers, 3 crystal plates, 2 liquid crystals, 46 vampiric herbs, a lava helmet, a ruby mail shirt, a flippant tongue, 5 alien gadgets, an alien contraption and an eardrum.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 11 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that Hathunter lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
a dragon eye, 4 oreputtys and 87 magic nubs
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.

 experience points earned!
You need 12 374 121 more experience points for the next level!
You stuff the following things into your sack: 3,703 silvers.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 7 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.

Bartre, thats a nice home bank you got there ;). 
You stuff the following things into your sack: 2 njhenjherhe necks and a hydragen-carbid.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 6 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that Teneast lives here!
Demon you 
got that much from batre?!
I got 11k:p:D

For a Robber Near You
Invitctus III lives here! 
$peed freak lives here!

You activated a blademachine trap while looking around! (120)
You avoid the blades skillfully until the machine stops!
A zombieshackle embraces you! (70)
You stretch the arms of the zombie until it goes limp and lets you go!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: a steel spring and 2 composiums.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 6 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that Broon lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
4736 experience points earned!

You activated a blademachine trap while looking around! (40)
You avoid the blades skillfully until the machine stops!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 7 elemental essences, a buffalobeard, a chained ball and a lava sword.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 6 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that shinta29 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
2084 experience points earned!

didn't catch the name but 3 aqua dei's and a dracosteel shield!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: a silver sting, a butterfly wing and a portion of ratfat.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 6 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that Jagatai1 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
871 experience points earned!

You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 27 extra mana potions.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 6 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that Blue Mist lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
767 experience points earned!

Suddenly you find yourself in a fallinggrate trap! (36)
You crouch down to force the bars open, and after a little while you manage to lift them just enough to crawl out!
A manasucker trap approaches you! (259)
You try to stay as far away from the monster as you can, until it disappears. You were fortunate!
In the midst of searching the room, you feel a snarelock gripping your arms! (3)
After a long untying process, you succeed!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 16 aqua deis.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 6 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that Glory Hound lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
4934 experience points earned!

You activated a blademachine trap while looking around! (11)
You avoid the blades skillfully until the machine stops!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 18 gold nuggets and an elemental essence.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 6 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that Judokidz lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
1043 experience points earned!

You activated a blademachine trap while looking around! (1)
You avoid the blades skillfully until the machine stops!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: an opal and 9 elemental essences.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 6 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that Rhek lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
1384 experience points earned!

didn't catch the name again!!!!!!!!!! but a tendon and 44 yes 44 extra mana potions!
You activated a blademachine trap while looking around! (1)
You avoid the blades skillfully until the machine stops!
You've activated a stingbolt trap! Little poisoned arrows shower at you... (1)
Thanks to your very quick hopping, you manage to stay alive until the arrows run short!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 2 gold nuggets, a diamond and a mobilidoxin.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 6 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that Luk's lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.

didn't catch the name and it's not a big rob but I found it funny that someone would collect and then dump on me 296 silver horseshoes to send me to overload!!!!
again missed the name but 10 stinkglands and 6 nails
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
an opal, a lapis lazuli, an emerald, a lizardskin, a cithin dagger, a butterfly wing, an eliteguard's spear, a portion of ratfat, a bull-dog's maw, a tiger hide, an urchin quill, a piece of copper ore and 2 tin balls
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 10 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that Nate Biso lives here

somebody count how many items that is :D


(hardly able to carry all the junk)
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
20 diamond nails and 16 oreputtys.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 10 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! 
@ Cinder: 13 different items:p
Since you didn't count it yourself:D

For A Robber Near You
Suddenly you find yourself in a fallinggrate trap! (73)
You crouch down to force the bars open, and after a little while you manage to lift them just enough to crawl out!
You activated a blademachine trap while looking around! (73)
You avoid the blades skillfully until the machine stops!
A zombieshackle embraces you! (78)
You stretch the arms of the zombie until it goes limp and lets you go!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 5 dragon hearts, a sepia and 31 diamond nails.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 7 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that Ishtah lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
1210 experience points earned!

A much smaller rob than last time :(  thanks for the sepia, i need that loads ;)
You've activated a stingbolt trap! Little poisoned arrows shower at you... (470)
Thanks to your very quick hopping, you manage to stay alive until the arrows run short!
Suddenly you find yourself in a fallinggrate trap! (375)
You crouch down to force the bars open, and after a little while you manage to lift them just enough to crawl out!
A manasucker trap approaches you! (485)
You try to stay as far away from the monster as you can, until it disappears. You were fortunate!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
435 vampiric herbs, a disprosium, 2 kithrills and 4 breathing cornerstones.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 10 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
Mog na Gorak
 lives here! 
I kinda needed that stuff Cinder:(

All carefully stored on the market Lusha at knockdown prices...get them while they're hot! 
besides....the good stuff's in the digger's place....it needs cleanin;)
you would post that on the forum:(
treech  [10075/832]
Money: 4,348    
Hitpoints: 65 / 654
Manapoints: 651 / 651Eat foodrationsPrayDrink extra mana potionDrink recovery drinkCast Healing SpellCast ManafountainCast HomeportTry to stealTry to robWhere is the balloon?Push Panic Button A zombieshackle embraces you! (40)
You stretch the arms of the zombie until it goes limp and lets you go!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 1,700 silvers.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 6 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that Apollyon lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
1804 experience points earned!

2 kallandra teeth and 3 dragon hearts
You stuff the following things into your sack: 11,376 silvers and 2 firespells.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 8 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that deljzc lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
24624 experience points earned!
HOL thanks you
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
6,665 silvers.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 5 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
6 extra mana potions and 29 recovery drinks
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
Zen Master
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house. ok not so large but 3 times in the past few days got the same things :p
Suddenly you find yourself in a fallinggrate trap! (289)
You crouch down to force the bars open, and after a little while you manage to lift them just enough to crawl out!
You've activated a stingbolt trap! Little poisoned arrows shower at you... (266)
Thanks to your very quick hopping, you manage to stay alive until the arrows run short!
A zombieshackle embraces you! (286)
You stretch the arms of the zombie until it goes limp and lets you go!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
82,371 silvers, 6 magic hulls and an emerald mail shirt
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 9 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
Mr Tag lives here!
 You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.

You activated a blademachine trap while looking around! (9)
You avoid the blades skillfully until the machine stops!
A zombieshackle embraces you! (500)
You stretch the arms of the zombie until it goes limp and lets you go!
A manasucker trap approaches you! (500)
You try to stay as far away from the monster as you can, until it disappears. You were fortunate!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
35 stinkglands, an ugliness, 5 airbags, 3 earblades, 2 lightbeams, a wizardrobe, a raw composium and a daemontooth.

A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 9 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
sdnbffdx lives here!
You activated a blademachine trap while looking around! (7)
You avoid the blades skillfully until the machine stops!
A zombieshackle embraces you! (22)
You stretch the arms of the zombie until it goes limp and lets you go!
You've activated a stingbolt trap! Little poisoned arrows shower at you... (53)
Thanks to your very quick hopping, you manage to stay alive until the arrows run short!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
a diamond, 2 silver horseshoes, 3 dragonteeth, 5 dragonclaws and 2 disprosiums
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 9 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
Davnar lives here!
You stuff the following things into your sack: a vampire sword and 
a universal key
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 6 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.

Thanks for the key, Jag!
In the midst of searching the room, you feel a snarelock gripping your arms! (537)
After a long untying process, you succeed!
A manasucker trap approaches you! (537)
You try to stay as far away from the monster as you can, until it disappears. You were fortunate!
Suddenly you find yourself in a fallinggrate trap! (571)
You crouch down to force the bars open, and after a little while you manage to lift them just enough to crawl out!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
a cure potion, a lightbeam, 7 giganails and a phantomeye.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
26488 experience points earned!

hmmmph....another few dozen times of that and i might feel better
You activated a blademachine trap while looking around! (9)
You avoid the blades skillfully until the machine stops!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
2 kallandra teeth, 2 dragon muscles, a dragon crest, 2 dragon eyes and 9 diamond nails
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 9 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
Shanti lives here!
You've activated a stingbolt trap! Little poisoned arrows shower at you... (100)
Thanks to your very quick hopping, you manage to stay alive until the arrows run short!
A zombieshackle embraces you! (200)
You stretch the arms of the zombie until it goes limp and lets you go!
Suddenly you find yourself in a fallinggrate trap! (210)
You crouch down to force the bars open, and after a little while you manage to lift them just enough to crawl out!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
a miracle satchel, a prayer-wheel, a stinkgland, a holy symbol, 5 extra mana potions and 4 recovery drinks
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 9 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
Bucski lives here!
Suddenly you find yourself in a fallinggrate trap! (65)
You crouch down to force the bars open, and after a little while you manage to lift them just enough to crawl out!
You activated a blademachine trap while looking around! (71)
You avoid the blades skillfully until the machine stops!
You've activated a stingbolt trap! Little poisoned arrows shower at you... (148)
Thanks to your very quick hopping, you manage to stay alive until the arrows run short!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
some rations, 62 magic nubs and 6 extra mana potions
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 9 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
taz_man lives here!

You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
4 alien gadgets, an alien contraption and 3 extra mana potions.

A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 6 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
1478 experience points earned!
You need 24 104 150 more experience points for the next level!

You stuff the following things into your sack:
 8,746 silvers
 and a mana potion.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 5 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
You stuff the following things into your sack: a prayer-wheel, 
14 disprosiums, 6 centroliums, 5 hyperiums and 69 magic nubs.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 10 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here!
Suddenly you find yourself in a fallinggrate trap! (73)
You crouch down to force the bars open, and after a little while you manage to lift them just enough to crawl out!
You activated a blademachine trap while looking around! (73)
You avoid the blades skillfully until the machine stops!
A zombieshackle embraces you! (78)
You stretch the arms of the zombie until it goes limp and lets you go!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: a lapis lazuli, 9 uglinesses, a treasure, 42 diamond nails and an extra mana potion.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 7 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that Ishtah lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
7064 experience points earned!

In the midst of searching the room, you feel a snarelock gripping your arms! (45)
After a long untying process, you succeed!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: an extra mana potion and 10 recovery drinks.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 5 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that AintDeadYet lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
2974 experience points earned!

You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
a centrolium.

A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 
4 diamond nails
 to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
839 experience points earned!
You need 10 027 575 more experience points for the next level!

:D Kittin_103 :D
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 5 miracle satchels.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append a diamond nail to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that canmoneydle lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
115 experience points earned!
You need 277 889 more experience points for the next level!

TC~New robber
You stuff the following things into your sack: 22,806 silvers and a lizardskin.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 6 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that Castlerock lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
2965 experience points earned!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
a ruby and 6 extra mana potions.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 6 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
1311 experience points earned!
You need 23 079 732 more experience points for the next level!

For A Robber Near You
Suddenly you find yourself in a fallinggrate trap! (18)
You crouch down to force the bars open, and after a little while you manage to lift them just enough to crawl out!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
4,432 silvers.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! 
You append 4 diamond nails
 to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
Koo Koo Kachoo lives here!
 You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
1327 experience points earned!
You need 9 959 636 more experience points for the next level!

:D Kittin_103 :D
You've activated a stingbolt trap! Little poisoned arrows shower at you... (1)
Thanks to your very quick hopping, you manage to stay alive until the arrows run short!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
a cure potion and an extra mana potion.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
Mafarrico IV lives here
! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.

 experience points earned!
You need 9 933 066 more experience points for the next level!

The evil person
was seen here 7 minutes

:D Kittin_103:D
You activated a blademachine trap while looking around! (30)
You avoid the blades skillfully until the machine stops!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
2 elemental essences.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You 
append 4 diamond nails
 to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, 
you realize that ishe lives here!
 You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.

 experience points earned!
You need 9 903 903 more experience points for the next level!

The evil person
was seen here 12 minutes ago.

:D Kittin_103:D
You activated a blademachine trap while looking around! (32)
You avoid the blades skillfully until the machine stops!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: some rations.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You 
append 4 diamond nails
 to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
Luk's lives here
! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.

 experience points earned!
You need 9 760 196 more experience points for the next level!

The evil person
was seen here 26 minutes ago.
He's Still hiding... for a Crowbar ...

You've activated a stingbolt trap! Little poisoned arrows shower at you... (1)
Thanks to your very quick hopping, you manage to stay alive until the arrows run short!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 
6 diamond
 nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that $olid $nake lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
1107 experience points earned!

In the midst of searching the room, you feel a snarelock gripping your arms! (93)
After a long untying process, you succeed!
A manasucker trap approaches you! (156)
You try to stay as far away from the monster as you can, until it disappears. You were fortunate!
Suddenly you find yourself in a fallinggrate trap! (287)
You crouch down to force the bars open, and after a little while you manage to lift them just enough to crawl out!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
19 gold nuggets, 41 opals, 5 butterfly wings, 22 portions of ratfat, 5 pcs. of pan's pipes, 3 disprosiums, 2 kithrills, a hyperium and a disproshield.

A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 9 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
DGGR lives here!
You activated a blademachine trap while looking around! (70)
You avoid the blades skillfully until the machine stops!
You've activated a stingbolt trap! Little poisoned arrows shower at you... (33)
Thanks to your very quick hopping, you manage to stay alive until the arrows run short!
Suddenly you find yourself in a fallinggrate trap! (50)
You crouch down to force the bars open, and after a little while you manage to lift them just enough to crawl out!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...

You stuff the following things into your sack: 
5 silvers, 3 mana potions, a skull, a silver sting, an urchin quill, a mole hide and 18 magic nubs

A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 9 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
Miska lives here!
Suddenly you find yourself in a fallinggrate trap! (73)
You crouch down to force the bars open, and after a little while you manage to lift them just enough to crawl out!
You activated a blademachine trap while looking around! (73)
You avoid the blades skillfully until the machine stops!
A zombieshackle embraces you! (78)
You stretch the arms of the zombie until it goes limp and lets you go!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...

You stuff the following things into your sack: 
a diamond, 4 mana potions, 7 stinkglands, 8 airbags, 9 eardrums, a nucleus and an earblade
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 9 diamond nails to your loot.

After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
Ishtah lives here!
You've activated a stingbolt trap! Little poisoned arrows shower at you... (94)
Thanks to your very quick hopping, you manage to stay alive until the arrows run short!
Suddenly you find yourself in a fallinggrate trap! (93)
You crouch down to force the bars open, and after a little while you manage to lift them just enough to crawl out!
A zombieshackle embraces you! (200)
You stretch the arms of the zombie until it goes limp and lets you go!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
154 silvers, a dragonscale, a dragontooth, 2 dragonclaws and 12 magic nubs

A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 9 diamond nails to your loot.

After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
Kittin_103 lives here
A zombieshackle embraces you! (135)
You stretch the arms of the zombie until it goes limp and lets you go!
A manasucker trap approaches you! (275)
You try to stay as far away from the monster as you can, until it disappears. You were fortunate!
In the midst of searching the room, you feel a snarelock gripping your arms! (275)
After a long untying process, you succeed!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
3 lightbeams and 33 extra mana potions.

A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 6 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that johnny knoxvile lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
11739 experience points earned!

In the midst of searching the room, you feel a snarelock gripping your arms! (15)
After a long untying process, you succeed!
You activated a blademachine trap while looking around! (22)
You avoid the blades skillfully until the machine stops!
You've activated a stingbolt trap! Little poisoned arrows shower at you... (1)
Thanks to your very quick hopping, you manage to stay alive until the arrows run short!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 26 extra mana potions.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 6 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that flitch lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
1817 experience points earned!
You need 10 853 244 more experience points for the next level!    not so huge but such small traps for someone at lvl 50!!!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: an alien gadget and 3 extra mana potions.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 4 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that Basannio lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
10,440 silvers and 51 diamond nails.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 10 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here
As I was finessing my crowbar into residences in the magician's district all of a sudden I had 191,689 silvers. Thanks for the cash to whomever I took it from.


p.s.-veriac--It would really be great to store your last successful rob (and steal for that matter) so you don't miss it by accidentally clicking too fast.
You're welcome, greeney.  It was from $ilver.;)
You stuff the following things into your sack: a net, 
3 diamonds, 2 opals, 3 lapis lazulis, 5 emeralds, a ruby, 7 pearls, an elemental essence, 2 strands of lion whiskers and a piece of copper ore
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 9 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
asddsfkljashdflk lives here!

Not much goodies...but 11 items is nice :D

You've activated a stingbolt trap! Little poisoned arrows shower at you... (438)
Thanks to your very quick hopping, you manage to stay alive until the arrows run short!
In the midst of searching the room, you feel a snarelock gripping your arms! (217)
After a long untying process, you succeed!
A manasucker trap approaches you! (438)
You try to stay as far away from the monster as you can, until it disappears. You were fortunate!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
a staff, a shin-bone, 3 steel springs, a bird's feather, 160 mosquito wings, 8 urchin quills and a crowbar
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 9 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
WerePanther lives here
In the midst of searching the room, you feel a snarelock gripping your arms! (93)
After a long untying process, you succeed!
A manasucker trap approaches you! (156)
You try to stay as far away from the monster as you can, until it disappears. You were fortunate!
Suddenly you find yourself in a fallinggrate trap! (287)
You crouch down to force the bars open, and after a little while you manage to lift them just enough to crawl out!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
11 gold nuggets, 39 opals, 72 pearls, 2 underrabit livers, 2 pcs. of fiendwool, 5 strands of lion whiskers, a mole hide, a disproshield and a breathing cornerstone
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 9 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
DGGR lives here!
In the midst of searching the room, you feel a snarelock gripping your arms! (93)
After a long untying process, you succeed!
A manasucker trap approaches you! (156)
You try to stay as far away from the monster as you can, until it disappears. You were fortunate!
Suddenly you find yourself in a fallinggrate trap! (287)
You crouch down to force the bars open, and after a little while you manage to lift them just enough to crawl out!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
28 opals, 4 lapis lazulis, 35 pearls, a crystal plate, 3 butterfly wings, a disprosium, a centrolium, a hyperium and a breathing cornerstone
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 9 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
DGGR lives here!
Suddenly you find yourself in a fallinggrate trap! (73)
You crouch down to force the bars open, and after a little while you manage to lift them just enough to crawl out!
You activated a blademachine trap while looking around! (73)
You avoid the blades skillfully until the machine stops!
A zombieshackle embraces you! (78)
You stretch the arms of the zombie until it goes limp and lets you go!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
an aqua dei, an acid crystal, 3 liquid crystals, a poison gland, a disprosium, 3 giant crowns, a sepia, 7 uglinesses, 4 holy symbols, 6 airbags and a membraneplasm
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 9 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
Ishtah lives here!
My best rob yet!!  Yey!!  :-)

A zombieshackle embraces you! (170)
You stretch the arms of the zombie until it goes limp and lets you go!
Suddenly you find yourself in a fallinggrate trap! (236)
You crouch down to force the bars open, and after a little while you manage to lift them just enough to crawl out!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
3,894 silvers, a composium and a daemontooth.

A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 5 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that By-Tor lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
5135 experience points earned!

Suddenly you find yourself in a fallinggrate trap! (73)
You crouch down to force the bars open, and after a little while you manage to lift them just enough to crawl out!
You activated a blademachine trap while looking around! (73)
You avoid the blades skillfully until the machine stops!
A zombieshackle embraces you! (78)
You stretch the arms of the zombie until it goes limp and lets you go!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 6 airbags and 4 eardrums.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 6 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that Ishtah lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
5327 experience points earned!
You need 9 378 325 more experience points for the next level!
Im noticing the same names keep appearing as victims here....nnot like we're dropping any hints ISHTAH lmao

A manasucker trap approaches you! (30)
You try to stay as far away from the monster as you can, until it disappears. You were fortunate!
In the midst of searching the room, you feel a snarelock gripping your arms! (30)
After a long untying process, you succeed!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: a pearl and 58 diamond nails.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 7 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.

If ur sooo smart, try bigger traps.
Suddenly you find yourself in a fallinggrate trap! (325)
You crouch down to force the bars open, and after a little while you manage to lift them just enough to crawl out!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 19 pcs. of copper ore.
After rummaging through the junk, 
you realize that gundar lives here!
 You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.

8645 experience points earned!
You need 9 639 260 more experience points for the next level!

WOW!  Thanks for the Great Trap!!  Nice Exp!

:D Kittin_103 :D

You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 3,561 silvers.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 6 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that M J lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
873 experience points earned!
You activated a blademachine trap while looking around! (70)
You avoid the blades skillfully until the machine stops!
You've activated a stingbolt trap! Little poisoned arrows shower at you... (70)
Thanks to your very quick hopping, you manage to stay alive until the arrows run short!
You activated a blademachine trap while looking around! (70)
You avoid the blades skillfully until the machine stops!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 3 recovery drinks and 8 mobilo diavovinos.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 6 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that Mooshoo lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
6055 experience points earned!
You activated a blademachine trap while looking around! (200)
You avoid the blades skillfully until the machine stops!
Suddenly you find yourself in a fallinggrate trap! (200)
You crouch down to force the bars open, and after a little while you manage to lift them just enough to crawl out!
A zombieshackle embraces you! (150)
You stretch the arms of the zombie until it goes limp and lets you go!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
a mana potion, an antidote, 2 urchin quills, a piece of njukug whiskers, a fiendcalf and 30 magic nubs

A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 9 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
Hero 01 lives here!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
228,514 silvers, an aqua dei, 14 magic hulls and 6 extra mana potions

A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 9 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
Doomtrain lives here!
You've activated a stingbolt trap! Little poisoned arrows shower at you... (438)
Thanks to your very quick hopping, you manage to stay alive until the arrows run short!
In the midst of searching the room, you feel a snarelock gripping your arms! (217)
After a long untying process, you succeed!
A manasucker trap approaches you! (438)
You try to stay as far away from the monster as you can, until it disappears. You were fortunate!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: a tortoise shell, a brass club and 10 pcs. of iron ore.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 5 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that WerePanther lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
40186 experience points earned!
You need 18 488 026 more experience points for the next level!
A zombieshackle embraces you! (125)
You stretch the arms of the zombie until it goes limp and lets you go!
In the midst of searching the room, you feel a snarelock gripping your arms! (200)
After a long untying process, you succeed!
You activated a blademachine trap while looking around! (98)
You avoid the blades skillfully until the machine stops!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 242,944 silvers, an antidote and a prayer-wheel.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 5 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that tmotu lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
13414 experience points earned!
You need 6 833 102 more experience points for the next level!
Suddenly you find yourself in a fallinggrate trap! (60)
You crouch down to force the bars open, and after a little while you manage to lift them just enough to crawl out!
A zombieshackle embraces you! (273)
You stretch the arms of the zombie until it goes limp and lets you go!
In the midst of searching the room, you feel a snarelock gripping your arms! (238)
After a long untying process, you succeed!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: an antidote, 8 lapis lazulis and 15 dragonteeth.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 6 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that argggg lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
13061 experience points earned!
You need 7 052 259 more experience points for the next level!
You've activated a stingbolt trap! Little poisoned arrows shower at you... (1)
Thanks to your very quick hopping, you manage to stay alive until the arrows run short!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: a lava sword.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 6 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that Whiskeygirl lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
1275 experience points earned!
You activated a blademachine trap while looking around! (20)
You avoid the blades skillfully until the machine stops!
You've activated a stingbolt trap! Little poisoned arrows shower at you... (20)
Thanks to your very quick hopping, you manage to stay alive until the arrows run short!
Suddenly you find yourself in a fallinggrate trap! (8)
You crouch down to force the bars open, and after a little while you manage to lift them just enough to crawl out!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: an obsidian dagger, a magician staff and a pair of golden boots.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 6 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that Ophellia lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
2413 experience points earned!
You stuff the following things into your sack: 10,548 silvers and a kallandra tooth.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 5 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that THE PROFESSOR lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
803 experience points earned!
You need 161 930 more experience points for the next level!
You activated a blademachine trap while looking around! (70)
You avoid the blades skillfully until the machine stops!
You've activated a stingbolt trap! Little poisoned arrows shower at you... (33)
Thanks to your very quick hopping, you manage to stay alive until the arrows run short!
Suddenly you find yourself in a fallinggrate trap! (23)
You crouch down to force the bars open, and after a little while you manage to lift them just enough to crawl out!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
4 mana potions, a silver sting, 2 urchin quills, a crowbar, a breathing cornerstone, 4 magic nubs and 17 recovery drinks
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
Miska lives here!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 4084 goblin coins.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 6 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that tumbelina lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
769 experience points earned!
You need 6 061 698 more experience points for the next level!
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
12 antidotes, 2 alien gadgets, an alien contraption, a magic spell and 2 recovery drinks
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 
7 diamond nails
 to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
988 experience points earned!
You need 4 675 100 more experience points for the next level!

Thanks, Monty!
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
59 gold nuggets, an aqua dei, an opal, 35 vampiric herbs, a njonjoz tooth, a diamond nail and 2 oreputtys
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 
7 diamond nails
 to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
5899 experience points earned!
You need 3 939 097 more experience points for the next level!
not particularly large in monetary terms but large enough to way overload me!!!

251 portions of rations Thanks ONLY STRENGTH
341 pieces ocopper ore  Thanks DIGGSTONS

(nearly hitting 200)
In the midst of searching the room, you feel a snarelock gripping your arms! (1)
After a long untying process, you succeed!
A zombieshackle embraces you! (34)
You stretch the arms of the zombie until it goes limp and lets you go!
A manasucker trap approaches you! (73)
You try to stay as far away from the monster as you can, until it disappears. You were fortunate!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
a skull, a lizardskin, 37 magic nubs and 20 extra mana potions.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 
6 diamond nails
 to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that finnbogi lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
5685 experience points earned!
You need 20 953 319 more experience points for the next level!
Thanks a bunch alpie!:D

For A Robber Near You
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
79 magic
 nubs and 68 extra mana potions.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 10 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here!

You stuff the following things into your sack: 
2,391 silvers, a pearl and 36 diamond nails.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 10 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here!

You stuff the following things into your sack: 8 portions of rations, 3 mana potions, 
an alien gadget, 2 dragon eyes, a firespell, an earthspell
 and 11 extra mana potions.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 10 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
lives here!

You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
an eardrum.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that fatkt72 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
1182 experience points earned!
You need 20 475 492 more experience points for the next level!

I'm wondering......why did a level 27 have an eardrum in his(or her)house???

For A Robber Near You
affe, i believe it's a mission reward for one of the king's missions you can do at about that lvl.  as for why they'd keep it, i'm not sure.
Suddenly you find yourself in a fallinggrate trap! (73)
You crouch down to force the bars open, and after a little while you manage to lift them just enough to crawl out!
You activated a blademachine trap while looking around! (73)
You avoid the blades skillfully until the machine stops!
A zombieshackle embraces you! (78)
You stretch the arms of the zombie until it goes limp and lets you go!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
3 diamonds, 2 mana potions, an aqua dei, 7 holy symbols and 2 airbags
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 9 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
Ishtah lives here
You activated a blademachine trap while looking around! (70)
You avoid the blades skillfully until the machine stops!
You've activated a stingbolt trap! Little poisoned arrows shower at you... (33)
Thanks to your very quick hopping, you manage to stay alive until the arrows run short!
Suddenly you find yourself in a fallinggrate trap! (80)
You crouch down to force the bars open, and after a little while you manage to lift them just enough to crawl out!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
3 mana potions, a crowbar, 2 pcs. of njukug whiskers, 17 recovery drinks and 11 mobilo diavovinos
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 9 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
Miska lives here!
Suddenly you find yourself in a fallinggrate trap! (550)
You crouch down to force the bars open, and after a little while you manage to lift them just enough to crawl out!
A manasucker trap approaches you! (550)
You try to stay as far away from the monster as you can, until it disappears. You were fortunate!
You activated a blademachine trap while looking around! (575)
You avoid the blades skillfully until the machine stops!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
a cube, 86 extra mana potions and 5 universal keys.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 8 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
25798 experience points earned!

Woah Baby!:o I gotta visit more often!
WOW! Nice Haul Racy!!! U go girl! lol ;)

An Nice Traps Cinder!

well they WERE nice traps Kittin...till SOMEONE busted one of them! knocked 300 of the bloomin thing!

On the plus side, my spring cleaning yesterday made the haul a little more bearable...shudder to think what'd have gone AWOL if Lusha had hit yesterday..

Nice grab Lusha....

I think its time for a bar-b-que V2 style :p
LOL you want the stuff back too?(a)

sorry about breakin the trap....kinda...
oh, and about beatin up on Cinder:p

lol...just not your day today:(
REALLY?!?!?!?!?! Ya think????

Suddenly you find yourself in a fallinggrate trap! (565)
You crouch down to force the bars open, and after a little while you manage to lift them just enough to crawl out!
A manasucker trap approaches you! (565)
You try to stay as far away from the monster as you can, until it disappears. You were fortunate!
A zombieshackle embraces you! (565)
You stretch the arms of the zombie until it goes limp and lets you go!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: a shin-bone, a steel spring, a magic spell, 6 giganails, an airspell and 2 tendons.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 10 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
74975 experience points earned!

Whatever gives you that idea?


(Afraid to wonder what else can go wrong today)
Poor C ;) no gambling for you today

*hands him aglass of nice wine*

looks like you might need that
Suddenly you find yourself in a fallinggrate trap! (73)
You crouch down to force the bars open, and after a little while you manage to lift them just enough to crawl out!
You activated a blademachine trap while looking around! (73)
You avoid the blades skillfully until the machine stops!
A zombieshackle embraces you! (78)
You stretch the arms of the zombie until it goes limp and lets you go!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
3 diamonds, a mana potion, a miracle satchel, a disprosium and 14 diamond nails
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 9 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
Ishtah lives here!
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
9,934 silvers, a steel spring, a silver horseshoe and 4 njonjoz teeth.

After rummaging through the junk, you realize that Edithus lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
1346 experience points earned!
You need 13 757 657 more experience points for the next level!

Mafarrico III
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
881 bird's feathers, 153 pegasus feathers and 2 magic nubs
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 
5 diamond nails
 to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
15018 experience points earned!

Mafarrico III
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
171 oreputtys
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 9 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that Cu 
Chulainn lives here!
I swear, that Ishtah guy needs better locks.  He shows up in this thread quite a bit.  What square does he live on?!

A manasucker trap approaches you! (550)
You try to stay as far away from the monster as you can, until it disappears. You were fortunate!
Suddenly you find yourself in a fallinggrate trap! (550)
You crouch down to force the bars open, and after a little while you manage to lift them just enough to crawl out!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
16 alien gadgets and 6 alien contraptions
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 10 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
Loocifer lives here!
You stuff the following things into your sack: 147,693 silvers, an antidote, an aqua dei, 20 dragonscales and 15 dragonteeth.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 7 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that truth_in_person lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 18 emeralds and 3 pcs. of njukug whiskers.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 7 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that Sylvio de Ful lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.

Suddenly you find yourself in a fallinggrate trap! (389)
You crouch down to force the bars open, and after a little while you manage to lift them just enough to crawl out!
A manasucker trap approaches you! (400)
You try to stay as far away from the monster as you can, until it disappears. You were fortunate!
A manasucker trap approaches you! (401)
You try to stay as far away from the monster as you can, until it disappears. You were fortunate!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
4,237 silvers, a cure potion, 16 liquid crystals, a manasatchel and 11 oreputtys

A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! 
You append 10 diamond nails to your loot.

After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
Jewyl lives here!
AshenFace lives here!
eej lives here!
Ganah lives here!
-***- lives here!
Sweetness12 lives here!
Sidartha lives here!
bubbaloo lives here!
Lady Monkey lives here!(1615 silvers)
lockne lives here!
gundar lives here!
bob1345 lives here!
arena for me lives here!
Pioneer-88 lives here!
Raiken lives here!
MikeOxBig lives here!
lockne lives here!
Genc Fener lives here!
JackalAmongRuins lives here!
Karlll lives here!
hulk. lives here!
Judokidz lives here!
Genc Fener lives here!
SQUIZ lives here!
unicorn thief lives here!
minxdebanshee lives here!
Zen Master lives here!
-***- lives here!
Rancor40 lives here!
Raiken lives here!
Jagatai lives here!
Dunryc lives here!
Udae lives here
Slayer-88 lives here!
The Judge lives here!
mordoc lives here!
j666f lives here!
BOB THE MAN lives here!
Tremaine lives here!
willia lives here!
Loken lives here!
locktar lives here!
Jagatai lives here!

For A Robber Near You
Suddenly you find yourself in a fallinggrate trap! (34)
You crouch down to force the bars open, and after a little while you manage to lift them just enough to crawl out!
You activated a blademachine trap while looking around! (34)
You avoid the blades skillfully until the machine stops!
A zombieshackle embraces you! (37)
You stretch the arms of the zombie until it goes limp and lets you go!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
91 lapis lazulis, a kallandra tooth, 7 holy symbols, an earthspell and 11 diamond nails
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 10 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
Ishtah lives here!
Success! You have managed to pilfer 
8,188 silvers
jason no 6
3199 experience points earned!
You need 6 845 997 more experience points for the next level!

Mafarrico IV
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
77 mana potions
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 5 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that w.y.p. lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
588 experience points earned!
You need 323 161 more experience points for the next level!
You activated a blademachine trap while looking around! (190)
You avoid the blades skillfully until the machine stops!
A manasucker trap approaches you! (250)
You try to stay as far away from the monster as you can, until it disappears. You were fortunate!
Suddenly you find yourself in a fallinggrate trap! (227)
You crouch down to force the bars open, and after a little while you manage to lift them just enough to crawl out!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
350 silvers, 173 pearls and a magic hull
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 
5 diamond nails
 to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that dmvd lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
17812 experience points earned!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
2 kithrill helms.

A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 7 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that owendt1 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.

Very nice loot Owen....no traps though tut tut
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
a mana potion, an alien gadget and 7 dragon eyes.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 7 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that i want it lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.

In the midst of searching the room, you feel a snarelock gripping your arms! (75)
After a long untying process, you succeed!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
40 diamond nails
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
2374 experience points earned!

Mafarrico III
The earthmage master escaped from you towards east!
You don't care for the earthmage master, you go on...
In the midst of searching the room, you feel a snarelock gripping your arms! (1)
After a long untying process, you succeed!
You activated a blademachine trap while looking around! (1)
You avoid the blades skillfully until the machine stops!
Suddenly you find yourself in a fallinggrate trap! (1)
You crouch down to force the bars open, and after a little while you manage to lift them just enough to crawl out!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 23 silvers, a bull's pizzle, a silver horseshoe and 6 tin balls.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 7 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that Pallás lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
1563 experience points earned!
You need 779 952 more experience points for the next level!
The evil person Harrybo was seen towards southwest a long time ago.
In the midst of searching the room, you feel a snarelock gripping your arms! (25)
After a long untying process, you succeed!
A manasucker trap approaches you! (14)
You try to stay as far away from the monster as you can, until it disappears. You were fortunate!
You've activated a stingbolt trap! Little poisoned arrows shower at you... (135)
Thanks to your very quick hopping, you manage to stay alive until the arrows run short!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 2 portions of rations and 3 elemental essences.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 7 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that Tom Bombadillo lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
3949 experience points earned!
You need 752 456 more experience points for the next level!
In the midst of searching the room, you feel a snarelock gripping your arms! (5)
After a long untying process, you succeed!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 137 silvers, an emerald and 2 unicorn's horns.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 7 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that Nightwand lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
1001 experience points earned!
You need 749 787 more experience points for the next level!
You've activated a stingbolt trap! Little poisoned arrows shower at you... (50)
Thanks to your very quick hopping, you manage to stay alive until the arrows run short!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
a hydrasteel sword.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 6 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that MITHRANDIR lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
2401 experience points earned!
You need 16 355 890 more experience points for the next level!

For A robber Near You
Sunstar on her way to the 100 club

You stuff the following things into your sack: 3 ruby mail shirts.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 4 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that Cleptomaniac lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
373 experience points earned!

Sunstar again - hitting lots of places today. BTW -what the heck is a "holy symbol" used for?

In the midst of searching the room, you feel a snarelock gripping your arms! (2)
After a long untying process, you succeed!
A manasucker trap approaches you! (1)
You try to stay as far away from the monster as you can, until it disappears. You were fortunate!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: a silver and a holy symbol.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that locktar lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
1780 experience points earned!

In the midst of searching the room, you feel a snarelock gripping your arms! (75)
After a long untying process, you succeed!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 7 diamond nails.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 5 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that Lilyloo lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
3982 experience points earned!
You need 30 206 394 more experience points for the next level!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 2 lightbeams.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 5 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that imp lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
1552 experience points earned!
You need 29 715 339 more experience points for the next level!

Suddenly you find yourself in a fallinggrate trap! (34)
You crouch down to force the bars open, and after a little while you manage to lift them just enough to crawl out!
You activated a blademachine trap while looking around! (34)
You avoid the blades skillfully until the machine stops!
A zombieshackle embraces you! (37)
You stretch the arms of the zombie until it goes limp and lets you go!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...

You stuff the following things into your sack:
25 lapis lazulis, a ruby, a kallandra tooth, 6 dragon hearts and a wizardrobe

A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 10 diamond nails to your loot.

After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
Ishtah lives here!
In the midst of searching the room, you feel a snarelock gripping your arms! (30)
After a long untying process, you succeed!
You activated a blademachine trap while looking around! (30)
You avoid the blades skillfully until the machine stops!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 1,362 silvers, a map of Larkinor and 2 diamond nails.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 7 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that Hero5 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
2591 experience points earned!
You need 480 065 more experience points for the next level!
The swordsman escaped from you towards east!
You don't care for the swordsman, you go on...
You activated a blademachine trap while looking around! (110)
You avoid the blades skillfully until the machine stops!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: a ruby mail shirt.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 7 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that JTKorie lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
3313 experience points earned!
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
3 pearls, 2 crocodile skins, a hydragen-carbid, 16 alien contraptions and an extinguished nimbus
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 7 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! 
You stuff the following things into your sack: a miracle satchel, 12 alien gadgets, 10 alien contraptions and 60 mobilo diavovinos.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 8 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that Super Groover lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.

You've activated a stingbolt trap! Little poisoned arrows shower at you... (499)
Thanks to your very quick hopping, you manage to stay alive until the arrows run short!
A manasucker trap approaches you! (499)
You try to stay as far away from the monster as you can, until it disappears. You were fortunate!
Suddenly you find yourself in a fallinggrate trap! (499)
You crouch down to force the bars open, and after a little while you manage to lift them just enough to crawl out!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
152 magic nubs and a universal key
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 7 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
8509 experience points earned!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 28 magic nubs.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 7 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that imp lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
270 experience points earned!

You activated a blademachine trap while looking around! (30)
You avoid the blades skillfully until the machine stops!
Suddenly you find yourself in a fallinggrate trap! (130)
You crouch down to force the bars open, and after a little while you manage to lift them just enough to crawl out!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
7,110 silvers
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 7 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that Hero5 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
1051 experience points earned!
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 10 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
Lord Droopy
 lives here!
You stuff the following things into your sack: 2 mana potions, a cure potion, 
3 hyperiums, 18 stinkglands and 2 dragon hearts.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 10 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
By-Tor lives here!
you realize that skb lives here!
you realize that red fish lives here!
you realize that Starchild lives here! (3,360 silvers)
you realize that fladnag lives here!
you realize that MoleKat lives here
you realize that Lagolas lives here
You pay 8,050 silvers for the lessons.
you realize that the bomb lives here
you realize that demaris lives here
you realize that COMANCHE lives here!
you realize that magikkal lives here!
you realize that andymr lives here
you realize that Mr. Vudoo lives here
you realize that Don Natán lives here
you realize that taz_mag lives here
you realize that JagMage lives here
you realize that Squall_Br lives here
you realize that bari02 lives here

You stuff the following things into your sack: a silver sting, 14 liquid crystals, a piece of njukug whiskers, 2 nannysnail gobs, 
8 lightbeams, 2 magic spells, 20 airspells, 15 waterspells, a goldennut and an ironnut.

After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here!

My retirement fund thanks you:)

not really a large 1 but put the victim was a good 1 :D
 You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 2 dragon eyes.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 4 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
1542 experience points earned!
You need 10 979 428 more experience points for the next level!

Thank you Tarot:)
You activated a blademachine trap while looking around! (10)
You avoid the blades skillfully until the machine stops!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 2 gold nuggets, an elemental essence, a crocodile skin, a mole hide and 9 tin balls.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 7 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that Rhek lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
1310 experience points earned!

The unknown creature escaped from you towards west!
You don't care for the unknown creature, you go on...
In the midst of searching the room, you feel a snarelock gripping your arms! (84)
After a long untying process, you succeed!
You activated a blademachine trap while looking around! (200)
You avoid the blades skillfully until the machine stops!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 142,613 silvers and an extra mana potion.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 7 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that SorcererSupreme lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
7602 experience points earned!

didn't catch the name!!! dagnammit

a shin bone,a lightbeam, a dragon crest, 4iron ore, a raw composium and 7 extra mana potions
You stuff the following things into your sack: a shovel, 
a diamond, 2 cure potions, a hyperium, 3 stinkglands and a dragon heart.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! 

You stuff the following things into your sack: a miracle satchel, an aqua dei, a prayer-wheel, 8 magic hulls, 2 sense-balls and a 
centro bodyshield
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 10 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
Chicken Kid
 lives here!

You stuff the following things into your sack: 
10 magic nubs
 and 30 extra mana potions.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 10 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here

You feel that you've developed your skill! You pay 15,400 silvers for the lessons.

Hellooooooo 440 :D

LOL Wtg Cinder..glad I wasn't on that list this go around:D
wtg on the robbing lv C :)

You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
3 breathing cornerstones
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 6 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
408 experience points earned!
You need 5 006 619 more experience points for the next level! tyvm were :D
Suddenly you find yourself in a fallinggrate trap! (1)
You crouch down to force the bars open, and after a little while you manage to lift them just enough to crawl out!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 7,156 silvers and 28 portions of rations.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 7 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that amrutraj lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
1512 experience points earned!

You stuff the following things into your sack: 
200 gold nuggets, 12 opals, 2 pearls, 252 vampiric herbs, a tin ball, a hyperium and 11 magic nubs.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 10 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
howdy doody
 lives here! 
you call that a large robbery Cinder? what ever happened to robbing me? hmmm guess I need 3 (664) traps lol :p
When Vamp herbs selling on the market for about 1k a pop....yup I sure do!
well since I have tens of millons at home again I consider it simple pocket change aka chump change m8. get in my home again then repost
You stuff the following things into your sack: 240 gold nuggets, 110 bird's feathers, 
5 stinkglands, 22 alien contraptions, 4 dragon eyes, a sepia and 11 nucleuses.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 10 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here


Colour me impressed!

Congrats C, but what was the xp gotten? you bum ;) forgot all about the xp.. is anything on the market yet?
In the midst of searching the room, you feel a snarelock gripping your arms! (530)
After a long untying process, you succeed!
Suddenly you find yourself in a fallinggrate trap! (54)
You crouch down to force the bars open, and after a little while you manage to lift them just enough to crawl out!
You activated a blademachine trap while looking around! (129)
You avoid the blades skillfully until the machine stops!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
130 magic nubs
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 10 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
crustyFHQ lives here
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 2,824 silvers.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 5 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that Billy Bob Bill lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
as Sunstar - 
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 39 diamonds, 10 disprosiums, 10 kithrills and 20 hyperiums.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 4 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that Fizzler ab Rok lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
19398 experience points earned!

Wow...nice take for a less than 100 lvl robber:D congrats
Thanks! :)
Hope to make lvl 100 next week with Sunstar.

In the midst of searching the room, you feel a snarelock gripping your arms! (371)
After a long untying process, you succeed!
You've activated a stingbolt trap! Little poisoned arrows shower at you... (371)
Thanks to your very quick hopping, you manage to stay alive until the arrows run short!
A manasucker trap approaches you! (371)
You try to stay as far away from the monster as you can, until it disappears. You were fortunate!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
10,418 silvers and 17 shovels.

After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
Runnin' Amuck lives here!
You activated a blademachine trap while looking around! (70)
You avoid the blades skillfully until the machine stops!
Suddenly you find yourself in a fallinggrate trap! (80)
You crouch down to force the bars open, and after a little while you manage to lift them just enough to crawl out!
You've activated a stingbolt trap! Little poisoned arrows shower at you... (90)
Thanks to your very quick hopping, you manage to stay alive until the arrows run short!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
24,181 silvers, a gold nugget and 2 oreputtys
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 7 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that Miska lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
1867 experience points earned!
You stuff the following things into your sack: 10,191 silvers.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 5 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that wisebobman lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.

You stuff the following things into your sack: 21 yetifeet and 12 extra mana potions.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 4 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that -***- lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
1940 experience points earned!

Dolphin of Blue

Always Swimming Around Larkinor
You stuff the following things into your sack: 21 disprosiums.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that Bacillia Tormein lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
2127 experience points earned!

You stuff the following things into your sack: 
2 vampiric herbs, 5 alien contraptions and an extra mana potion
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
lives here!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 452 gold nuggets, an emerald, 8 rubies, a golden hinge and 27 tin balls.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 7 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that farm hand lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
1249 experience points earned!
You stuff the following things into your sack: 52,144 silvers, a shovel, a diamond, a sense-ball and a centrolium.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 8 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that By-Tor lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
12029 experience points earned!

A manasucker trap approaches you! (390)
You try to stay as far away from the monster as you can, until it disappears. You were fortunate!
You activated a blademachine trap while looking around! (450)
You avoid the blades skillfully until the machine stops!
You've activated a stingbolt trap! Little poisoned arrows shower at you... (450)
Thanks to your very quick hopping, you manage to stay alive until the arrows run short!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 2 shin-bones, 5 steel springs, 5 tortoise shells, a mosquito wing, 6 urchin quills and 17 denim shirts.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 8 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 2Bad4You2Have lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
32904 experience points earned!

You stuff the following things into your sack: some rations, 3 mana potions and 6 alien contraptions.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 8 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that tinytimm lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.

A manasucker trap approaches you! (316)
You try to stay as far away from the monster as you can, until it disappears. You were fortunate!
You activated a blademachine trap while looking around! (415)
You avoid the blades skillfully until the machine stops!
In the midst of searching the room, you feel a snarelock gripping your arms! (354)
After a long untying process, you succeed!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
some rations, 54 aqua deis, a shin-bone, 55 liquid crystals, 5 vampiric herbs, 14 firespells, 2 yetifeet, 10 diamond nails and 10 magic nubs.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 10 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
50168 experience points earned!

A zombieshackle embraces you! (135)
You stretch the arms of the zombie until it goes limp and lets you go!
A manasucker trap approaches you! (275)
You try to stay as far away from the monster as you can, until it disappears. You were fortunate!
In the midst of searching the room, you feel a snarelock gripping your arms! (275)
After a long untying process, you succeed!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: an alien gadget, 4 lightbeams, 15 extra mana potions and a recovery drink.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 8 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that johnny knoxvile lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
4531 experience points earned!
You need 5 885 517 more experience points for the next level!

Help! Mmmmpfff!  I'm drowning!  lol!

You stuff the following things into your sack: 
128 bird's feathers and 399 mosquito wings
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 7 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that[b Siente' Luna
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
1442 experience points earned!]
You stuff the following things into your sack: 3 treasures and 111 extra mana potions.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 6 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
2205 experience points earned!

You stuff the following things into your sack: 
4 dragon muscles, 2 dragon crests and 24 magic nubs

A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 10 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you 
realize that Grudge lives here

You've activated a stingbolt trap! Little poisoned arrows shower at you... (26)
Thanks to your very quick hopping, you manage to stay alive until the arrows run short!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 2 njhenjherhe necks and 
2 stinkglands
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 5 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
1405 experience points earned!
You activated a blademachine trap while looking around! (395)
You avoid the blades skillfully until the machine stops!
Suddenly you find yourself in a fallinggrate trap! (395)
You crouch down to force the bars open, and after a little while you manage to lift them just enough to crawl out!
In the midst of searching the room, you feel a snarelock gripping your arms! (447)
After a long untying process, you succeed!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...

You stuff the following things into your sack: 75,528 silvers, 2 rubies, a disprosium, 5 kallandra teeth and a dragon eye.

A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 5 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.

 experience points earned!
A manasucker trap approaches you! (335)
You try to stay as far away from the monster as you can, until it disappears. You were fortunate!
In the midst of searching the room, you feel a snarelock gripping your arms! (335)
After a long untying process, you succeed!
A zombieshackle embraces you! (398)
You stretch the arms of the zombie until it goes limp and lets you go!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
125 gold nuggets, 15 vampiric herbs, 4 disprosiums, 3 composiums and 77 magic nubs.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 8 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
reborn again
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
23592 experience points earned!
You need 34 469 030 more experience points for the next level!
An adult 3-headed dragon strolls in the neighborhood! Do you attack it, or lie low?!

ria :p

In the midst of searching the room, you feel a snarelock gripping your arms! (93)
After a long untying process, you succeed!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
an atomantium dagger.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 6 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
4284 experience points earned!
You need 12 250 271 more experience points for the next level!

For A Robber Near You
You stuff the following things into your sack: a silver sting, 2 pcs. of copper ore and 68 dragonscales.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 8 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that Ishtahnay lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
2058 experience points earned!

You stuff the following things into your sack: 9 gold nuggets, 79 lapis lazulis, 19 rubies, a butterfly wing, 4 golden hinges, 3 pcs. of copper ore, 26 tin balls, 6 pcs. of njukug whiskers, 
3 disprosiums, 2 kithrills, 2 hyperiums and 3 stinkglands.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 10 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
70600 experience points earned!

You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
7,480 silvers, an egoplasm and a golden helmet
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 
6 diamond nails
 to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.

Mafarrico III
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
1928 gold nuggets, 82 liquid crystals, 18 diamond nails and 30 oreputtys.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 8 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.

nice traps too  :p
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 7,253 silvers and an elemental essence.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 7 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that reisbaellchen lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
364 experience points earned!

You activated a blademachine trap while looking around! (12)
You avoid the blades skillfully until the machine stops!
You activated a blademachine trap while looking around! (56)
You avoid the blades skillfully until the machine stops!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
35,726 silvers.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 6 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that Rancor40 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
10 alien gadgets, 4 alien contraptions and a dragon muscle.

A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 8 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.

You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
8,098 silvers.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 6 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
1078 experience points earned!
You need 10 406 028 more experience points for the next level!
Ahh the joy of homebankers:D

For A Robber Near You
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
a ruby, a dragon crest, an airbag, an earblade, 2 magic spells, a waterspell and a daemontooth.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 7 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
You stuff the following things into your sack: a map of Larkinor, a lapis lazuli, 4 tin balls, a piece of njukug whiskers, 
a raw composium
 and a mobilo diavovino.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 10 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! 

Cinder the Grinch
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
57,408 silvers and a honey balm.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 10 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! 


(Enjoying his grinching ways)
thanks alot cinder.....i needed that HONEY BALM!  

i am not leaving anymore cash in my home...u got me.
You activated a blademachine trap while looking around! (58)
You avoid the blades skillfully until the machine stops!
A zombieshackle embraces you! (70)
You stretch the arms of the zombie until it goes limp and lets you go!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
18,928 silvers, 3 disprosiums, 4 dragon horns and 2 eardrums
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 10 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
Broon lives here
In the midst of searching the room, you feel a snarelock gripping your arms! (65)
After a long untying process, you succeed!
You activated a blademachine trap while looking around! (130)
You avoid the blades skillfully until the machine stops!
Suddenly you find yourself in a fallinggrate trap! (201)
You crouch down to force the bars open, and after a little while you manage to lift them just enough to crawl out!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
a vampiric herb, a kallandra tooth, a magic spell, 16 recovery drinks and 23 mobilo diavovinos

A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 10 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
mental_mike lives here
You activated a blademachine trap while looking around! (190)
You avoid the blades skillfully until the machine stops!
A manasucker trap approaches you! (250)
You try to stay as far away from the monster as you can, until it disappears. You were fortunate!
Suddenly you find yourself in a fallinggrate trap! (227)
You crouch down to force the bars open, and after a little while you manage to lift them just enough to crawl out!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
185 silvers, 59 gold nuggets, 10 mana potions, 37 opals, 78 acid crystals, a giantblood shield and 4 daemonteeth
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 10 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
dmvd lives here!
Been a while kitty....

You stuff the following things into your sack: 2 diamonds, an aqua dei, a crowbar and 4 stinkglands.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 7 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that Kittin_103 lives here! 
A zombieshackle embraces you! (170)
You stretch the arms of the zombie until it goes limp and lets you go!
Suddenly you find yourself in a fallinggrate trap! (236)
You crouch down to force the bars open, and after a little while you manage to lift them just enough to crawl out!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 31 gold nuggets, an aqua dei and a hyperium.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 7 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that By-Tor lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
2 nets, 3 ruby mail shirts and 10 alien contraptions
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 7 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that
 Super Groover
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
6478 experience points earned!
I'm really really sorry Cinder  :D

You stuff the following things into your sack: a gold nugget, a miracle satchel, an aqua dei, an alien gadget, an alien contraption, a dragon eye, 2 membraneplasms, 3 diamond nails and an extra mana potion.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 8 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that Jus`Thievin` lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.

-Good Prince K
well they say revenge is a family business...so I took it out on your sis :p

You stuff the following things into your sack: 3 mana potions, 4 disprosiums, 5 dragon horns and 7 extra mana potions.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 10 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that Smurfmom! lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.

You stuff the following things into your sack: 
25,479 silvers, 3 picture tubes and 40 mobilo diavovinos.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 8 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.

You stuff the following things into your sack: 
12,341 silvers, 2 nets, 2 portions of ratfat, a piece of pan's pipes and a stinkgland.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 8 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
weenawll lives here
! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.

You stuff the following things into your sack: 
a diamond, 8 dragon hearts, 18 holy symbols, 2 earblades and a diamond nail.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 8 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.

I found a bakers house :D

You stuff the following things into your sack: 
7 100yearsold breads.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 10 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house

You stuff the following things into your sack: 
an opal, a fishbone, 39 alien gadgets, 17 nucleuses and 4 earblades.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 8 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
slapperflap lives here
! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
25346 experience points earned!

You stuff the following things into your sack: 2 bird's feathers, an opal, a pearl, 10 mosquito wings, an elemental essence, a magic splinter, a strand of lion whiskers, a leopard skin, a poison gland, a honey balm and a mole hide

You stuff the following things into your sack: 4 butterfly wings, a buffalobeard, a unicorn's horn, 2 strands of lion whiskers, a silver spine, a rhyno's horn, 2 diamond rings, a honey balm and 140 goblin coins.

You stuff the following things into your sack: a shin-bone, 5 bird's feathers, 4 mosquito wings, 2 butterfly wings, a pegasus feather, an egoplasm, 2 portions of ratfat, a magic splinter, a yorick and 2 urchin quills. 
 A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 10 diamond nails to your loot. 

 After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
Dark Vader lives here

3 times in a row....poor guy :|

Sunstar has found the aliens lair!!!

You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
14 alien gadgets.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 
5 diamond nails
 to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
18840 experience points earned!

You stuff the following things into your sack: a gold nugget, a mana potion, an elemental essence, 2 vampiric herbs, an eyelid, a stinkgland and 26 extra mana potions.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 10 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! 

looks like you didnt steal enough crowbars from me Braves :p
that is soooo not a even trade :(Following things are missing: a gold nugget, a mana potion, an elemental essence, 2 vampiric herbs, an eyelid, a stinkgland and 26 extra mana potions   all that for a crowbar :(
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
an alien gadget, 3 dragongrasses, a giant crown, an extinguished nimbus, an eardrum
 and 7 extra mana potions.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 10 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here

You stuff the following things into your sack: 
4,114 silvers, an eyelid, a kallandra tooth, 8 stinkglands, 3 dragon hearts, 3 dragongrasses and an extra mana potion
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 10 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
talitu lives here
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
2 sense-balls, 3 disprosiums and 2 stinkglands
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 10 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
WizardRalph lives here
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
24 gold nuggets, an aqua dei, 11 opals, 16 lapis lazulis, 38 emeralds, 182 pearls and 2 daemonteeth
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 10 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
dmvd lives here!
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
25,988 silvers, a breathing cornerstone, a dragon crest, 2 dragon eyes, 2 dragongrasses, a raw composium, 6 oreputtys and 5 recovery drinks
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 10 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
Miska lives here
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
24,706 silvers
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 10 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
Dimitar1 lives here
You stuff the following things into your sack: 

46,710 silvers, a steel spring, a portion of ratfat, a magic splinter, a mail helmet, a dragontooth, an eardrum and a treasure

After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
weenawll lives here
You stuff the following things into your sack: 

2 alien gadgets, an alien contraption, 5 breathing cornerstones, 16 oreputtys, 15 extra mana potions, 7 recovery drinks and 7 mobilo diavovinos

A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 10 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
Miska lives here!
You stuff the following things into your sack: 

3 alien gadgets, a dragon muscle, 5 extra mana potions and 5 mobilo diavovinos.

A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 10 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
Miska lives here
You stuff the following things into your sack: 

11 oreputtys and 10 extra mana potions
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 10 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
Miska lives here!

what can i say......maybe you should NOT go home when a robber is standing outside your door!

You stuff the following things into your sack: 
7 alien gadgets, 3 alien contraptions, a dragon muscle, 2 eardrums and 2 extra mana potions.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 10 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here
You stuff the following things into your sack: 2 bird's feathers, 
a vampiric herb, a dragon horn
 and 3 extra mana potions.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 10 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here

You stuff the following things into your sack: 
5 magic nubs and 18 mobilo diavovinos.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 10 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here

You stuff the following things into your sack: 1
,547 silvers, 6 vampiric herbs, a flippant tongue, 2 chang swords and an eyelid.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 10 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here!
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
92 oreputtys.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 10 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.

thanks Ralphie:p
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
244 silvers, a gold nugget, 2 vampiric herbs and a dragon eye.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 10 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
` lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.


You stuff the following things into your sack: 
3 aqua deis and 4 warheads.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 10 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
Glory Hound
 lives here!
Iron Midget lives here! 
Mos the confused lives here!
meika lives here! 
maggieo lives here!
Jagtai lives here!
Quit Whining! lives here!
Diablue lives here! 
capt. huffnpuff lives here!
Amarilla lives here! 
zhi jan lives here! 
maggieo lives here! 
Peapot lives here!
GaryGery lives here!

In the midst of searching the room, you feel a snarelock gripping your arms! (37)
After a long untying process, you succeed!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
2,422 silvers.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that Mandraque lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
2385 experience points earned!
You need 8 601 277 more experience points for the next level!

You stuff the following things into your sack: 

3 diamonds, a dragon crest, 4 dragongrasses, 4 earblades, a lightbeam and an airspell.

A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 10 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
Ishtah lives here!
You stuff the following things into your sack: 

2,826 silvers.

A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 10 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
Lemming lives here!
You stuff the following things into your sack: 

2 tortoise shells, 27 emeralds, 45 pearls, a silver sting, a pegasus feather, 5 liquid crystals, a yorick, 12 vampiric herbs, 6 urchin quills, a flippant tongue and a dragontooth.

A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 10 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
Miss Duct Tape lives here
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
232 oreputtys and 2 subtatoos.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 10 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
Fizzler ab Rok
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house
Luv ya you pain in the rear...merry christmas;) but leave Fizz alone for a while please:( Ayesha's startin to get jealous.
ok, so what is a dragon horn?

You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack:
 2 dragon horns.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 
3 diamond nails
 to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
Arcanus Rutila
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
1577 experience points earned!

JagDigger smiles wide!!!

You stuff the following things into your sack: 
a butterfly wing, 10 alien gadgets, 21 alien contraptions and a dragongrass.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 7 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.

You stuff the following things into your sack: 
41 magic nubs.

A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 7 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.

In the midst of searching the room, you feel a snarelock gripping your arms! 

After a long untying process, you succeed!
A zombieshackle embraces you! 

You stretch the arms of the zombie until it goes limp and lets you go!
You activated a blademachine trap while looking around! 

You avoid the blades skillfully until the machine stops!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
100 silvers, a miracle satchel, 173 daemonzanzas, 19 yetifeet, 2 extra mana potions and 25 universal keys.

A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 8 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
Major Headache
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.

WOW is All i can say:| 
oh yeah...and WAHOOOOO!:D

WTG Lusha!!!


(Leading the applause from the sidelines)
Now That is a large Robbery!!

WTG Lusha!

Major Headache hits you for 1875 hitpoints damage with her/his photosteel pickaxe!
Your opponent has defeated you!!!
Your opponent's taken 100 silvers, 2 portions of rations and a net from you.
You've lost 1 famepoints!
Now you have 399 famepoints!
You've become conscious at home.

Hmmm...and i still had Every bit of it on me
WTG lusha:D:D......thats a 
 large rob:D
Sunstar – 1/3/6
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack:
 2 daemonzanzas.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 
5 diamond nails
 to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
old Mage
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
633 experience points earned!

Sunstar - 1/4/6 
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
2 diamonds, a monstrous beak, a dragon crest and 2 giant crowns.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append
 5 diamond nails
 to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
7713 experience points earned!

In the midst of searching the room, you feel a snarelock gripping your arms! (40)
After a long untying process, you succeed!
In the midst of searching the room, you feel a snarelock gripping your arms! (39)
After a long untying process, you succeed!
Suddenly you find yourself in a fallinggrate trap! (38)
You crouch down to force the bars open, and after a little while you manage to lift them just enough to crawl out!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
an alien contraption.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 6 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that pellar lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
4254 experience points earned!
You need 8 378 642 more experience points for the next level!

For A Robber Near You
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
2,219 silvers.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 6 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that Lejha lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
1161 experience points earned!
You need 8 257 101 more experience points for the next level!

For A Robber Near You
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
33 diamond rings, a hydragen-carbid, a tendon, 2 picture tubes, a phantomeye, a cannonmortar and a lamp.

A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 8 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
31070 experience points earned!

Hmmm....TYVM Nuada...but Cinder's Still on my list ;)
Suddenly you find yourself in a fallinggrate trap! (34)
You crouch down to force the bars open, and after a little while you manage to lift them just enough to crawl out!
You activated a blademachine trap while looking around! (34)
You avoid the blades skillfully until the machine stops!
A zombieshackle embraces you! (37)
You stretch the arms of the zombie until it goes limp and lets you go!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: a diamond, a giant crown, 15 holy symbols, a tendon and 3 diamond nails.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 7 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that Ishtah lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.

Seriously Ishtah get some traps mate (or matess)
A zombieshackle embraces you! (112)
You stretch the arms of the zombie until it goes limp and lets you go!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: a pair of golden boots, a njhenjherhe neck and an eardrum.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 8 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that langkorn3 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
1236 experience points earned!
You need 5 701 700 more experience points for the next level!
You stuff the following things into your sack: 

a diamond, 10 alien gadgets and 3 dragon eyes.

A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 10 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
WizardRalph lives here!

You activated a blademachine trap while looking around! (130)
You avoid the blades skillfully until the machine stops!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
5,271 silvers, a dragon muscle and a dragongrass.

After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
919 experience points earned!
You need 2 059 387 more experience points for the next level!

Robbers back in town:D
ITrick lives here!
Billie Horst lives here!
SCOUT lives here!
amrutraj lives here!
MikeOxBig lives here!
xboxboy lives here!
Sir Medivh lives here!
psychotronix lives here!
Max_the_man 45 lives here!
kusc lives here!
vegaslen lives here!
Kick Me lives here!
Chow Yi Pha lives here!
Abandonado Gago lives here!
Bruxas lives here!
Zambias lives here!
koalaire lives here!
wiggins lives here!
Big Boo lives here!
sneaky pete lives here!
Zen Master lives here!
redrum lives here!
lockne lives here!
Jaders lives here!
vokor lives here!
azazal lives here!
minxdebanshee lives here!
iamgod lives here!
MadMax123 lives here!
Prodd3 lives here!
eilrona lives here!
deedle lives here!
tigger79 lives here!
Siente' Luna lives here!
Bruxas lives here!

For A Robber Near You
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
3 diamonds, a hydragen-carbid, 2 disprosiums, a hyperium, 2 dragon horns, a dragongrass and 3 magic nubs.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 8 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
10416 experience points earned!

You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
94,344 silvers.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 8 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
2084 experience points earned!

You stuff the following things into your sack: 
a dragon crest, a giant crown, 11 airbags, an earthspell and a diamond nail.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 8 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
3528 experience points earned!

You stuff the following things into your sack: 
26 gold nuggets, 2 diamonds, an aqua dei, 18 honey balms, a vampiric herb and a hydragen-carbid.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 8 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
Missing Child
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
5035 experience points earned!

not missing any more :p


You stuff the following things into your sack: 3 extra mana potions and 
30 recovery drinks
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 7 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! 
You stuff the following things into your sack: a skull, a magic hull, an eyepearl, a silver tusk and 
28 mobilo diavovinos.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 7 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! 
You stuff the following things into your sack: 2 shovels, 2 aqua deis, 2 diamond nails,
 35 oreputtys
a subtatoo
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 7 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! 
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
a mobilidoxin, an aqua dei, an earthspell and 9 extra mana potions.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 8 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
19823 experience points earned!

new name :p lusha;)


You stuff the following things into your sack: 31,409 silvers.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 8 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that bobbiejo7 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.

After weeks of behaving himself, Mega dusted off his black ski mask and made his way throught he streets of Larkinor...

molenviper lives here
Gnex2 lives here
Jupiter lives here
The Kat Butler lives here
Cap'n DiggBelly lives here
tinytimm lives here
digtons lives here
Arei the Guard lives here
JagDigger lives here
TheLostDutchman lives here
Cebi lives here
johnny knoxvile lives here
Zerlin-Peow lives here
Lilyloo lives here
DarkDutchess lives here
Isaac999 lives here
Shazoom lives here
Dallcb55 lives here
oogaboogamonsta lives here <-- rotfl love that name!  :)
Tropheus lives here
Jaird lives here
WizardRalph lives here
domphil lives here
Judoah 2 lives here
Ravenswood lives here
j666f lives here
Melech lives here
Half A Sandwich lives here
qzi 2 lives here
Mr. Prasad lives here
mr doody lives here
nervous lives here
blinded lives here
JustinTime1705 lives here
SHERK lives here

Also several others who's names fell victim to an over-active clicker finger. Their sacrafices will not be forgotten.


PS: Someone needs to have a word with the Blacksmith - his wares seem more fragile than I remember. Must've unionized.
You stuff the following things into your sack: 167 silvers, a shovel, 4 rubies, 2 pearls, 9 pegasus feathers, 22 tin balls and 
24 diamond nails.

A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 10 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.

In the midst of searching the room, you feel a snarelock gripping your arms! (275)
After a long untying process, you succeed!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
171,132 silvers and 2 mana potions
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 7 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that Broon lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
1991 experience points earned!


You stuff the following things into your sack: 
a magic hull, 23 vampiric herbs, 15 hydragen-carbids, a dragontooth, a disprosium and 2 dragon muscles.

A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 8 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.

You stuff the following things into your sack: 

95,193 silvers, a mana potion, a cure potion, a fishbone, a dragonclaw, an eyelid, 2 dragon muscles and a lightbeam

After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
Gulog lives here
You activated a blademachine trap while looking around! (575)
You avoid the blades skillfully until the machine stops!
A manasucker trap approaches you! (575)
You try to stay as far away from the monster as you can, until it disappears. You were fortunate!
Suddenly you find yourself in a fallinggrate trap! (575)
You crouch down to force the bars open, and after a little while you manage to lift them just enough to crawl out!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 4 aqua deis and 13 liquid crystals.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 10 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
101028 experience points earned!

shheeesh...all those traps for that..least the xp wasnt bad.

almost make a robber consider a new line of work....almost
You activated a blademachine trap while looking around! (539)
You avoid the blades skillfully until the machine stops!
Suddenly you find yourself in a fallinggrate trap! (563)
You crouch down to force the bars open, and after a little while you manage to lift them just enough to crawl out!
In the midst of searching the room, you feel a snarelock gripping your arms! (563)
After a long untying process, you succeed!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
2 alien gadgets, an alien contraption, 2 dragon muscles and 2 necrospells.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 10 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
67137 experience points earned!

lol..its big trap night

better stuff at least:p
You activated a blademachine trap while looking around! (300)
You avoid the blades skillfully until the machine stops!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
a kallandra tooth, 5 dragon eyes, 2 dragongrasses, 3 extinguished nimbuses, a raw composium and a daemontooth.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 8 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
5767 experience points earned!

might ought to put a couple more traps in there;)
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
22 dragonclaws and a magic nub
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 6 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
2 disprosiums.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 6 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.

In the midst of searching the room, you feel a snarelock gripping your arms! (275)
After a long untying process, you succeed!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
13 vampiric herbs, 8 stinkglands and a dragon horn.

A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 8 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that Broon lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
1840 experience points earned!

You've activated a stingbolt trap! Little poisoned arrows shower at you... (70)
Thanks to your very quick hopping, you manage to stay alive until the arrows run short!
Suddenly you find yourself in a fallinggrate trap! (402)
You crouch down to force the bars open, and after a little while you manage to lift them just enough to crawl out!
A zombieshackle embraces you! (417)
You stretch the arms of the zombie until it goes limp and lets you go!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 27,405 silvers, 2 diamonds, 7 aqua deis, 17 rubies, 24 magic hulls, a vampiric herb and a sense-ball.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 9 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that Uncle Jed lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
26416 experience points earned!

You stuff the following things into your sack: 

22 vampiric herbs, 12 alien gadgets and 18 alien contraptions.

Sorry Ralph...the aliens keep visiting you just before i pop round for a coffee and a biscuit

Ya really don't have to post it EVERY time Veriac  :p

guess it's time to move (most likely again) ralph :p
Sunstar picked up a wizardrobe and an alien gadget. No clue who from though due to fast clicker finger.

Suddenly you find yourself in a fallinggrate trap! (34)
You crouch down to force the bars open, and after a little while you manage to lift them just enough to crawl out!
You activated a blademachine trap while looking around! (34)
You avoid the blades skillfully until the machine stops!
A zombieshackle embraces you! (37)
You stretch the arms of the zombie until it goes limp and lets you go!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 4 holy symbols.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 8 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that Ishtah lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
1542 experience points earned!
You need 4 921 186 more experience points for the next level!

A zombieshackle embraces you! (40)
You stretch the arms of the zombie until it goes limp and lets you go!
A manasucker trap approaches you! (40)
You try to stay as far away from the monster as you can, until it disappears. You were fortunate!
You activated a blademachine trap while looking around! (40)
You avoid the blades skillfully until the machine stops!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: a gold nugget, a lapis lazuli, a pearl, a pair of silver boots and 6 diamond nails.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 8 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that TROJAN lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
1680 experience points earned!
You need 3 999 892 more experience points for the next level!
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
19,587 silvers, a shin-bone, 5 rubies, a stump dagger and a voodoo hammer.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
10304 experience points earned!

You stuff the following things into your sack: 
61 gold nuggets.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 8 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
5177 experience points earned!

You stuff the following things into your sack: 
72 gold nuggets.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 8 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
7155 experience points earned!

Sunstar hits again!

After a long untying process, you succeed!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
an aqua dei and 42 egoplasms.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! 
You append 5 diamond nails
 to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
1502 experience points earned!

You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
a mobilidoxin, a ruby, 3 centroliums and a raw composium.

A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 7 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
176 experience points earned!
You need 1 568 750 more experience points for the next level!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
1,271 silvers.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 
3 diamond nails
 to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that MacdaddyJ lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
51 experience points earned!
You need 12 720 more experience points for the next level!

large for a level 14? lol
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
an aqua dei, a prayer-wheel, 7 crowbars, a daemontooth, some fodder, 7 extra mana potions and a mobilo diavovino.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 8 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
11394 experience points earned!

Why TY moonliter:D 7 items, Cool:p
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
10 diamonds and 35 diamond nails.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
16447 experience points earned!

TY Pyra:D
Suddenly you find yourself in a fallinggrate trap! (500)
You crouch down to force the bars open, and after a little while you manage to lift them just enough to crawl out!
A zombieshackle embraces you! (500)
You stretch the arms of the zombie until it goes limp and lets you go!
Suddenly you find yourself in a fallinggrate trap! (503)
You crouch down to force the bars open, and after a little while you manage to lift them just enough to crawl out!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 11 alien gadgets, a recovery drink and a mobilo diavovino.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 7 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that Kaitar lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
23752 experience points earned!
Suddenly you find yourself in a fallinggrate trap! (565)
You crouch down to force the bars open, and after a little while you manage to lift them just enough to crawl out!
A manasucker trap approaches you! (565)
You try to stay as far away from the monster as you can, until it disappears. You were fortunate!
A zombieshackle embraces you! (565)
You stretch the arms of the zombie until it goes limp and lets you go!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
14 silvers, an eyepearl, 33 diamond rings, 2 vampiric herbs, 2 dragongrasses and 3 treasures.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 10 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.

98943 experience points earned!
A zombieshackle embraces you! (215)
You stretch the arms of the zombie until it goes limp and lets you go!
You've activated a stingbolt trap! Little poisoned arrows shower at you... (308)
Thanks to your very quick hopping, you manage to stay alive until the arrows run short!
Suddenly you find yourself in a fallinggrate trap! (420)
You crouch down to force the bars open, and after a little while you manage to lift them just enough to crawl out!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 22,202 silvers, an emerald mail shirt, 13 urchin quills, a hydragen-carbid and an eyelid.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 7 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that Castlerock lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
18931 experience points earned!
A manasucker trap approaches you! (1)
You try to stay as far away from the monster as you can, until it disappears. You were fortunate!
You've activated a stingbolt trap! Little poisoned arrows shower at you... (1)
Thanks to your very quick hopping, you manage to stay alive until the arrows run short!
You activated a blademachine trap while looking around! (10)
You avoid the blades skillfully until the machine stops!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 65 magic nubs.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 7 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that redrum lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
1747 experience points earned!
Quest17 lives here!

golden boots
 from TheHulk heheh

You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
14 lightbeams.

A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 
3 diamond nails
 to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that Sloopy lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
52 experience points earned!
You need 68 513 more experience points for the next level!

You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack:
 a nannysnail gob.

A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 
3 diamond nails
 to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that Slayer-88 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
133 experience points earned!
You need 66 909 more experience points for the next level!

Level 13's own :)
You enter your home...
Home at last!
You find your unsellable items from the market. Try to sell them cheaper next time!
While you wasn't home Cinder has robbed your house. Following things are missing: a poison gland

Music to my...eyes? :) cinder finally robbed me, too bad it was the house with NOTHING IN IT! :p lol
You've activated a stingbolt trap! Little poisoned arrows shower at you... 

Thanks to your very quick hopping, you manage to stay alive until the arrows run short!
You activated a blademachine trap while looking around! 

You avoid the blades skillfully until the machine stops!
A zombieshackle embraces you! 

You stretch the arms of the zombie until it goes limp and lets you go!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
a hydragen-carbid and a magic nub.

A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 5 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
Chicken Kid
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.

34765 experience points earned!

You need 18 367 615 more experience points for the next level!

Sorry ;) hehe
The unknown creature escaped from you towards north!
You don't care for the unknown creature, you go on...
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 11,259 silvers.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 7 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that Dnice lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
1278 experience points earned!
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
40 emeralds, a liquid crystal, 11 honey balms, 91 goblin coins, a crowbar, 10 griffin feathers and a stinkgland.

A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 7 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
Missing Child
 lives here! 
You stuff the following things into your sack:
 116,791 silvers and an antidote.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 8 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
8369 experience points earned!

In the midst of searching the room, you feel a snarelock gripping your arms! (522)
After a long untying process, you succeed!
Suddenly you find yourself in a fallinggrate trap! (522)
You crouch down to force the bars open, and after a little while you manage to lift them just enough to crawl out!
You activated a blademachine trap while looking around! (522)
You avoid the blades skillfully until the machine stops!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: a mosquito wing, 3 pegasus feathers, 4 mole hides, a hydragen-carbid, an airbag and an earthspell.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 7 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that Jimmy Popper lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
31959 experience points earned!
Suddenly you find yourself in a fallinggrate trap! (235)
You crouch down to force the bars open, and after a little while you manage to lift them just enough to crawl out!
You've activated a stingbolt trap! Little poisoned arrows shower at you... (268)
Thanks to your very quick hopping, you manage to stay alive until the arrows run short!
You activated a blademachine trap while looking around! (270)
You avoid the blades skillfully until the machine stops!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
39 gold nuggets, 3 alien contraptions and 14 mobilo diavovinos.

After rummaging through the junk, you realize that Denboski lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
36388 experience points earned!

You activated a blademachine trap while looking around! (489)
You avoid the blades skillfully until the machine stops!
You've activated a stingbolt trap! Little poisoned arrows shower at you... (537)
Thanks to your very quick hopping, you manage to stay alive until the arrows run short!
In the midst of searching the room, you feel a snarelock gripping your arms! (553)
After a long untying process, you succeed!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
4 pcs. of njukug whiskers, 19 dragonclaws, a centrolium, a silverchain and a dragon crest.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 7 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! 
LOL!! That is what I get for not being home!

You activated a blademachine trap while looking around! (
You avoid the blades skillfully until the machine stops!
Suddenly you find yourself in a fallinggrate trap! (
You crouch down to force the bars open, and after a little while you manage to lift them just enough to crawl out!
A zombieshackle embraces you! (
You stretch the arms of the zombie until it goes limp and lets you go!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...

You stuff the following things into your sack: 

19 gold nuggets, 16 acid crystals, 5 holy symbols, an earblade and 2 lightbeams

A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 10 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
Bunzie lives here!
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
391 mana potions.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 8 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
23560 experience points earned!

You've activated a stingbolt trap! Little poisoned arrows shower at you... (300)
Thanks to your very quick hopping, you manage to stay alive until the arrows run short!
A manasucker trap approaches you! (300)
You try to stay as far away from the monster as you can, until it disappears. You were fortunate!
A zombieshackle embraces you! (148)
You stretch the arms of the zombie until it goes limp and lets you go!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 4 mana potions, an extra mana potion and 3 recovery drinks.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 7 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that rexyin8 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.

In the midst of searching the room, you feel a snarelock gripping your arms! (1)
After a long untying process, you succeed!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
427 silvers, 19 portions of rations, an elemental essence, a ghosthorn and 3 poisonbags.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 6 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that asptg lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
1647 experience points earned!
You need 4 814 909 more experience points for the next level!

For A Robber Near You
In the midst of searching the room, you feel a snarelock gripping your arms! (1)
After a long untying process, you succeed!
You've activated a stingbolt trap! Little poisoned arrows shower at you... (1)
Thanks to your very quick hopping, you manage to stay alive until the arrows run short!
A zombieshackle embraces you! (1)
You stretch the arms of the zombie until it goes limp and lets you go!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
164,404 silvers, an antidote, 2 griffin feathers and 4 dragonclaws.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 6 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that Justicar lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
152 experience points earned!
You need 817 889 more experience points for the next level!

You activated a blademachine trap while looking around! (63)
You avoid the blades skillfully until the machine stops!
Suddenly you find yourself in a fallinggrate trap! (201)
You crouch down to force the bars open, and after a little while you manage to lift them just enough to crawl out!
In the midst of searching the room, you feel a snarelock gripping your arms! (533)
After a long untying process, you succeed!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
a miracle satchel, 26 magic spells, 3 airspells, 10 firespells, 10 waterspells, 8 earthspells and a picture tube.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 7 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! 
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
64,840 silvers and 16 hydragen-carbids.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 10 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
Loyal Mutt
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.

Ralphie..I'm disapointed in you...have you learned nothing in CROWBAR?

Guess that takes care of you posting next time you rob yourself huh:p
No need to thank me, anything I can do  to help;)


You activated a blademachine trap while looking around! (1)
You avoid the blades skillfully until the machine stops!
Suddenly you find yourself in a fallinggrate trap! (1)
You crouch down to force the bars open, and after a little while you manage to lift them just enough to crawl out!
A zombieshackle embraces you! (1)
You stretch the arms of the zombie until it goes limp and lets you go!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
181,075 silvers.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that Gulog lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
1545 experience points earned!
You need 3 609 582 more experience points for the next level!

Homebankers I love you!!!!

For A Robber Near You
In the midst of searching the room, you feel a snarelock gripping your arms! (15)
After a long untying process, you succeed!
You activated a blademachine trap while looking around! (22)
You avoid the blades skillfully until the machine stops!
You've activated a stingbolt trap! Little poisoned arrows shower at you... (1)
Thanks to your very quick hopping, you manage to stay alive until the arrows run short!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
66 extra mana potions.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 6 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that flitch lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
3244 experience points earned!
You need 377 120 more experience points for the next level!

For A Robber Near You
You've activated a stingbolt trap! Little poisoned arrows shower at you... (200)
Thanks to your very quick hopping, you manage to stay alive until the arrows run short!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
2 honey balms, 32 goblin coins and 3 kallandra teeth.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 6 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
5960 experience points earned!
You need 288 659 more experience points for the next level!

For A Robber Near You
In the midst of searching the room, you feel a snarelock gripping your arms! (1)
After a long untying process, you succeed!
A manasucker trap approaches you! (1)
You try to stay as far away from the monster as you can, until it disappears. You were fortunate!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 69 silvers, 71 gold nuggets, 3 diamonds and 17 crystal plates.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 7 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that Sir Cheeky lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
1234 experience points earned!
You've activated a stingbolt trap! Little poisoned arrows shower at you... (371)
Thanks to your very quick hopping, you manage to stay alive until the arrows run short!
A zombieshackle embraces you! (373)
You stretch the arms of the zombie until it goes limp and lets you go!
A manasucker trap approaches you! (375)
You try to stay as far away from the monster as you can, until it disappears. You were fortunate!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
535 gold nuggets, a piece of copper ore, 3 tin balls and 2 earthspells
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 8 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that madhatter lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
8698 experience points earned!
You need 6 845 581 more experience points for the next level!

Nice traps :D 
Suddenly you find yourself in a fallinggrate trap! (48)
You crouch down to force the bars open, and after a little while you manage to lift them just enough to crawl out!
You activated a blademachine trap while looking around! (183)
You avoid the blades skillfully until the machine stops!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
a mana potion and a stinkgland.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 4 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
774 experience points earned!
You need 83 195 more experience points for the next level!

And got monty for 
8 extra mana potions
 minutes before.
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
4,254 silvers, some rations, a gold nugget, 2 acid crystals, 3 vampiric herbs, 2 alien gadgets, a warhead and 4 extra mana potions.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 10 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
` lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
65875 experience points earned!

time to get all vengefull on myself again I guess....:(

You stuff the following things into your sack: 
71,398 silvers, a mana potion, an aqua dei and a giant crown.

A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 8 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
6112 experience points earned!


You activated a blademachine trap while looking around! (1)
You avoid the blades skillfully until the machine stops!
Suddenly you find yourself in a fallinggrate trap! (1)
You crouch down to force the bars open, and after a little while you manage to lift them just enough to crawl out!
A zombieshackle embraces you! (1)
You stretch the arms of the zombie until it goes limp and lets you go!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
16,652 silvers.

A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 
 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that Smika lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
1648 experience points earned!
You stuff the following things into your sack: 

44,047 silvers, 13 acid crystals, 2 portions of ratfat, a magic splinter and a piece of copper ore.

After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
weenawll lives here

You stuff the following things into your sack: 

412,147 silvers, an aqua dei, 5 kithrills and a giant crown.

After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
Broon lives here!

A manasucker trap approaches you! (73)
You try to stay as far away from the monster as you can, until it disappears. You were fortunate!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
3 diamonds, a dragon crest, 2 dragon hearts and 2 dragon horns.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 6 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
3080 experience points earned!
You need 34 643 620 more experience points for the next level!
Thx LilM&M

For A Robber Near You
In the midst of searching the room, you feel a snarelock gripping your arms! (275)
After a long untying process, you succeed!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: an aqua dei, 2 vampiric herbs, a dragongrass and 3 membraneplasms.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 8 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that Broon lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
2238 experience points earned!
You need 1 947 055 more experience points for the next level!
I reset all my houses today and forgot the evil people.  They are up for grabs if you can find them.  There's still a bunch of good stuff in them.

YAY JD, ty:p gonna have Fun lookin
Knew there was a reason I kept those old robbing maps :D
Looking forward to seeing you REAL soon JD

MAN.....well at least you missed my better things...but the horns....i need those.....:-@
In the midst of searching the room, you feel a snarelock gripping your arms! (11)
After a long untying process, you succeed!
You've activated a stingbolt trap! Little poisoned arrows shower at you... (50)
Thanks to your very quick hopping, you manage to stay alive until the arrows run short!
In the midst of searching the room, you feel a snarelock gripping your arms! (35)
After a long untying process, you succeed!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 52,766 silvers.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 7 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that Bodecia lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
3393 experience points earned!
You need 11 007 635 more experience points for the next level!
Been a while since I had a decent rob....

You stuff the following things into your sack: 88,728 silvers, 2 vampiric herbs, 4 kithrills, a centrolium and a giant crown.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 8 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
You stuff the following things into your sack: 3 mana potions and 
27 vampiric herbs
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 10 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here!

You stuff the following things into your sack: 
9 mana potions, 2 prayer-wheels, a shin-bone, 3 copper clubs, 47 denim shirts, a clonestone and 
10 alien contraptions
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 10 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that JDSILVIA lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.

Welcome back JD ;)

You stuff the following things into your sack: a diamond, 7 mana potions, 3 antidotes, 8 magic hulls, 
273 vampiric herbs, a piece of njukug whiskers, 2 recovery drinks and 5 universal keys.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 10 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that The 
Kat Butler
 lives here! 

You stuff the following things into your sack: 

a dragontooth, a dragonclaw, a kallandra tooth, a meattenderizer roller, 3 dragon hearts, 2 dragongrasses, a sepia, a holy symbol, a treasure and 13 magic nubs

A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 10 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
pointlessfun lives here

 I missed who it was. Someone out there is now short of 47 firespells!

none too shabby.


 missed the name but 167382 silvers

You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
a silver and 31 extra mana potions.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 
4 diamond nails
 to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
John316 lives here!
 You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
59 experience points earned!
You need 23 789 more experience points for the next level!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
2 extra mana potions.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 
4 diamond nails
 to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
61 experience points earned!
You need 15 835 more experience points for the next level!

Today.. is a day for mana potions  :)
>AGAIN I missed who it was. Someone out there is now short of 47 firespells!

Dont you HATE that? It's called over active clicker finger syndrom.
Oops seems like you have all missed the over 40 millon in my home, so tomorrow I will remove all items from Heads home
A zombieshackle embraces you! (245)
You stretch the arms of the zombie until it goes limp and lets you go!
In the midst of searching the room, you feel a snarelock gripping your arms! (250)
After a long untying process, you succeed!
You activated a blademachine trap while looking around! (300)
You avoid the blades skillfully until the machine stops!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great
 heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough,
 you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 2 shovels, an aqua dei,
 a prayer-wheel, 3 raw composiums and 3 recovery drinks.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 7 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that moonliter lives here!
 You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
15259 experience points earned!
You need 6 401 862 more experience points for the next level!

MISSED THE NAME AGAIN! 106000 silvers (roughly) and two dragon horns!!

In the midst of searching the room, you feel a snarelock gripping your arms! (120)
After a long untying process, you succeed!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground.
 When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 449 silvers, 8 pearls and an acid crystal.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 7 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that Jerrica lives here!
 You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
3418 experience points earned!

A manasucker trap approaches you! (50)
You try to stay as far away from the monster as you can, until it disappears.
 You were fortunate!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace,
 making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough,
 you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 80 silvers.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 7 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that Zeddick of Rahn lives here!
 You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
1794 experience points earned!

You activated a blademachine trap while looking around! (6)
You avoid the blades skillfully until the machine stops!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace,
 making a great heap of things on the ground. 
When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack:
 a diamond, 4 rubies, 16 acid crystals, 3 butterfly wings and 2 underrabit livers.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 7 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that COMANCHE lives here!
 You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
1089 experience points earned!

You activated a blademachine trap while looking around! (150)
You avoid the blades skillfully until the machine stops!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace,
 making a great heap of things on the ground. 
When you find the size of the pile big enough, 
you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack:
 3 buffalobeards and 3 strands of lion whiskers.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 7 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that Talan lives here!
 You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
4140 experience points earned!

You activated a blademachine trap while looking around! (5)
You avoid the blades skillfully until the machine stops!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace,
 making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough,
 you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack:
 2 gold nuggets, 8 bird's feathers and 3 tin balls.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 7 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that Calvo lives here!
 You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
1225 experience points earned!

You stuff the following things into your sack: 
6 mana potions, 9 magic hulls, 61 vampiric herbs, 3 nannysnail gobs, 2 magic nubs, 22 mobilo diavovinos and 3 universal keys.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
The Kat Butler
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
27434 experience points earned!
You need 35 343 101 more experience points for 


keeping it in the 300 club :p
robbed 35 disprosiums from someone, but i didnt see the name:(. thanks!
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
18,288 silvers.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 10 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
MaRiE lives here!
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
2 alien gadgets and 3 breathing cornerstones
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 10 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
ANDREW1 lives here!
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
6 disprosiums and 3 dragongrasses.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 10 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
By-Tor lives here!

You stuff the following things into your sack:
4 nets, an antidote, a mobilidoxin, 2 pairs of golden boots, a crowbar, 2 nannysnail gobs, a hydragen-carbid, a dragonscale and 2 dragonclaws.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here!

You stuff the following things into your sack: 
47,443 silvers and a manasatchel.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 10 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here!

and to the person thats missing 576 gold nuggets and various other items...I thank you, and apologise for my over active clicking finger which didnt allow for your name to appear here.

Great job again Cinder.  I have two other characters with over 1mill in their house... Go get em!

You stuff the following things into your sack: 
6 mana potions, 3 disprosiums, 4 kithrills, a centrolium, 2 hyperiums and a dragongrass.
 A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 10 diamond nails to your loot. 
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here 

You stuff the following things into your sack: 
4 platinum springs, a hydragen-carbid, 2 kallandra teeth, 5 magic spells, a cannonmortar, 7 cubes and a spore
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 10 diamond nails to your loot. 
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house. 
115421 experience points earned! 

You stuff the following things into your sack: 
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 10 diamond nails to your loot. 
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
169 silvers, a cure potion, 2 mobilidoxins, 2 dragon muscles, a dragon eye and 8 dragon hearts
  A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 10 diamond nails to your loot. 
  After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
Mafarrico IV lives here

You stuff the following things into your sack: 
2 diamonds, a dragon eye, 4 dragon hearts, 2 airspells, an earthspell and a hypergrease
  After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
Ishtah lives here! 
on 1/30/2006 by Sunstar

(not sure of spelling) –
 iron ore, nails, mana potions.

Lucindale – prayer wheel, nails

You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
an emerald, 4 pearls, 2 liquid crystals, a yorick and a mole hide.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 
5 diamond nails
 to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
766 experience points earned!

You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack:
 2 elemental essences, a stump dagger, a liquid crystal, a poison gland and a poisonbag.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append
 5 diamond nails
 to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
1944 experience points earned!

You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
591 silvers and a shovel.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
dragon thief
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
447 experience points earned!

You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
10 pearls and a piece of copper ore.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 
5 diamond nails
 to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
1213 experience points earned!

Sunstar on 1/31/06

You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
2,486 silvers.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 
5 diamond nails
 to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
756 experience points earned!

You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
an antidote and an aqua dei.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 
5 diamond nails
 to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
The Bowler
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
2563 experience points earned!

You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
24 pcs. of copper ore and 71 tin balls.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
511 experience points earned!

 – no idea what we picked up, too fast in clicking

And we are out of clicks for today!
Suddenly you find yourself in a fallinggrate trap! (7)
You crouch down to force the bars open, and after a little while you manage to lift them just enough to crawl out!
You activated a blademachine trap while looking around! (4)
You avoid the blades skillfully until the machine stops!
In the midst of searching the room, you feel a snarelock gripping your arms! (30)
After a long untying process, you succeed!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: a silver, 42 gold nuggets, a vampiric herb, a pair of golden boots, a hydragen-carbid, an eyelid and 2 fiendcalfs.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 8 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that capmar lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
1265 experience points earned!
You need 8 749 816 more experience points for the next level!

You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 66 pcs. of copper ore, 116 tin balls, 23 pcs. of iron ore and 6 warheads.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 8 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that moleymcmole lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
677 experience points earned!
You need 8 737 800 more experience points for the next level!

6 WARHEADS For a lvl 23 char what is the need :O

You stuff the following things into your sack: 
84,459 silvers
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 
6 diamond nails
 to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.

Mafarrico III
You've activated a stingbolt trap! Little poisoned arrows shower at you... (115)
Thanks to your very quick hopping, you manage to stay alive until the arrows run short!
In the midst of searching the room, you feel a snarelock gripping your arms! (475)
After a long untying process, you succeed!
Suddenly you find yourself in a fallinggrate trap! (235)
You crouch down to force the bars open, and after a little while you manage to lift them just enough to crawl out!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
a mana potion, an alien gadget, 2 earthspells, 2 extra mana potions and 53 mobilo diavovinos.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 8 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! 
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
a liquid crystal, a vampiric herb, 14 waterspells and 3 earthspells.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 10 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.

Gosh you guys are hard on traps :(
Just got about 98k of somebody but sad enough I don't know who it was*sniff*:_| 
Ah well.....

For A Robber Near You
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
10 disprosiums.
  After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! 

You stuff the following things into your sack: 
7 alien contraptions.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 10 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here

Success! You have managed to pilfer 
19,328 silvers
2064 experience points earned!
You need 31 460 650 more experience points for the next level!

Mafarrico IV
You've activated a stingbolt trap! Little poisoned arrows shower at you... (94)
Thanks to your very quick hopping, you manage to stay alive until the arrows run short!
Suddenly you find yourself in a fallinggrate trap! (93)
You crouch down to force the bars open, and after a little while you manage to lift them just enough to crawl out!
A zombieshackle embraces you! (98)
You stretch the arms of the zombie until it goes limp and lets you go!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 6,012 silvers, 2 aqua deis, a liquid crystal and 2 giant crowns.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 7 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that Kittin_103 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
5899 experience points earned!
You need 27 177 891 more experience p
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
10,000 silvers, 5 gold nuggets, 3 opals, an elemental essence, 2 underrabit livers, an egoplasm, 20 portions of ratfat and 3 ghosthorns
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 10 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
quil lives here!

Every now and then....

You stuff the following things into your sack: 
a breathing cornerstone, a dragon muscle, a daemontooth and 18 magic nubs.

A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 8 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
I know it's not big.. except that it's 10 ITEMS!  :D

You stuff the following things into your sack: a bird's feather, 2 pearls, a silver sting, 6 acid crystals, 2 pegasus feathers, a piece of fiendwool, a dwarf battleaxe, a buffalobeard, a strand of lion whiskers and 2 tin balls.
My first really good rob.  Woohoo

24 firespells.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that Snowball lives here!

On the market..tyvm

Suddenly you find yourself in a fallinggrate trap! (401)
You crouch down to force the bars open, and after a little while you manage to lift them just enough to crawl out!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack:
 a butterfly wing, 2 vampiric herbs, 11 dragon eyes, 2 giganails and 2 mobilo diavovinos.

A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 7 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
A manasucker trap approaches you! (418)
You try to stay as far away from the monster as you can, until it disappears. You were fortunate!
In the midst of searching the room, you feel a snarelock gripping your arms! (501)
After a long untying process, you succeed!
You activated a blademachine trap while looking around! (501)
You avoid the blades skillfully until the machine stops!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
3 acid crystals, a chainmail underwear, 2 alien contraptions, a dragon horn, 2 airbags, 5 nucleuses and a daemontooth.

A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 10 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
96607 experience points earned!


I'd like to say sorry Ria...but neither of us would believe me:p

Keeping the 300 club (
 lol *grumbles :p
your more then welcome :p

You activated a blademachine trap while looking around! (22)
You avoid the blades skillfully until the machine stops!
You've activated a stingbolt trap! Little poisoned arrows shower at you... (1)
Thanks to your very quick hopping, you manage to stay alive until the arrows run short!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
12 extra mana potions.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 6 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that flitch lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
3486 experience points earned!
You need 26 174 534 more experience points for the next level!
Thx alpie thx a lot!!!:D

For A Robber Near You
crustydigger  [18604/830]
Money: 0     
Hitpoints: 675 / 519
Manapoints: 514 / 728Eat foodrationsDrink aqua deiCast HomeportTry to stealTry to robWhere is the balloon?Push Panic Button You've activated a stingbolt trap! Little poisoned arrows shower at you... (183)
Thanks to your very quick hopping, you manage to stay alive until the arrows run short!
A zombieshackle embraces you! (373)
You stretch the arms of the zombie until it goes limp and lets you go!
A manasucker trap approaches you! (375)
You try to stay as far away from the monster as you can, until it disappears. You were fortunate!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 744 gold nuggets, a miracle satchel, 4 aqua deis, 93 liquid crystals, a piece of copper ore, a tin ball, a dragon eye and some fodder.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 8 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that madhatter lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
8280 experience points earned!
You need 7 038 294 more experience points for the next level!
You activated a blademachine trap while looking around! (15)
You avoid the blades skillfully until the machine stops!
In the midst of searching the room, you feel a snarelock gripping your arms! (18)
After a long untying process, you succeed!
A manasucker trap approaches you! (20)
You try to stay as far away from the monster as you can, until it disappears. You were fortunate!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: a lapis lazuli, an emerald, a ruby, 2 pcs. of copper ore and 9 dragonscales.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 7 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that Kaldak lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
2885 experience points earned!
In the midst of searching the room, you feel a snarelock gripping your arms! (46)
After a long untying process, you succeed!
In the midst of searching the room, you feel a snarelock gripping your arms! (97)
After a long untying process, you succeed!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 8 kithrills.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 6 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that TigerToo lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.

You stuff the following things into your sack: 
5 disprosiums, 2 alien contraptions, a dragongrass and 9 extra mana potions.

A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 8 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
*thanks god mine isnt on*
well actually mine is filled wiv junk so go right away:D
anyways wtg:D
Well, I just lifted 2 universal keys and some extra mana potions, but I didn't see from whom.  Whoever it was, thanks!

In the midst of searching the room, you feel a snarelock gripping your arms! (661)
After a long untying process, you succeed!
A zombieshackle embraces you! (661)
You stretch the arms of the zombie until it goes limp and lets you go!
You activated a blademachine trap while looking around! (663)
You avoid the blades skillfully until the machine stops!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
53 silvers, a warhead, 7 yetifeet, 32 phoenixfeathers, 4 harpy braids, 46 esteticums, a photogenom, 7 universal keys and 
9 wordcasters
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 10 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
Major Headache
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
118491 experience points earned!

well thats my player of the week all wrapped up :p

Good one m8! You should be hearing, "I want those back NOW!" pretty soon. :P

btw, I still have 2 houses with over 1 mill in cash in them.

Sunstar had a busy night!!

You stuff the following things into your sack:

63 tin balls, 11 pcs. of iron ore and a medium mothshield. You append 6 diamond nails to your loot.

After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! 

You stuff the following things into your sack:
 a shovel, 2 pcs. of copper ore, 4 tin balls and a piece of iron ore.
 You append 
6 diamond nails
 to your loot. you realize that
 lives here! 

You stuff the following things into your sack:
 3 dragonclaws. You append 6 diamond nails
 to your loot.
you realize that 
Rocky Racoon
 lives here! 

You stuff the following things into your sack:
 2 tin balls. You append 6 diamond nails to your loot.
you realize that 
 lives here! 
You stuff the following things into your sack: a skull, a dragontooth, a dragon horn, a dragonproof sheepskin, a silver wizardkiller and a ruby wizardkiller.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that nervous lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
1494 experience points earned!

You stuff the following things into your sack:
 a mosquito wing, 2 acid crystals, a cithin dagger, a golden hinge, 7 honey balms, a brass club, 5 pcs. of copper ore, 9 tin balls, 5 pcs. of iron ore and an eyelid.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 8 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
unicorns lair
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
3021 experience points earned!

You've activated a stingbolt trap! Little poisoned arrows shower at you... (
Thanks to your very quick hopping, you manage to stay alive until the arrows run short!
In the midst of searching the room, you feel a snarelock gripping your arms! (
After a long untying process, you succeed!
A zombieshackle embraces you! (
You stretch the arms of the zombie until it goes limp and lets you go!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
2 magic nubs.

After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
Iron Midget
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
7972 experience points earned!
Suddenly you find yourself in a fallinggrate trap! (401)
You crouch down to force the bars open, and after a little while you manage to lift them just enough to crawl out!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
4 giganails and 2 mobilo diavovinos.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
Despot lives here!
 You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
934 experience points earned!
You need 123 244 more experience points for the next level!
Just got 26 extra mana potions,58 goblin coins and 
1 giganail
don't know from who though.

For A Robber Near You
Suddenly you find yourself in a fallinggrate trap! (33)
You crouch down to force the bars open, and after a little while you manage to lift them just enough to crawl out!
You've activated a stingbolt trap! Little poisoned arrows shower at you... (33)
Thanks to your very quick hopping, you manage to stay alive until the arrows run short!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
a crystal plate, a silver sting, 2 platinum springs, a monstrous beak, a njhenjherhe neck, a hydragen-carbid and 20 eyelids.

A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 8 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that Missing Child lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.

You stuff the following things into your sack: 2 crystal plates, 2 vampiric herbs, 6 griffin feathers, a monstrous beak and 17 dragonteeth.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that Missing Child lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.

crustydigger  [18977/830]
Money: 0     
Hitpoints: 51 / 519
Manapoints: 582 / 728Drink mana potionDrink extra mana potionDrink mobilo diavovinoTake on a magic hullCast HomeportTry to stealTry to robWhere is the balloon?Push Panic Button You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: a mana potion, 2 bird's feathers, 4 vampiric herbs, 28 magic nubs, 12 extra mana potions and 3 mobilo diavovinos.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 8 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that Basannio lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
573 experience points earned!
You need 6 200 299 more experience points for the next level!
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
6 portions of rations, 108 gold nuggets, a diamond, an aqua dei, a pair of golden boots, 3 crowbars and a disprosium.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 8 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
7530 experience points earned!

ria :p
this is my best yet

You stuff the following things into your sack: 1,638 silvers.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that king of Dragons lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
4216 experience points earned!
You need 9 576 183 more experience points for the next level!

You stuff the following things into your sack: 
3 aqua deis, a piece of copper ore, 7 tin balls, a breathing cornerstone and a raw composium.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 10 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! 

what? you couldnt have made it an actual composium? sheesh!
I was hoping it would scratch your hand as you took it....you know a composium in the rough.  

Did my plan work?

In the midst of searching the room, you feel a snarelock gripping your arms! (275)
After a long untying process, you succeed!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 54,891 silvers, 3 vampiric herbs and a dragon heart.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 8 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that Broon lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
2451 experience points earned!
You need 5 443 935 more experience points for the next level!
Success! You have managed to pilfer 
51,049 silvers
4172 experience points earned!
You need 14 923 316 more experience points for the next level!

Mafarrico IV
sorry, wrong topic

Mafarrico IV
A zombieshackle embraces you! (317)
You stretch the arms of the zombie until it goes limp and lets you go!
Suddenly you find yourself in a fallinggrate trap! (377)
You crouch down to force the bars open, and after a little while you manage to lift them just enough to crawl out!
In the midst of searching the room, you feel a snarelock gripping your arms! (403)
After a long untying process, you succeed!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 27 mana potions, 6 cure potions, 3 antidotes and 137 extra mana potions.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 8 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that Hot Old Lady lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
7886 experience points earned!
You need 4 645 134 more experience points for the next level!

If nothing else the XP helps :p
yet again I didn't catch the name, although not that large in monetary terms quite stunning for the sheer volume of feathers this person accumulated!

1 miracle satchel,30 pearls and 3873!!! birds feathers!


A manasucker trap approaches you! (20)
You try to stay as far away from the monster as you can, until it disappears. You were fortunate!
In the midst of searching the room, you feel a snarelock gripping your arms! (124)
After a long untying process, you succeed!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: some rations, a steel spring, 4 rubies, 2 silver horseshoes and 2 disprosiums.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 7 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that XicaPapoila lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
3202 experience points earned!
  ZEBO here ;;You got lucky,, Iwas headed to market to purchase some goodies,  just stepped out of bank. One second later you'd missed me           don't worry I WILL FIND YOU

another 1975 of them and ten steel springs

Attention all mages!

check your houses!

15 robs on the same squre in the magicians district tonight!!

your friendly neighbourhood one man crimewave :)
You've activated a stingbolt trap! Little poisoned arrows shower at you... (25)
Thanks to your very quick hopping, you manage to stay alive until the arrows run short!
You've activated a stingbolt trap! Little poisoned arrows shower at you... (25)
Thanks to your very quick hopping, you manage to stay alive until the arrows run short!
You've activated a stingbolt trap! Little poisoned arrows shower at you... (50)
Thanks to your very quick hopping, you manage to stay alive until the arrows run short!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...

You stuff the following things into your sack: 15,513 silvers, 70 diamond nails, an oreputty and a magic nub.

A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 
6 diamond nails
 to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
4884 experience points earned!
You need 3 676 530 more experience points for the next level!

Ding ding ding!!!!

You activated a blademachine trap while looking around! (555)
You avoid the blades skillfully until the machine stops!
Suddenly you find yourself in a fallinggrate trap! (555)
You crouch down to force the bars open, and after a little while you manage to lift them just enough to crawl out!
A zombieshackle embraces you! (555)
You stretch the arms of the zombie until it goes limp and lets you go!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 2 membraneplasms and 15 magic nubs.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 8 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that Bunzie lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
13055 experience points earned!

Very very nice traps Bunzie....
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 2 extra mana potions.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 5 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that Season lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
66 experience points earned!
You need 212 517 more experience points for the next level!

You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 11 extra mana potions.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that eej lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
81 experience points earned!
You need 176 840 more experience points for the next level!

iplay i think your blind this is the 
 robberies post not the small one ;)
In the midst of searching the room, you feel a snarelock gripping your arms! (23)
After a long untying process, you succeed!
In the midst of searching the room, you feel a snarelock gripping your arms! (18)
After a long untying process, you succeed!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 9 portions of rations, a poison gland, 4 tin balls and
 a stinkgland.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 6 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that unicorns lair lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
2993 experience points earned!
You need 23 485 345 more experience points for the next level!

For A Robber Near You
demon finally breaks into my house after being robber-free for about 4 months, busts a 580+ level trap, steals numerous hundreds of TA potions and I don't even get the consolation of a mention in this thread?!

How many did you actually get?!  I suspect it may be as many as 1000 TA potions, but unfortunately I missed the message.  Noticing that I have 492kgs of free space is a little bit disconcerting!

Since we're talking about disconcerting, how about a level 30 character being able to bypass three 580+ level traps?!


Ok, so it's not that big, but I was excited.  

You stuff the following things into your sack: an emerald mail shirt.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 6 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that meika lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.

Jalina thanks you for the generous donation. 
You stuff the following things into your sack:
 2 disprosiums, a stinkgland and 4 alien gadgets.

A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 8 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
Loyal Mutt
 lives here!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
2 waterspells, 3 earthspells and a hypergrease
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 
6 diamond nails
 to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
1193 experience points earned!

No traps? TYVM :)
You stuff the following things into your sack:
 233,797 silvers, a stinkgland, 2 dragon hearts and a sepia.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 10 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that THE 
 lives here!
sunstar strikes again

You stuff the following things into your sack: 
227 gold nuggets, 6 diamonds and a piece of copper ore.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 
6 diamond nails
 to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
4009 experience points earned!

Erm...i got 104 extra manas and 838 recovery drinks Sandy. I didnt post it cos i didnt want you to be alerted at the time.
> Erm...i got 104 extra manas and 838 recovery drinks Sandy. I didnt post it cos i didnt want you to be alerted at the time.

Well, congrats!  Hopefully you'll find more use for them than I was able to!

My replacement trap is a shiny new 651!

*regards Sandys last post with more than a passing interest....a 651 huh? 

anyways in the meantime...

You stuff the following things into your sack: 
a mana potion, 4 magic hulls, a knight's sword, a lightbeam and a firespell.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 10 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here!

You stuff the following things into your sack: 
195 gold nuggets and a rune shield.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 10 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! 
You stuff the following things into your sack: a cure potion, an antidote, 
a vampiric herb and 3 disprosiums
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 10 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! 

You stuff the following things into your sack: 45 gold nuggets, a ruby, an elemental essence, 126 goblin coins, a piece of copper ore and a 
fiendsteel harpoon
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 10 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 175 cure potions.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 8 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that Doomtrain lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
437 experience points earned!
You need 2 340 994 more experience points for the next level!

Are you expecting a plague TC :p
Suddenly you find yourself in a fallinggrate trap! (15)
You crouch down to force the bars open, and after a little while you manage to lift them just enough to crawl out!
In the midst of searching the room, you feel a snarelock gripping your arms! (106)
After a long untying process, you succeed!
You've activated a stingbolt trap! Little poisoned arrows shower at you... (136)
Thanks to your very quick hopping, you manage to stay alive until the arrows run short!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 25,695 silvers.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that Shimrra lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
3046 experience points earned!
You need 2 321 345 more experience points for the next level!
AH cinder...poor guy...you always seem to find the house with the Least stuff in it, right after i empty it:( how sad for you

hehe Fizz says hello;)
You stuff the following things into your sack: 2 sepias.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 3 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that Corbeau lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
1060 experience points earned!
You need 23 496 072 more experience points for the next level!

You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
26 diamonds and 6 vampiric herbs.

After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
Arcanus Rutila lives here!
 You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
85 experience points earned!
You need 82 870 more experience points for the next level!
A zombieshackle embraces you! (60)
You stretch the arms of the zombie until it goes limp and lets you go!
You activated a blademachine trap while looking around! (70)
You avoid the blades skillfully until the machine stops!
In the midst of searching the room, you feel a snarelock gripping your arms! (70)
After a long untying process, you succeed!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
a diamond, 3 magic hulls and 4 vampiric herbs.

A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 
5 diamond nails
 to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
jasminder lives here!
 You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
532 experience points earned!
You need 81 744 more experience points for the next level!

You activated a blademachine trap while looking around! (25)
You avoid the blades skillfully until the machine stops!
A zombieshackle embraces you! (27)
You stretch the arms of the zombie until it goes limp and lets you go!
A manasucker trap approaches you! (180)
You try to stay as far away from the monster as you can, until it disappears. You were fortunate!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 4 picture tubes.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that Necromancer lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
549 experience points earned!
You need 47 611 more experience points for the next level!
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
2,310 silvers, 3 dragon horns, a dragongrass, a picture tube and a necrospell.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 8 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
12552 experience points earned!


>You stuff the following things into your sack: 175 cure potions
>Are you expecting a plague TC 

You stuff the following things into your sack: 
755 cure potions
 and 13 extra mana potions.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 10 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! 

Guess he must be Crusty:(

You stuff the following things into your sack: 
82 vampiric herbs, 16 hydragen-carbids and 4 eyelids
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 10 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.

You feel that you've developed your skill! You pay 16,450 silvers for the lessons.

You stuff the following things into your sack: 
a prayer-wheel, a dragontooth and 3 diamond nails.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 10 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here!

You stuff the following things into your sack: 
23,164 silvers, 6 vampiric herbs and 5 dragon hearts.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 10 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! 

>You stuff the following things into your sack: 175 cure potions
>Are you expecting a plague TC
>Guess he must be Crusty

Ok ok ok, im not expecting a plague, i use cure potions to transfer money,so i just put the potions in my house,as a little "trap" for robbers;)
Accidentally clicked over it, but 
58 diamond nails from Rob Aholic!
Scratch that, guess i got from someone else, lol.
You stuff the following things into your sack:
 36 disprosiums, 35 kithrills and 226 hyperiums.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 8 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
Fizzler ab Rok
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
26948 experience points earned!
You need 16 098 723 more experience points for

what no cents :p

well Cinder, i TRIED to tell ya....guess ria got the hint instead:(

darn you woman...put it back:'(
wow...that's 1,699,000 worth of stuff....at 50%:|
he he think it was a good rob? :)
it will keep him going for a bit ;)

thx lusha :p

You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
3 composiums
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 6 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
862 experience points earned!
best rob in a while shame I missed the name!!!

30 kithrills
28 centroliums
18 hyperiums

none too shabby!  keep digging whoever it was! :)

Suddenly you find yourself in a fallinggrate trap! (34)
You crouch down to force the bars open, and after a little while you manage to lift them just enough to crawl out!
You activated a blademachine trap while looking around! (34)
You avoid the blades skillfully until the machine stops!
A zombieshackle embraces you! (37)
You stretch the arms of the zombie until it goes limp and lets you go!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: a diamond, 2 dragon hearts, a giant crown and a tendon.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 8 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that Ishtah lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
3319 experience points earned!
You need 16 446 005 more experience points for the next level!
missed the name again but I got 

a breathing cornerstone
a butterfly wing
a dragon muscle 
a cannonmortar

not bad :)

Hmmm, wonder if i'll overload  :(

You stuff the following things into your sack: 
80 pcs. of copper ore, 332 tin balls and 36 pcs. of iron ore
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 8 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
A zombieshackle embraces you! (198)
You stretch the arms of the zombie until it goes limp and lets you go!
You activated a blademachine trap while looking around! (416)
You avoid the blades skillfully until the machine stops!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack:
 181 gold nuggets, 2 mana potions, 18 stinkglands, a dragon heart and 2 extinguished nimbuses.

A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 8 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
3 aqua deis, 2 lightbeams, a composium, 18 airspells and a recovery drink
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.

 experience points earned!

Sry 'bout that Bob. 

You stuff the following things into your sack: 9 cure potions, a lapis lazuli, a magic splinter, 36 vampiric herbs and 38 mobilo diavovinos.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 8 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that The Kat Butler lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
27744 experience points earned!

oooops sorry :p

You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 4
 mobilo diavovinos.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 5 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, 
you realize that bob1345 lives here!
 You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
72 experience points earned!
You need 234 372 more experience points for the next level!
You activated a blademachine trap while looking around! 

You avoid the blades skillfully until the machine stops!
You've activated a stingbolt trap! Little poisoned arrows shower at you... 
Thanks to your very quick hopping, you manage to stay alive until the arrows run short!
A manasucker trap approaches you! 
You try to stay as far away from the monster as you can, until it disappears. You were fortunate!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
14 alien gadgets and 3 magic spells.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 8 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
30685 experience points earned!

You stuff the following things into your sack: 
13,825 silvers, 2 crystal plates, 8 mosquito wings, a liquid crystal, 48 vampiric herbs, a pair of golden boots, 24 dragonscales and a disprosium.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 8 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
Dark Vader
 lives here!
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
57 vampiric herbs, 4 nannysnail gobs, 4 hydragen-carbids, 15 dragonscales, 17 dragonteeth, 8 dragonclaws and a disprosium.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 8 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
Dark Vader
 lives here!
sunstar just picked up 3 daemonteeth, 26 manquills and a dragon muscle form someone near the forum. No clue who it was, sorry.

You stuff the following things into your sack: 
2 portions of rations, 2 magic hulls, 2 dragongrasses, 2 picture tubes, a phantomeye, a daemontooth, 8 haemoglobins, 3 lashes, a quarang and 5 extra mana potions.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 10 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
101058 experience points earned!

Thanks Ade:D I was starting to feel left out with all these large robberies going on!

You've activated a stingbolt trap! Little poisoned arrows shower at you... (20)
Thanks to your very quick hopping, you manage to stay alive until the arrows run short!
Suddenly you find yourself in a fallinggrate trap! (93)
You crouch down to force the bars open, and after a little while you manage to lift them just enough to crawl out!
A zombieshackle embraces you! (47)
You stretch the arms of the zombie until it goes limp and lets you go!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
a shovel, a magic hull, a liquid crystal, 3 alien gadgets and 4 dragon eyes.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 8 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that Kittin_103 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
4669 experience points earned!

The unknown creature escaped from you towards east!
You don't care for the unknown creature, you go on...
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
24 extra mana potions, 7 recovery drinks and 12 mobilo diavovinos.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 8 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that WAX lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
1255 experience points earned!

You stuff the following things into your sack: 
a picture tube, 4 hypergreases, 12 phantomeyes, 6 warheads, 10 snakerattles, 9 lamps, 2 daemonteeth and 4 antifeelers
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 10 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
66326 experience points earned!

Crusty...ya moved and forgot to leave me a forwarding address...you'd think that you didnt want me to call around anymore:(

You make a great heap of things on the floor. When you decide that the pile is big enough. You stuff the following things in you sack 
118 diamond nails
. You pick up 
3 diamond nails
 on your way out.
 You realize 
 lives here! :p
Suddenly you find yourself in a fallinggrate trap! (192)
You crouch down to force the bars open, and after a little while you manage to lift them just enough to crawl out!
A manasucker trap approaches you! (400)
You try to stay as far away from the monster as you can, until it disappears. You were fortunate!
A manasucker trap approaches you! (401)
You try to stay as far away from the monster as you can, until it disappears. You were fortunate!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 15,605 silvers, 2 aqua deis, 12 pearls, a crocodile skin and 11 pcs. of iron ore.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 8 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that Jewyl lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
16322 experience points earned!
5 hypergreases
25 manquills
4 snakerattles
3 antifeelers

No idea who Sunstar hit but I'll bet I get womped on shortly.
When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 2,180 silvers.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that king of Dragons lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
2119 experience points earned!

my character "daisy dunglebub" 

When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 88 gold nuggets and a njhenjherhe neck.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that Missing Child lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
You stuff the following things into your sack: 136,877 silvers, a monstrous beak and a sepia.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 8 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that THE PROFESSOR lives here! 
You stuff the following things into your sack:
 9 composiums.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 8 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
*Flash *
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
12519 experience points earned!


In the midst of searching the room, you feel a snarelock gripping your arms! (300)
After a long untying process, you succeed!
In the midst of searching the room, you feel a snarelock gripping your arms! (325)
After a long untying process, you succeed!
In the midst of searching the room, you feel a snarelock gripping your arms! (325)
After a long untying process, you succeed!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
1,215,025 silvers.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 8 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here!
A manasucker trap approaches you! (34)
You try to stay as far away from the monster as you can, until it disappears. You were fortunate!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
a diamond, an alien gadget and a dragon muscle.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 

hulk. lives here!
 You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
179 experience points earned!
You need 148 695 more experience points for the next level!

You stuff the following things into your sack:
 26 diamonds, 5 emeralds, 134 rubies, 5 dragonclaws and 10 disprosiums
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 8 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
You stuff the following things into your sack: 33,600 silvers, 9 aqua deis, a crystal plate, 7 magic hulls, a butterfly wing, 2 dragonteeth and a treasure.
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 35 extra mana potions.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 8 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that mage_smasher lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
1235 experience points earned!
You've activated a stingbolt trap! Little poisoned arrows shower at you... (12)
Thanks to your very quick hopping, you manage to stay alive until the arrows run short!
A manasucker trap approaches you! (1)
You try to stay as far away from the monster as you can, until it disappears. You were fortunate!
You activated a blademachine trap while looking around! (21)
You avoid the blades skillfully until the machine stops!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: a shovel, a mana potion, a miracle satchel, a mobilidoxin, a gorilla's tongue, a golden hinge, a tin ball and 3 recovery drinks.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 8 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that crustydigger lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
2346 experience points earned!
You need 13 287 266 more experience points for the next level!
Suddenly you find yourself in a fallinggrate trap! (145)
You crouch down to force the bars open, and after a little while you manage to lift them just enough to crawl out!
In the midst of searching the room, you feel a snarelock gripping your arms! (180)
After a long untying process, you succeed!
A zombieshackle embraces you! (220)
You stretch the arms of the zombie until it goes limp and lets you go!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: a steel spring, a bird's feather, an opal, a pegasus feather, an underrabit liver and an urchin quill.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 8 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that KiaMay lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
13556 experience points earned!
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
a shin-bone, 4 bird's feathers, a fishbone, a silver shield and 5 alien contraptions.

A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 8 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
27603 experience points earned!

TYVM hon:D
In the midst of searching the room, you feel a snarelock gripping your arms! (120)
After a long untying process, you succeed!
Suddenly you find yourself in a fallinggrate trap! (166)
You crouch down to force the bars open, and after a little while you manage to lift them just enough to crawl out!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 29,176 silvers, 9 gold nuggets, 4 lapis lazulis, a njonjoz tooth and a flippant tongue.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 8 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that Jerrica lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
2240 experience points earned!
You need 579 210 more experience points for the next level!

Suddenly you find yourself in a fallinggrate trap! (10)
You crouch down to force the bars open, and after a little while you manage to lift them just enough to crawl out!
You activated a blademachine trap while looking around! (15)
You avoid the blades skillfully until the machine stops!
In the midst of searching the room, you feel a snarelock gripping your arms! (15)
After a long untying process, you succeed!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 28 gold nuggets, an emerald dagger, a 100yearsold bread and an eardrum.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 8 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that Zwiper lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
919 experience points earned!
You need 517 104 more experience points for the next level!
You've activated a stingbolt trap! Little poisoned arrows shower at you... (450)
Thanks to your very quick hopping, you manage to stay alive until the arrows run short!
In the midst of searching the room, you feel a snarelock gripping your arms! (501)
After a long untying process, you succeed!
A manasucker trap approaches you! (501)
You try to stay as far away from the monster as you can, until it disappears. You were fortunate!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
17 portions of rations, 70 pcs. of copper ore and 43 recovery drinks.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 10 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 2Bad4You2Have lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
74760 experience points earned!

ah yes ye olde 5 trap house...thanks...I think.

You activated a blademachine trap while looking around! (70)
You avoid the blades skillfully until the machine stops!
Suddenly you find yourself in a fallinggrate trap! (80)
You crouch down to force the bars open, and after a little while you manage to lift them just enough to crawl out!
You've activated a stingbolt trap! Little poisoned arrows shower at you... (140)
Thanks to your very quick hopping, you manage to stay alive until the arrows run short!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
2 alien gadgets, a dragon muscle, a dragon crest, a dragongrass, an eardrum and 6 extra mana potions.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 8 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that Miska lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
7591 experience points earned!

You activated a blademachine trap while looking around! (20)
You avoid the blades skillfully until the machine stops!
Suddenly you find yourself in a fallinggrate trap! (4)
You crouch down to force the bars open, and after a little while you manage to lift them just enough to crawl out!
You've activated a stingbolt trap! Little poisoned arrows shower at you... (4)
Thanks to your very quick hopping, you manage to stay alive until the arrows run short!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
a diamond, an egoplasm, a magic splinter and 2 liquid crystals.

A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 8 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that Lagolas lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
2369 experience points earned!

You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: a liquid crystal, a piece of copper ore, a tin ball and 7 pcs. of iron ore.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 8 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that phlipzen lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
1295 experience points earned!

You activated a blademachine trap while looking around! (146)
You avoid the blades skillfully until the machine stops!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: an earthspell.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 8 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that Hishsyer lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
1691 experience points earned!
You need 14 822 324 more experience points for the next level!
You've activated a stingbolt trap! Little poisoned arrows shower at you... (87)
Thanks to your very quick hopping, you manage to stay alive until the arrows run short!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: an eardrum.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 8 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that BIELZIBUB lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
1436 experience points earned!
You need 14 011 157 more experience points for the next level!
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
12,667 silvers, 2 vampiric herbs, a diamond nail and 4 extra mana potions.

A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 8 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.

I'll take all the silvers you want TeT  :D
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
2 silvers
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.

LOL - 2 lousy silver - 
but no diamond nails

You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 2 mana potions, a steel spring, 15 mosquito wings, a lizardskin, a fishbone, 32 pegasus feathers and a giant crown.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 8 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that Flad's Bodyguard lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
633 experience points earned!
You need 13 520 597 more experience points for the next level!
besen is around here too.
A zombieshackle embraces you! (63)
You stretch the arms of the zombie until it goes limp and lets you go!
A manasucker trap approaches you! (165)
You try to stay as far away from the monster as you can, until it disappears. You were fortunate!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: a dragongrass and 6 airspells.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 8 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that ruffian1427 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
3026 experience points earned!
You need 12 562 236 more experience points for the next level!

hehehe thanks D :p
 manasucker trap approaches you! 
You try to stay as far away from the monster as you can, until it disappears. You were fortunate!
A zombieshackle embraces you! 
You stretch the arms of the zombie until it goes limp and lets you go!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
a cure potion,
aqua dei
8 recovery drinks
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 
6 diamond nails
 to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here!

It may not be a huge rob silver-wise, but the trap sizes were nice.  And hitting a house belonging to someone in the Maffarrico family made me feel like I might have gotten back a little bit of what they've stolen from my back-pack in the past!

You stuff the following things into your sack: 638 opals.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that lynnnnna lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
1896 experience points earned!

In the midst of searching the room, you feel a snarelock gripping your arms! (5)
After a long untying process, you succeed!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 1145 gold nuggets and 50 pcs. of copper ore.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 8 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that Liverani lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
1015 experience points earned!
You need 11 625 023 more experience points for the next level!
You've activated a stingbolt trap! Little poisoned arrows shower at you... (5)
Thanks to your very quick hopping, you manage to stay alive until the arrows run short!
Suddenly you find yourself in a fallinggrate trap! (15)
You crouch down to force the bars open, and after a little while you manage to lift them just enough to crawl out!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 314 silvers, a treasure and 29 diamond nails.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 8 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that Bob the Killer lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
1288 experience points earned!
You need 11 080 428 more experience points for the next level!
You stuff the following things into your sack:
 187 gold nuggets, 6 honey balms, 2 monstrous beaks, 3 njonjoz teeth, 3 njhenjherhe necks and 15 eyelids.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 9 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
Missing Child
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
3267 experience points earned!

You stuff the following things into your sack: 
a bow, a pearl, an elemental essence, 2 fishbones, a gorilla's tongue, a butterfly wing, a bull's pizzle and 7 portions of ratfat.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 9 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
2206 experience points earned!


In the midst of searching the room, you feel a snarelock gripping your arms! (413)
After a long untying process, you succeed!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
a vampiric herb, 2 stinkglands and a chainmail underwear.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 6 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that SF lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
2056 experience points earned!

Thank you.  Jalina 
Suddenly you find yourself in a fallinggrate trap! (13)
You crouch down to force the bars open, and after a little while you manage to lift them just enough to crawl out!
You activated a blademachine trap while looking around! (1)
You avoid the blades skillfully until the machine stops!
In the midst of searching the room, you feel a snarelock gripping your arms! (90)
After a long untying process, you succeed!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
3 portions of rations, a hydragen-carbid, 2 dragonteeth, an eyelid and a stinkgland.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 6 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
3996 experience points earned!
You need 12 875 616 more experience points for the next level!

For A Robber Near You
You stuff the following things into your sack: 893 vampiric herbs.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 9 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that Rob Aholic lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
1482 experience points earned!

ria :p

You stuff the following things into your sack: 
a magic hull, a vampiric herb, 48 tin balls, 15 diamond nails and 30 magic nubs.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
El Doctor
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
2703 experience points earned!

ria :p

You stuff the following things into your sack: 
a mana potion, 5 vampiric herbs, 22 magic spells, 4 firespells, a waterspell, 5 tendons, 7 picture tubes, a hypergrease and 2 portions of spirits.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 10 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here!

Thanks Lusha :p
You stuff the following things into your sack: some rations, 148 gold nuggets, 11 mana potions, a miracle satchel, 37 aqua deis, 22 liquid crystals and 10 universal keys.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 9 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that Kipster lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
40562 experience points earned!

Wtf? i dont understand this nonsence...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
4 pcs. of njukug whiskers, a hydragen-carbid, 3 stinkglands, a dragongrass and an eardrum.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 10 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! 
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
4 mana potions, 4 vampiric herbs, 3 stinkglands and 4 dragongrasses.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 10 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here!
 zombieshackle embraces you! (1)
You stretch the arms of the zombie until it goes limp and lets you go!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 5 portions of rations.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append a diamond nail to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that Shadow Dancer lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.

Not a large robbery but my first non trainer house
Actually, a very small robbery, but the very first robbery that wasn't just diamond nails.  Thanks benedc.

You activated a blademachine trap while looking around! (1)
You avoid the blades skillfully until the machine stops!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 4 magic hulls.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 2 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that benedc lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
298 experience points earned!
You need 1 218 187 more experience points for the next level!
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
a bone dagger, an eliteguard's spear, 4 vampiric herbs, 2 emerald daggers and 2 chang swords.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 6 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that ancuk lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.

Not all that great, but that's a whole lot of stuff.

Thank you, Jalina
Suddenly you find yourself in a fallinggrate trap! (563)
You crouch down to force the bars open, and after a little while you manage to lift them just enough to crawl out!
In the midst of searching the room, you feel a snarelock gripping your arms! (563)
After a long untying process, you succeed!
You activated a blademachine trap while looking around! (573)
You avoid the blades skillfully until the machine stops!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
a piece of njukug whiskers, a nannysnail gob, an alien gadget, a nucleus and 9 necrospells.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 8 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
36080 experience points earned!

woohoo ria:D i needed those spells! TYVM! (nice traps too:p)

your welcome :(  no really u r :p
i needed them too :p...lol
picking on the inocent :p

You stuff the following things into your sack: 
10,652 silvers, 2 prayer-wheels, a magic hull, 2 vampiric herbs, a pair of copper boots, a pair of golden boots, 22 extra mana potions and 2 recovery drinks
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 9 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.

-B (just trying to help you findyourotherself)  :)
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
8 manquills, a spiderbelly, 82 portions of fodder, 3 extra mana potions and 16 recovery drinks.

A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 9 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.

You activated a blademachine trap while looking around! (126)
You avoid the blades skillfully until the machine stops!
You activated a blademachine trap while looking around! (76)
You avoid the blades skillfully until the machine stops!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 2 acid crystals, an underrabit liver, 10 vampiric herbs, a hydragen-carbid and a stinkgland.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 8 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that Go Bengals!!!!!! lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
2600 experience points earned!
You need 10 194 537 more experience points for the next level!
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
a prayer-wheel, 3 alien gadgets, 51 recovery drinks and 17 mobilo diavovinos.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 10 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
Mafarrico II
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.

You stuff the following things into your sack: 
an egoplasm, a mole hide, 2 stinkglands and 2 alien gadgets
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 10 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.

Suddenly you find yourself in a fallinggrate trap! (15)
You activated blademachine trap while looking around! (34)
A zombieshackle embraces you! (37)
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
7 lightbeams and a tendon.   

A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 
6 diamond nails
 to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
1113 experience points earned!
It was a rob worth over 50,000 silvers @ 50%, which is what I put them on the market for... in case you want them back, Ishtah.  Just a suggestion, but... with loot like that, I think I'd invest in some bigger traps! 

Thanks!  ;)

Sunstar picked up 5 hyperiums from someone tongiht. No clue whose place it was I hit in the TD.

54 aqua deis
Kilogram was planning on having an outbreak or something.
Sunstar is now running a pharmacy.
Sunstar strikes again.

golden boots
22 eyelids
2 magic nubs
and some nails. 
now what the heck kinda name is Y-A-Y-A?

5 Hyperiums?  Yes, that was me.  And now I take the rest of the hypers and buy new traps.  ;)

well I think 
 is a pretty good name ;)
and yw btw :p

You stuff the following things into your sack: 
735 silvers, an aqua dei, 115 vampiric herbs and a dragon muscle.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 10 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.

You stuff the following things into your sack: 
a mole hide, 5 disprosiums, 5 kallandra teeth, an alien contraption and a dragongrass.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 10 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here
Not much but my biggest

You stuff the following things into your sack: 
a gold nugget, a fiendcalf and 38 diamond nails.

A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 5 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
336 experience points earned!
You need 1 130 359 more experience points for the next level!

You stuff the following things into your sack: 
4 portions of rations, 534 gold nuggets, a miracle satchel, 4 aqua deis, a holy symbol, an oreputty and 4 extra mana potions.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 9 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
17069 experience points earned!

ria :p

Not a worthy rob, but the best traps Jalina has made it through so far.

You've activated a stingbolt trap! Little poisoned arrows shower at you... (255)
Thanks to your very quick hopping, you manage to stay alive until the arrows run short!
You've activated a stingbolt trap! Little poisoned arrows shower at you... (475)
Thanks to your very quick hopping, you manage to stay alive until the arrows run short!
You activated a blademachine trap while looking around! (511)
You avoid the blades skillfully until the machine stops!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: a mana potion.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that Scraps lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
6813 experience points earned!

I would like to place a take-out order for the next time.  Let me know when you have a pen handy.  :p


You stuff the following things into your sack: 2,456 silvers, 356 bird's feathers, 95 pegasus feathers and 
258 vampiric herbs
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 10 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here!

ty...herbs are always welcome

You stuff the following things into your sack: 
455 silvers, 9 diamonds, a pair of dwarf boots, 3 crowbars, 53 diamond nails and 43 oreputtys.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 10 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
DoB Digger2
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.

awwww...crowbars as well...you just thought of everything:) thanks Dolphin!
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
63 gold nuggets, a miracle satchel, 24 aqua deis and 2 magic hulls.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 10 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
tera firma
 lives here

You stuff the following things into your sack: 
10,126 silvers and 8 diamond nails.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 10 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here
A manasucker trap approaches you! (1)
You try to stay as far away from the monster as you can, until it disappears. You were fortunate!
You've activated a stingbolt trap! Little poisoned arrows shower at you... (1)
Thanks to your very quick hopping, you manage to stay alive until the arrows run short!
You activated a blademachine trap while looking around! (3)
You avoid the blades skillfully until the machine stops!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 22 diamond nails and 8 mobilo diavovinos.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 7 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that redrum lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
2816 experience points earned!
You need 10 429 823 more experience points for the next level!
Low level traps but nice stuff in your house!
Ya better upgrade those traps red;)


some poor unfortunate!

8 diamonds
17 disprosiums
28 kithrills
32 centroliums
94 hyperiums


640K roughly at 50% store sale price


In the midst of searching the room, you feel a snarelock gripping your arms! (30)
After a long untying process, you succeed!
You activated a blademachine trap while looking around! (100)
You avoid the blades skillfully until the machine stops!
You've activated a stingbolt trap! Little poisoned arrows shower at you... (150)
Thanks to your very quick hopping, you manage to stay alive until the arrows run short!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: a net, a diamond, a shin-bone, a ruby, a strand of lion whiskers, 2 silver horseshoes, a nannysnail gob, 2 eyelids, a stinkgland and a treasure.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 8 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that capmar lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
4108 experience points earned!
You need 8 435 839 more experience points for the next level!
*sigh* Treech....Haven't i bought you a boat yet so you can go steal nails on TA or something?:(
sorry Lusha but there's just no-one to ROB on TA...

Waiting for the day!
You've activated a stingbolt trap! Little poisoned arrows shower at you... (102)
Thanks to your very quick hopping, you manage to stay alive until the arrows run short!
In the midst of searching the room, you feel a snarelock gripping your arms! (120)
After a long untying process, you succeed!
A zombieshackle embraces you! (135)
You stretch the arms of the zombie until it goes limp and lets you go!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 3 mana potions and 2 mobilo diavovinos.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 7 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that Iron Midget lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
8921 experience points earned!
You need 8 754 542 more experience points for the next level!

Suddenly you find yourself in a fallinggrate trap! (587)
You crouch down to force the bars open, and after a little while you manage to lift them just enough to crawl out!
A manasucker trap approaches you! (587)
You try to stay as far away from the monster as you can, until it disappears. You were fortunate!
A zombieshackle embraces you! (587)
You stretch the arms of the zombie until it goes limp and lets you go!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
40 vampiric herbs, an earblade, 2 hypergreases, a necrospell and 46 mobilo diavovinos.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 10 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
83815 experience points earned!

Suddenly you find yourself in a fallinggrate trap! (495)
You crouch down to force the bars open, and after a little while you manage to lift them just enough to crawl out!
A manasucker trap approaches you! (495)
You try to stay as far away from the monster as you can, until it disappears. You were fortunate!
Suddenly you find yourself in a fallinggrate trap! (495)
You crouch down to force the bars open, and after a little while you manage to lift them just enough to crawl out!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
17 butterfly wings, 8 vampiric herbs, a dragon heart, a giganail, 60 extra mana potions, 14 recovery drinks and a universal key.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 10 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
72685 experience points earned!

>well I think y-a-y-a is a pretty good name 

LOL!! Does it stand for anything? 
lol .. no , it was just the first name that I thought of, when I made the char. no idea why :)

You stuff the following things into your sack: 
12 gold nuggets, 151 vampiric herbs and 12 nannysnail gobs.

A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 8 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 1,235 silvers.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that Ivor lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
129 experience points earned!
You need 447 248 more experience points for the next level!

Nice welcome home eh?

While you wasn't home 
 has robbed your house. Following things are missing: 
a mana potion, 2 eyelids, a kithrill, 3 centroliums, a stinkgland and 10 extra mana potions

Jalina...worlds worst robber
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
160 diamond nails
, 9 recovery drinks and 5 mobilo diavovinos.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 10 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here!

and not to rub Jalinas nose in it but.....snigger:p
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
111 silvers, 11 emeralds, 43 pearls, a butterfly wing, 2 golden hinges, a golden helmet, 12 tin balls, 2 nannysnail gobs, a centrolium, 2 hyperiums, 3 stinkglands and 3 dragon horns.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 10 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here

12 Items and a few decent ones to boot:)
Thats ok Cinder.  If Jalina was as old as you are, she would do well too.  By the way, how DO you get away so fast with your walker?

Hehe.  Tet
Its not "old" its experienced my dear. And its not a walker, its a support for a large swag bag, not something you'd recognise granted, as theyre only issued amongst the 300 club...ooops sorry again, how would you know that? Keep up the work, someday you're struggles will lead you to be....an almost average robber.:p

Ol' man Cinder ;)

2 stinkglands, 2 alien gadgets, 21 diamond nails, 5 magic nubs and an extra mana potion.

A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 8 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
Iron Midget
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
6790 experience points earned!
You stuff the following things into your sack: 2,704 silvers, a tin ball, an alien gadget, 3 diamond nails, 36 recovery drinks, 35 mobilo diavovinos and 3 universal keys.

Cinder lives here!

You stuff the following things into your sack: an aqua dei, 2 stinkglands, a dragongrass, an extinguished nimbus, a membraneplasm, an eardrum, 2 nucleuses and an earblade.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that moonliter lives here!
Keep storin that silver at home people! :D  :D

You stuff the following things into your sack: 
 silvers and 11 gold nuggets.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 9 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
t might overload me:

You stuff the following things into your sack: 
42 pcs. of copper ore, 372 tin balls and 80 pcs. of iron ore
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 9 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
Ralph...please...you just ruined my whole career..I needed that to build on
With that I woulda had enough to get to TA by market but now....sigh..
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
38 harpy braids.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 10 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
Shadow Fiend
 lives here

Dont suppose a erm...sincere apology would save me from a severe pounding?

No didn't think so...oh well :)
You stuff the following things into your sack: 27,032 silvers and a pair of golden boots.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 5 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that Mandraque lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
2104 experience points earned!
You need 1 799 644 more experience points for the next level!

Hehe. :D
Thank God you missed the good stuff V!!
Got to stock up on more of the bird feathers and stay home more often.
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
2 shovels, 39 diamond nails, 39 magic nubs, 2 extra mana potions and 8 recovery drinks.

A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 10 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that rexyin8 lives here! 

You stuff the following things into your sack: 
10 composiums.

A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 10 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that *Flash * lives here! 

You stuff the following things into your sack: 
3 portions of rations, 10 aqua deis, 21 tin balls, 13 pcs. of iron ore, a dragonproof sheepskin, a magic spell, a composium and an oreputty.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 9 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
18514 experience points earned!


You stuff the following things into your sack: 
58,048 silvers.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 9 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
1773 experience points earned!


You stuff the following things into your sack: 
42,668 silvers and 129 opals.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 9 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
2596 experience points earned!

You stuff the following things into your sack: 
6,290 silvers and 33 opals.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 9 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
3120 experience points earned!

double whammey :)

lol ria:p

You stuff the following things into your sack: 
7 alien gadgets, 24 extra mana potions and 29 mobilo diavovinos
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 10 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
Chow Yi Pha
 lives here
The evil person 
 was seen towards north a long time ago.

PinkFloyd34 has been gotten by Cinder.... Missing 7 Clonestones 859 Silvers and 8 Butterfly Wings......Thx Cinder. 

Your Adoring Fan,
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
47 silvers, 4 mana potions, a miracle satchel, 27 holy symbols, 23 daemonzanzas, an ironnut and 44 portrings.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 9 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
Major Headache
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
41077 experience points earned!

ria :p

You stuff the following things into your sack:
 2 mana potions, 10 alien contraptions and 9 extra mana potions
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 9 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that DieAbolical lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
7719 experience points earned!

ria :p

You stuff the following things into your sack: 
3 cure potions, 5 liquid crystals, a golden hinge, a great mothshield, a nucleus, 4 magic spells, a magic nub and an extra mana potion.

After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
45838 experience points earned!
thx :) lol of course i paid for it later :p

You stuff the following things into your sack: 
5 opals, 58 emeralds and 27 kithrills.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 4 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that cool guy2 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
304 experience points earned!
You need 5 509 480 more experience points for the next level!


Well i didnt copy the text but...

I got 31 Necrospell's off of Tyre.


PyroGod, Pyratic
You stuff the following things into your sack: 

2 prayer-wheels, 87 vampiric herbs, a chainmail underwear, 2 alien gadgets and an alien contraption.

A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 10 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
Loyal Mutt lives here!
You're starting to bug me Veriac  ;\
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
5 silvers, an opal, a lapis lazuli, a pearl and 35 diamond nails.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 8 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
DoB's Digger1
 lives here!
marli_ju lives here!
Udae lives here!
BoJim lives here!
soontobedeity lives here!
Ludwi lives here!
BillyHorst lives here!
Rocky Racoon lives here!
Mystic Roxim lives here!
Grinch Darint lives here!
Turin_Dunharrow lives here!
jdk lives here!
Grinch Darint lives here!
MIK lives here!
Single Shot lives here!
franklincat lives here!
MIK lives here!
scabkiller lives here!
weenawll lives here!
Bellasaurian lives here!
minxdebanshee lives here!
Pioneer-88 lives here!
astuk lives here!
Hell_boy lives here!
Miss Universe lives here!
BillyHorst lives here!
molelocks lives here!
Duke_Severon2 lives here!
Zeddick of Rahn lives here!
dranyam lives here!
Löken lives here!
Zeke A. lives here!

Glad my name isnt in that list lmao :p
This is the first time I've seen my name on here... I've been waiting :-P

You stuff the following things into your sack: 2 pcs. of copper ore, a chainmail underwear, an alien gadget, a dragongrass and a daemontooth.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 9 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
You stuff the following things into your sack: 6553 gold nuggets.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 3 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that QuickDrawMcGraw lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.

You stuff the following things into your sack:
 3 portions of rations, a dragon horn, 2 dragongrasses, an ugliness, 4 giganails, 12 recovery drinks and 4 mobilo diavovinos.

A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 8 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that
 Wizzzzard of odd 
lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
15264 experience points earned!
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
2 dragon hearts, a lightbeam, 5 earthspells, a hypergrease, 2 extra mana potions, 15 recovery drinks and 9 mobilo diavovinos.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 10 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
Sasquatch Bob
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
97660 experience points earned!

You stuff the following things into your sack: 
13,238 silvers and a prayer-wheel.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 10 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! 

You stuff the following things into your sack: 
5 airspells and a tendon.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 10 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house

You stuff the following things into your sack: 
 silvers and an underrabit liver.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 9 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
15 lamps
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 10 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! 
You stuff the following things into your sack: 2 stinkglands, an alien contraption, 2 dragongrasses, 3 magic spells and a wizardrobe.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 8 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that Wizzzzard of odd lives here!
You stuff the following things into your sack: 18 alien contraptions, 7 dragon eyes, an ugliness and 2 earblades.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 8 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that gyrtsedr lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
13428 experience points earned!

A zombieshackle embraces you! (1)
You stretch the arms of the zombie until it goes limp and lets you go!
You activated a blademachine trap while looking around! (15)
You avoid the blades skillfully until the machine stops!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: a golden hinge, 12 dragon crests and 2 dragongrasses.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 8 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that tyre lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
1276 experience points earned!
You need 7 868 733 more experience points for the next level
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
9423 gold nuggets
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 6 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.

Anyone need some nuggets? lol!

Well its not a big rob but i wanted to say TY to Jess!

You stuff the following things into your sack: 
2 magic hulls
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 6 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.

You stuff the following things into your sack: 
5 portions of rations, 4 mana potions, 3 magic nubs and 4 extra mana potions.

A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 6 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
4 portions of rations, 1103 gold nuggets, 3 aqua deis, a tortoise shell, 19 pcs. of copper ore, 4 pcs. of iron ore, a dragonproof sheepskin, a holy symbol, 2 airspells, a waterspell and 2 extra mana potions.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 10 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.

You stuff the following things into your sack: 
13,023 silvers, a shovel, a mana potion, a miracle satchel, 2 cure potions, a prayer-wheel and a recovery drink.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here

You stuff the following things into your sack: an aqua dei, 2 prayer-wheels, 4 elemental essences, 4 vampiric herbs and 2 mobilo diavovinos.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 
11 diamond nails
 to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.

Yay 11 nails at last

You activated a blademachine trap while looking around! (567)
You avoid the blades skillfully until the machine stops!
A manasucker trap approaches you! (567)
You try to stay as far away from the monster as you can, until it disappears. You were fortunate!
In the midst of searching the room, you feel a snarelock gripping your arms! (567)
After a long untying process, you succeed!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
1010 diamonds
, 17 pearls, 149 mosquito wings, 29 strands of lion whiskers, 576 goblin coins,
 a vampiric herb, 2 stinkglands and a chainmail underwear.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 11 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
Ishamael V.2
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
106097 experience points earned!


You stuff the following things into your sack: 
2 elemental essences, a waterspell, 3 earthspells and a phantomeye.

A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 6 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.


You stuff the following things into your sack: 
4 kallandra teeth, 2 alien gadgets, 2 alien contraptions, 7 diamond nails, an extra mana potion and 4 recovery drinks.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 11 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
Iron Midget
 lives here! 
you see this is whty im in favour of valuable items posted on the market at a higher price so they're fairly safe
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
a steel spring, 2 vampiric herbs, 2 dragongrasses, 2 giant crowns, a lightbeam, an elvensteel shield, 11 magic nubs and 22 recovery drinks
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.

Sry - Braves.

Looked for ya in chat. I am holding onto the shield so that I can return. $1.4M @ market seems a little high :)

you might as well keep it beav i cant afford to buy it back spent millions just now to lv up my equipment :(
Ummm, whoever I robbed the 83 zanza's, 39 portrings, and 40 spores from....  sorry  :D

You stuff the following things into your sack: 
a prayer-wheel, 2 chainmail underwears, 2 alien gadgets, 3 alien contraptions and a dragongrass.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
Loyal Mutt
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
8958 experience points earned!

TY ralphie:D you know where to find me
You sure you don't wanna buy any traps -***-?

You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
7 extra mana potions.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 7 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that -***- lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
1591 experience points earned!
You need 31 253 129 more experience points for the next level!

For A Robber Near You
A manasucker trap approaches you! (400)
You try to stay as far away from the monster as you can, until it disappears. You were fortunate!
You activated a blademachine trap while looking around! (300)
You avoid the blades skillfully until the machine stops!
A zombieshackle embraces you! (280)
You stretch the arms of the zombie until it goes limp and lets you go!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 129 vampiric herbs, 4 dragon horns, a membraneplasm, 2 eardrums, an earblade and 3 extra mana potions.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 8 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.

Nice traps lilmey

A manasucker trap approaches you! (1)
You try to stay as far away from the monster as you can, until it disappears. You were fortunate!
A zombieshackle embraces you! (1)
You stretch the arms of the zombie until it goes limp and lets you go!
Suddenly you find yourself in a fallinggrate trap! (5)
You crouch down to force the bars open, and after a little while you manage to lift them just enough to crawl out!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 3 portions of rations, a net, an aqua dei and 63 diamond nails.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that wiggins lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
1038 experience points earned!
You need 6 337 558 more experience points for the next level!

A manasucker trap approaches you! (18)
You try to stay as far away from the monster as you can, until it disappears. You were fortunate!
You activated a blademachine trap while looking around! (35)
You avoid the blades skillfully until the machine stops!
A zombieshackle embraces you! (17)
You stretch the arms of the zombie until it goes limp and lets you go!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 13 airspells, 3 waterspells and a snakerattle.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 8 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that AussieCliff lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
1946 experience points earned!
You need 6 255 193 more experience points for the next level!
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
7 mana potions, a ruby, 2 dragonscales, 2 dragonclaws, 2 disprosiums and 3 centroliums.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 11 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
Scott Dill
 lives here!
Ok.. so not a HUGE rob, but my first 4 item rob, and nice exp :D

You've activated a stingbolt trap! Little poisoned arrows shower at you... 

Thanks to your very quick hopping, you manage to stay alive until the arrows run short!
In the midst of searching the room, you feel a snarelock gripping your arms! 

After a long untying process, you succeed!
Suddenly you find yourself in a fallinggrate trap! 

You crouch down to force the bars open, and after a little while you manage to lift them just enough to crawl out!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
5 diamonds, 9 rubies, an elemental essence and 4 crowbars.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 5 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
Purple Ppl Eater
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.

10242 experience points earned

Kittin_103 :D

You stuff the following things into your sack: 
an emerald, a ruby and 4 disprosiums.

A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 
5 diamond nails
 to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
DoB's Digger1
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
2612 experience points earned!

A zombieshackle embraces you! (18)
You stretch the arms of the zombie until it goes limp and lets you go!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack:
 a piece of copper ore, a piece of iron ore and 67 oreputtys.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 5 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
DoB's Digger1
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
2237 experience points earned!

TY for resetting the house :D :D


Lmao you hit DOB 
 in a row?!
Wtg Kittin :D

For A Robber Near You
LOL Ty Affe,
Well I can tell you I wasn't expecting to thats for sure :D  I didn't know the house got reset, till I hit it again :p
A manasucker trap approaches you! (1)
You try to stay as far away from the monster as you can, until it disappears. You were fortunate!
A zombieshackle embraces you! (1)
You stretch the arms of the zombie until it goes limp and lets you go!
Suddenly you find yourself in a fallinggrate trap! (5)
You crouch down to force the bars open, and after a little while you manage to lift them just enough to crawl out!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: some rations and 
14 extra mana potions
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that wiggins lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
2119 experience points earned!
You need 27 093 795 more experience points for the next level!
Thx alpie now I finally hit you again!

For A Robber Near You
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
1381 gold nuggets.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 11 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here

You stuff the following things into your sack: 
27 vampiric herbs and 28 hydragen-carbids.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 11 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.

ouch C.. That had to hurt! :p


you realize that nimblefingers lives here! ]:)
you realize that arab2488 lives here! 
you realize that Recks lives here! ]:)
you realize that sorrowing wander lives here!
you realize that fools gold  lives here!
you realize that noy lives here!
you realize that Löken lives here!
you realize that bodohnia lives here!
you realize that Lemming lives here!
you realize that goldwinggrrl lives here!
13 recovery drinks from a fast clicking rob
you realize that ancuk lives here!
you realize that Ülik lives here!
you realize that aso11 lives here!
you realize that Viracocha lives here!
you realize that Kain The Elder lives here!
you realize that EMan lives here!
you realize that The-joker lives here!
you realize that bayneks lives here!
you realize that Perrin-wolf lives here!
you realize that Lord Droopy lives here!
you realize that Whittle Away lives here!
you realize that kog the grate lives here!
you realize that JagDigger lives here! ]:)

Today was a good robbing day :D  
There are a few names that didn't make the list from clicken too fast:p but most are on there :D


You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
54 emeralds and 10 hyperiums
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 
3 diamond nails
 to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
101 experience points earned!
You need 542 858 more experience points for the next level!
The balloon was seen towards northwest. Reegon has held it for 2 steps.

Tyvm MrMad! Tell me if you get any more! :D

you realize that 
sir artihier
 lives here!
you realize that 
 lives here!
you realize that 
 lives here! ]:)
realize that 
 lives here!
you realize that 
Arr Digger
 lives here! ]:)
you realize that 
 lives here! ]:)
you realize that 
 lives here! Again :p
you realize that 
Sotiris Fin
 lives here!
you realize that 
fish n' chips
 lives here! ]:)
you realize that 
 lives here!
you realize that 
 lives here!
you realize that 
Mr. Vudoo
 lives here!
you realize that 
 lives here!
you realize that 
 lives here!
you realize that 
 lives here!
you realize that 
 lives here! Lol again
you realize that 
 lives here!
you realize that 
 lives here!
you realize that 
 lives here!
you realize that 
 lives here!
*you realize that 
Shadow Fiend
 lives here!* biggest rob to date :D
:D :D 
23 Spores
 :D tyvm Spidey! On the market! 

Nice way to round out the day :D  Nite all!


You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
130,160 silvers, a vampiric herb and a stinkgland
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.

You stuff the following things into your sack:
 11 elemental essences, 17 hyperiums, 2 extra mana potions and a recovery drink.

A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 8 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that
 Big Bopper
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
25132 experience points earned!

The big problem?  Big Bopper is 
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
4 dragon muscles, 2 dragongrasses and 4 holy symbols.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 11 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that THE 
 lives here
915 gold nuggets
109 diamonds
58 disprosiums
95 hyperiums

didn't catch the name but was probably you lusha oops!
guess my crowbar is not very discriminatory!!

You stuff the following things into your sack: 
28 bird's feathers, 5 lapis lazulis, 17 pearls, 8 mosquito wings, 16 pegasus feathers, a piece of njukug whiskers, 4 disprosiums, 3 kithrills, 2 centroliums and 8 extra mana potions.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 9 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
2021 experience points earned!

10 item rob :)

ria :p

HOme Banker!!!!

223313 silvers
a stinkgland 
4 mana potions

none too shabby!!!


Sorry whoever it was but you are now 147 oreputtys poorer:D

For A Robber Near You

P.S.If you want em back come to chat and we can discuss the price
A manasucker trap approaches you! (25)
You try to stay as far away from the monster as you can, until it disappears. You were fortunate!
You activated a blademachine trap while looking around! (10)
You avoid the blades skillfully until the machine stops!
You activated a blademachine trap while looking around! (15)
You avoid the blades skillfully until the machine stops!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 10 bird's feathers, 33 opals, 28 emeralds, a silver sting, 12 acid crystals, a butterfly wing, 9 strands of lion whiskers and 22 pcs. of copper ore.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 8 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that JordanWalker lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
1318 experience points earned!
You need 5 253 469 more experience points for the next level!

I know its not a large rob but it is my first 9 item one, so i thought i'd enter it anyhows ;)
A zombieshackle embraces you! (75)
You stretch the arms of the zombie until it goes limp and lets you go!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 19,699 silvers and 5 gold nuggets.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 8 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that Bellasaurian lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
1585 experience points earned!
You need 5 166 218 more experience points for the next level!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: some rations, 3 aqua deis and an antifeeler.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 8 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that imp lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
617 experience points earned!
You need 4 839 992 more experience points for the next level!

You activated a blademachine trap while looking around! (200)
You avoid the blades skillfully until the machine stops!
Suddenly you find yourself in a fallinggrate trap! (240)
You crouch down to force the bars open, and after a little while you manage to lift them just enough to crawl out!
You've activated a stingbolt trap! Little poisoned arrows shower at you... (240)
Thanks to your very quick hopping, you manage to stay alive until the arrows run short!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
a prayer-wheel, 2 diamond nails, an extra mana potion and 5 mobilo diavovinos.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 7 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
Mafarrico III
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
20568 experience points earned!
You need 24 014 563 more experience points for the next level!
Why thank you mafaricco

For A Robber Near You
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
10,550 silvers, 6 acid crystals, 3 ruby mail shirts, an emerald mail shirt, 2 alien gadgets, an alien contraption and a daemontooth.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 11 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
Loyal Mutt
 lives here!

Hehe..thanks Ralphie!
You stuff the following things into your sack: 4 portions of rations, 
887 vampiric herbs
 and 3 extra mana potions.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 9 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that only persistance lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.

building houseparts?  :)

ya beavis... i'd appreciate it if i could get those back.  please find me in chat some time.
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
43 vampiric herbs.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 9 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
2201 experience points earned!

Suddenly you find yourself in a fallinggrate trap! (200)
You crouch down to force the bars open, and after a little while you manage to lift them just enough to crawl out!
You activated a blademachine trap while looking around! (200)
You avoid the blades skillfully until the machine stops!
A zombieshackle embraces you! (72)
You stretch the arms of the zombie until it goes limp and lets you go!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: a gold nugget, 2 crowbars, 5 dragon eyes and 80 diamond nails.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 8 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that domphil lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
5135 experience points earned!
You need 4 138 011 more experience points for the next level!
Suddenly you find yourself in a fallinggrate trap! (126)
You crouch down to force the bars open, and after a little while you manage to lift them just enough to crawl out!
You activated a blademachine trap while looking around! (140)
You avoid the blades skillfully until the machine stops!
You've activated a stingbolt trap! Little poisoned arrows shower at you... (256)
Thanks to your very quick hopping, you manage to stay alive until the arrows run short!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
152,791 silvers
, 33 portions of rations, 2 mana potions, a miracle satchel and 2 diamond nails.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 6 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
2752 experience points earned!

Oooh, TY. :D
No no no tet...thank YOU :P

You stuff the following things into your sack: 
a vampiric herb, a ruby mail shirt, 6 diamond nails, 3 extra mana potions, 2 recovery drinks and a mobilo diavovino
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 8 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that Jalina lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.

Someone, i think called "inthemoney" kindly donated a coldspell to the smasher fund.

You stuff the following things into your sack: 26 diamonds.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 8 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that Xcalibur lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.

sigh....so you spend 20 mins chatting to people complaining about the lack of robs you've managed today...and then the universe decides to shut you up...

You stuff the following things into your sack: 
2 vampiric herbs, an alien gadget, a hour-glass, 3 images, 14 universal keys, a mechodron and 2 chillis.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 11 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! 

You stuff the following things into your sack: 14 wizardrobes, 3 tendons and 3 hypergreases.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 8 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
10689 experience points earned!

Ummm I just robbed 37 magic nubs from OddJob I think
If you want em back meet me in chat and we'll deal about price

For A Robber Near You
You stuff the following things into your sack: a silver, an antidote, an elemental essence, 
an alien contraption, 4 magic nubs and 23 recovery drinks.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 11 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
 silvers and 9 mail helmets.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 4 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here!

Not that great, but my baby robbers first decent rob.
Ty Mad. :D

Naughty Twin
okay whoever I robbed an antimatter club from come into chat and we'll deal about price

For A Robber Near You
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: a net and a magician staff.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 7 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that mage_basher1 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
1666 experience points earned!
You need 13 975 438 more experience points for the next level!
Thx D not that much but it's nice hitting someone familiar

For A Robber Near You
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
13 diamonds, 16 opals, 6 crystal plates, an acid crystal, 32 vampiric herbs, 5 silver tusks, a njonjoz tooth, 4 dragonscales, 5 dragonclaws and 7 eyelids.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 11 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! 
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
122 gold nuggets and 15 hydragen-carbids.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 11 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here
didn't catch the name but someone is 35 firespells lighter!!!


You stuff the following things into your sack: a mana potion, 5 kallandra teeth, 4 alien gadgets, an alien contraption, 4 diamond nails and 6 magic nubs.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 9 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that Iron Midget lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
22456 experience points earned
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 5 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.

You stuff the following things into your sack: 

A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 5 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
well ty for reseting your house :D

You've activated a stingbolt trap! Little poisoned arrows shower at you... (50)
Thanks to your very quick hopping, you manage to stay alive until the arrows run short!
Suddenly you find yourself in a fallinggrate trap! (150)
You crouch down to force the bars open, and after a little while you manage to lift them just enough to crawl out!
You activated a blademachine trap while looking around! (205)
You avoid the blades skillfully until the machine stops!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
20,750 silvers, a lapis lazuli, 3 pearls, 2 crystal plates, 9 butterfly wings, 31 diamond rings, a monstrous beak and a flippant tongue.

After rummaging through the junk, you realize that Wast lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.

So so sorry lmao.

If you want your diamond rings back, come to chat and i can arrange them to get back to you, albeit at a price.

You stuff the following things into your sack: 
13 acid crystals, a liquid crystal, 
a pair of elvensteel scissors
, 10 giganails, a wizardrobe and an oreputty
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 11 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! 
You stuff the following things into your sack: 3 skulls and 
2 extinguished nimbuses
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 11 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here

You stuff the following things into your sack: 29 recovery drinks.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 11 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that mage_smasher lives here

You stuff the following things into your sack: 
14,357 silvers.

A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 11 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here!

You stuff the following things into your sack: 
141 gold nuggets.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 11 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! 

You stuff the following things into your sack: 
2 eardrums.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 11 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here

You stuff the following things into your sack: 
10,724 silvers.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 11 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here

You stuff the following things into your sack: 
a pair of silver boots, a pair of golden boots, a hydragen-carbid, an eyelid, a dispro helm and an eardrum.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 11 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here

You stuff the following things into your sack:
 a giant crown, 12 dragonproof sheepskins, 3 airbags and 16 diamond nails.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 11 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! 
You've activated a stingbolt trap! Little poisoned arrows shower at you... (1)
Thanks to your very quick hopping, you manage to stay alive until the arrows run short!
Suddenly you find yourself in a fallinggrate trap! (1)
You crouch down to force the bars open, and after a little while you manage to lift them just enough to crawl out!
You've activated a stingbolt trap! Little poisoned arrows shower at you... (1)
Thanks to your very quick hopping, you manage to stay alive until the arrows run short!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
2 diamonds, 2 emerald mail shirts, 4 disprosiums, 3 stinkglands and 3 dragon crests.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that sneaky pete lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
1895 experience points earned!
You need 11 716 553 more experience points for the next level!
Yay my first big rob since a long time

For A Robber Near You
first robbery of a player with anything half decent for matt :)

got a holy symbol off pizza :)
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
137 silvers, 3 opals, a liquid crystal, a pair of golden boots and 
100 diamond nails
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 9 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
El Doctor
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
3675 experience points earned!

robber in action
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
a pearl, a fishbone, 2 hydragen-carbids, 3 sepias, 2 extinguished nimbuses and 2 tendons.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 9 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
35373 experience points earned!

robber in action
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
a stinkgland, 2 dragon hearts, a lightbeam, 4 giganails, a wizardrobe and a hypergrease
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 9 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.

You stuff the following things into your sack: 
379,053 silvers, a mana potion, 2 antidotes, a magic hull and a lava helmet
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 9 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.

-B  :)

So Legal Eagle thought he would give robbing a go :p

You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
 aqua deis and a pair of copper boots.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 4 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.

Mini Mole lives here! (4 nubs - thanks)
Lazario lives here! (nothing much but thanks for the xp)
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
243 vampiric herbs, 4 dragonscales and a dragonclaw.

A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 11 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here!

You stuff the following things into your sack: 
7 silver stings, 6 disprosiums, 6 centroliums, 2 stinkglands, 2 dragon eyes and 4 magic nubs.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 11 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! 

You stuff the following things into your sack: 
3 hypergreases.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 11 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here
just robbed 3 hyperiums and 3 nucleuses from somebody

For A Robber Near You
A zombieshackle embraces you! (60)
You stretch the arms of the zombie until it goes limp and lets you go!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: a cure potion, an antidote, a lizardskin, 3 dragonclaws and 
a centrolium.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 7 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that Nurial lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
2652 experience points earned!
You need 7 103 382 more experience points for the next level!
Thx nurial

For A Robber Near You
My pleasure... forgot i even had one
You stuff the following things into your sack: 2 mobilidoxins, a prayer-wheel, 4 opals, 
266 vampiric herbs 
and an obsidian dagger.A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 11 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here

:) ty Braves, guess I'll be making more houseparts:p
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
258,918 silvers, a stinkgland and an airbag
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.

crustydigger  [21657/831]
Money: 0     
Hitpoints: 54 / 544
Manapoints: 755 / 755Cast HomeportTry to stealTry to robWhere is the balloon?Push Panic Button You activated a blademachine trap while looking around! (97)
You avoid the blades skillfully until the machine stops!
A zombieshackle embraces you! (253)
You stretch the arms of the zombie until it goes limp and lets you go!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: a diamond, 2 disprosiums and 4 stinkglands.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 8 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that Gutek lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
4465 experience points earned!
You need 2 332 426 more experience points for the next level!
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
an antidote and a flippant tongue.

A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 
4 diamond nails
 to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.

TYVM,Kittin, this was my 1st decent haul! Looking forward to more so please don't move house..

JAZZmin ;)
I see how ya are ;)

Bank the cash... an give me back the junk :p

You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 2 alien gadgets and 3 extra mana potions.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that Perfecti lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
770 experience points earned!
You need 2 149 191 more experience points for the next level!
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
267,674 silvers
 and a mana potion.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.

Well I was just clicken along in a robbing coma... and when suddely a rob flashed across the screen for an instant... and then it was gone... so I took a look in my pack to see what I got and found that I had aquired :

4 phantom eyes, 12 pict tubes, 5 vamp herbs and a snake rattle from someone :D

so.. whoever that was :D TYVM! and Most of its on the market lol

A manasucker trap approaches you! (250)
You try to stay as far away from the monster as you can, until it disappears. You were fortunate!
A manasucker trap approaches you! (320)
You try to stay as far away from the monster as you can, until it disappears. You were fortunate!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 2 alien gadgets, 25 recovery drinks and 6 mobilo diavovinos.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 7 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that Chow Yi Pha lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
14402 experience points earned!
You need 5 586 035 more experience points for the next level!
Thanks a bunch AA

For A Robber Near You
A manasucker trap approaches you! (81)
You try to stay as far away from the monster as you can, until it disappears. You were fortunate!
A zombieshackle embraces you! (133)
You stretch the arms of the zombie until it goes limp and lets you go!
You activated a blademachine trap while looking around! (105)
You avoid the blades skillfully until the machine stops!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: some rations, a piece of copper ore, 
49 magic nubs
, a recovery drink and 3 mobilo diavovinos.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 7 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that Daneor lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
7937 experience points earned!
You need 5 536 824 more experience points for the next level!
I think I'm really lucky today lol

For A Robber Near You
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
5 magic
and a recovery drink.

A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! 
append 4 diamond nails to your loot.

After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.

Jazzmin says TYVM   

You stuff the following things into your sack: 13,788 silvers.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 6 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that the beard lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
3252 experience points earned
Don't know who it was but thanks for 
23217 silvers,5 kithrills and 21 hyperiums

For A Robber Near You
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
160 aqua deis
 and 47 extra mana potions.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 11 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here!

You stuff the following things into your sack: 
225,000 silvers, 2 stinkglands and an airbag.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 11 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here
oi  quero  muito  joga  este  jogo  agora
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
2 eyepearls, 2 emerald helmets, a njonjoz tooth, 8 disprosiums and an alien gadget
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 9 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
Rocky Racoon
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.

You stuff the following things into your sack: 
443,506 silvers.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 11 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here!

ty ty ty ty ty:D
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
13 silvers, 4 gold nuggets, a net, an opal, 3 rubies, a silver mail shirt, a unicorn's horn, 3 ghosthorns and 5 stinkglands
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 9 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that Lucky hero lives here!
You stuff the following things into your sack: 184,794 silvers and 2 mana potions.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 9 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that Broon lives here!

Seriously thanks a lot Broon lmao

You stuff the following things into your sack: 
42 gold nuggets, 2 opals, an acid crystal, a platinum spring, a nannysnail gob, 2 stinkglands, a dragon crest, 12 wizardrobes, 2 tendons, 7 picture tubes, 3 warheads, 3 daemonteeth and an ironnut.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 11 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here!
Hi Bambooo!
I'm Mika. Hogyan lehet lopni
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 1072 gold nuggets and 8 diamonds.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 7 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that DigDude lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
1462 experience points earned!
You need 42 298 314 more experience points for the next level!

For A Robber Near You
Feeling pleased Cinder?

You may be less pleased to know I have emptied Flip's house.   I hope that last rob was all you'd hoped for...


You stuff the following things into your sack: 
280,544 silvers.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 9 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that Broon lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
3099 experience points earned!

ty Ria:p
robber in action

You stuff the following things into your sack: 
4 cubes
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 6 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
2460 experience points earned!

tyvm! :D


You stuff the following things into your sack: 
561 silvers, 140 gold nuggets, an aqua dei, 17 kithrills, a dragon crest, 22 oreputtys and 5 recovery drinks.

A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 9 diamond nails to your loot. After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.

You stuff the following things into your sack: 
590 gold nuggets, 27 tin balls, a magic spell and a necrospell.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 9 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
21147 experience points earned!

You stuff the following things into your sack: 
an acid crystal, 21 elemental essences and a vampiric herb.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 9 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
2379 experience points earned!

You stuff the following things into your sack: a 
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 9 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
4705 experience points earned

robber in action

You stuff the following things into your sack: 
106,825 silvers.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 11 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
By-Tor lives here!
Back in the saddle again.....

You stuff the following things into your sack: 
222,478 silvers
 and a mana potion.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 9 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.

Prince K
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
27,133 silvers.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
5319 experience points earned!

robber in action

You stuff the following things into your sack: 
2 prayer-wheels, 7 cubes, 31 extra mana potions, 4 recovery drinks, 11 mobilo diavovinos and 3 universal keys.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 11 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! 

Cubes are always welcome:)
> 1 extra mana potions, 4 recovery drinks, 11 mobilo diavovinos and 3 universal keys

Now I wonder how a level 32 character with 0 conquests and 210 robbing ranks got that stuff?!  What comes around goes... to Cinder!

You stuff the following things into your sack: 
45,266 silvers.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 9 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
3262 experience points earned!


robber in action

You stuff the following things into your sack: 
2 dragonscales, 15 dragonteeth, an alien gadget, a breathing cornerstone, 6 raw composiums, a hypergrease, 12 diamond nails, 3 extra mana potions and a recovery drink.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 9 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
6871 experience points earned!


robber in action
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
a sling, 24 portions of ratfat, 4 unicorn's horns, 5 strands of lion whiskers, a rhyno's horn, 2 yoricks, an eyepearl and a silver tusk.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
4128 experience points earned!

robber in action

You stuff the following things into your sack: 
7 golden hinges.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 9 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
2369 experience points earned!

You stuff the following things into your sack: 
2 opals, 2 emeralds, a piece of fiendwool, a tiger hide, 2 strands of lion whiskers, a leopard skin, a poisoned dagger, a liquid crystal and 21 pcs. of copper ore.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 9 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
3184 experience points earned!

You stuff the following things into your sack:
 8 silver cudgels.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 9 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
Cap'n RoundBelly
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
2280 experience points earned!

You stuff the following things into your sack: 
a mana potion, a cure potion and 3 antidotes.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 9 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
CCTV Hoodie
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
2929 experience points earned!


robber in action

You stuff the following things into your sack: 
a stinkgland, 2 dragon eyes, a dragongrass, a giant crown, an ugliness, an airbag, an eardrum, a nucleus, an earblade, 4 lightbeams and 5 firespells.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 11 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.

You stuff the following things into your sack: 
51,374 silvers
 and 100 tin balls.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 11 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
13 disprosiums, 44 hyperiums and 2 stinkglands.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 9 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
Mistress Digger
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.

You stuff the following things into your sack: 2 waterspells.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 9 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that lux lives here! 

More like "you realise you are about to die a painful death!"
You stuff the following things into your sack:
 368 opals, 82 emeralds, 84 rubies, 389 pearls, 5 centroliums, 3 hyperiums, a fiendsteel shield and a stinkgland.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 11 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.

You stuff the following things into your sack: 
a butterfly wing, 3 vampiric herbs, 20 stinkglands, 2 alien contraptions, a breathing cornerstone and 2 extra mana potions.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 11 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here!
OK, the rob wasn't all that big... but I impressed myself with the size of the traps!  :D

Suddenly you find yourself in a fallinggrate trap! (
You crouch down to force the bars open, and after a little while you manage to lift them just enough to crawl out!
A manasucker trap approaches you! (
You try to stay as far away from the monster as you can, 
until it disappears. You were fortunate!
You activated a blademachine trap while looking around! (
You avoid the blades skillfully until the machine stops!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, 

making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
1,008 silvers.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that Stash lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
12039 experience points earned!

Smiles,  :D
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
a gold nugget, 2 shin-bones, a tortoise shell, a pearl, 2 butterfly wings, 20 buffalobeards, a liquid crystal, a brass club, an urchin quill and a dragonscale.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
3533 experience points earned!

robber in action

In the midst of searching the room, you feel a snarelock gripping your arms! (15)
After a long untying process, you succeed!
You activated a blademachine trap while looking around! (22)
You avoid the blades skillfully until the machine stops!
You've activated a stingbolt trap! Little poisoned arrows shower at you... (1)
Thanks to your very quick hopping, you manage to stay alive until the arrows run short!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 9 extra mana potions.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 7 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that flitch lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
3120 experience points earned!
You need 31 514 548 more experience points for the next level!
Thanks a lot alpie

For A Robber Near You
Suddenly you find yourself in a fallinggrate trap! (30)
You crouch down to force the bars open, and after a little while you manage to lift them just enough to crawl out!
You activated a blademachine trap while looking around! (30)
You avoid the blades skillfully until the machine stops!
You've activated a stingbolt trap! Little poisoned arrows shower at you... (48)
Thanks to your very quick hopping, you manage to stay alive until the arrows run short!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: a ruby mail shirt.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that ttuc lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
4806 experience points earned!
You need 31 348 784 more experience points for the next level!
Not that much but it is 4k

For A Robber Near You
Suddenly you find yourself in a fallinggrate trap! (2)
You crouch down to force the bars open, and after a little while you manage to lift them just enough to crawl out!
A zombieshackle embraces you! (2)
You stretch the arms of the zombie until it goes limp and lets you go!
Suddenly you find yourself in a fallinggrate trap! (20)
You crouch down to force the bars open, and after a little while you manage to lift them just enough to crawl out!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 2 emerald helmets, a mole hide, 2 eyelids and 2 kallandra teeth.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 8 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that Rocky Racoon lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
1527 experience points earned!
You need 651 663 more experience points for the next level!
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
297,715 silvers.

JustinTime1705 lives here!

Sunstar just lifted 70 extra mana potions from someones house.

sunstar again

You stuff the following things into your sack: 
173,195 silvers.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 
7 diamond nails
 to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
3903 experience points earned!
You need 24 182 247 more experience points for the next level!

You stuff the following things into your sack: 
56 aqua deis, a prayer-wheel, 22 alien gadgets, 4 alien contraptions, a dragongrass, 19 extra mana potions, 4 recovery drinks and 6 mobilo diavovinos.

A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 9 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.

Sorry 'bout that Braves.

You stuff the following things into your sack: 5,387 silvers, a bird's feather and a strand of lion whiskers.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 9 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
1171 experience points earned!
You need 12 983 291 more experience points for the next level!
The balloon was seen towards northwest. tom foolery has held it for 40 steps.

, CaptainBlack are around here too.

CHeeky boy aint i? :p
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
137 diamond nails.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 11 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
cool guy 4
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.

Sunstar got 11 stinkglands and some nails from Draco Warrior
In the midst of searching the room, you feel a snarelock gripping your arms! (125)
After a long untying process, you succeed!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
4,000 silvers and a miracle satchel.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
DoB Digger
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
5789 experience points earned!
You need 29 542 607 more experience points for the next level!
Thanks a bunch daddy!!

For A Robber Near You
In the midst of searching the room, you feel a snarelock gripping your arms! (1)
After a long untying process, you succeed!
A zombieshackle embraces you! (34)
You stretch the arms of the zombie until it goes limp and lets you go!
A manasucker trap approaches you! (73)
You try to stay as far away from the monster as you can, until it disappears. You were fortunate!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 4 portions of rations, 3 aqua deis and 
20 magic nubs.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 7 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that finnbogi lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
6282 experience points earned!
You need 29 157 694 more experience points for the next level!
Thanks Alpie

For A Robber Near You

You stuff the following things into your sack: 2 silvers, 2 elemental essences, 7 pcs. of iron ore, 
a magic spell, a wizardrobe, 70 magic nubs
 and 4 extra mana potions.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 11 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.

You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
81 1weekold breads and a mobilo diavovino

A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 8 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
1867 experience points earned!
You need 24 707 446 more experience points for the next level!

Looks like someone likes bread. Storing for the winter lilm?:p
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
226,649 silvers
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 9 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.

 A business establishment in which money is kept for saving or commercial purposes or is invested, supplied for loans, or exchanged. :p


Sunstar strikes again!!

ok, not exactly noteworthy for monetary value but the haul in amounts is bizarre!! 8 maps of larkinor? Why?

No idea who this all belonged to. Overactive clicker finger.

vampire sword
8 maps of Larkinor
59 gold nuggets
149 pearls
105 magic hulls
360 tin balls

You stuff the following things into your sack: 
6 stinkglands
. A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 11 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
fools gold
 lives here!
Suddenly you find yourself in a fallinggrate trap! (75) You crouch down to force the bars open, and after a little while you manage to lift them just enough to crawl out! You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...  You stuff the following things into your sack: 
61,393 silvers
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here.

Using up 25 k of clicks for robbing

Ahem....those belong to throbber my character. Not a noob but they were there for others to rob...plus for pyra to get some free magic hulls:D

Jalina got 180k from By-Tor.  Such a giving person.  

Ty :D:D
is by-tor's goal to give over 100k to every robber in this game?  because it seems to be an easily reachable goal! :p
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
52 extra mana potions and 53 universal keys
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 9 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
Sir Herby
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.

Maybe those keys will help unlock some other doors ;)


You stuff the following things into your sack: 
125,403 silvers.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 9 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
4339 experience points earned!
You need 32 256 829 more experience points for the next level!

ria :p

robber in action
you rob 43 alien contraptions:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
my little robber is back in business:D:D:D
 if u r robbing 2 get diamond nails do eye see any purpose. 
A manasucker trap approaches you! (400)
You try to stay as far away from the monster as you can, until it disappears. You were fortunate!
You activated a blademachine trap while looking around! (300)
You avoid the blades skillfully until the machine stops!
A zombieshackle embraces you! (280)
You stretch the arms of the zombie until it goes limp and lets you go!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 15 gold nuggets, 3612 bird's feathers, an alien gadget, a dragongrass, 3 holy symbols, 8 earblades, 4 wizardrobes and 4 firespells.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 9 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that hulk. lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
12085 experience points earned!
You need 16 992 084 more experience points for the next level!

Not a bad haul :D
I'm glad no one's ever hit Pelon's house. :D
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
273 gold nuggets, 81 opals, 31 lapis lazulis, 70 emeralds, 17 kithrills and 32 hyperiums.

A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 
7 diamond nails
 to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
3864 experience points earned!

Pyro God
MIK lives here!
Anvar lives here!
SportsPlayerROB lives here!
Herrick the Mage lives here!
james01470 lives here!
Nuiamees lives here!
berzerkeruk lives here!
silverline lives here!
Bruxas lives here!
Zeddick of Rahn lives here!
Black77581 lives here!
-***-lives here!
Orkje III lives here!
Captain Crunch lives here!
Lilyloo lives here!
grister lives here!
Nurial lives here!
StrongerThanThou lives here!
aditya_jmtc1a lives here!
Lord Kratos lives here!
JustinTime1705 lives here!
Hagman lives here! 
the dead lives here!
Nurial lives here!
Jubal-O lives here!
L55 lives here!
192837645 lives here!
J-homme lives here!
Salazor lives here!
blackrider lives here!
Wojtas lives here!
treech lives here!
MightyQ lives here!
bossaram lives here!
Anvar lives here!
Thx all of you!
note: some of the robs are still from April lol:D

For A Robber Near You
You stuff the following things into your sack: a crowbar, 
11 magic nubs
 and 8 mobilo diavovinos.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 9 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! 

Not huge, but I'll take it  :D
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
97 elemental essences.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 11 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that Saint Tiasu lives here.

might not be large on the monetary front...but its HEAVY!
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
5 kallandra teeth, 18 stinkglands, 2 alien gadgets, a dragon heart and a mobilo diavovino
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 9 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
Dark Vader
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.

Then, after a valiant attempt to retrieve their goods...

You stuff the following things into your sack: 
43 stinkglands, 2 alien gadgets, an alien contraption, a dragon heart and an extinguished nimbus.

A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 9 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
Dark Vader
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.

(I was wondering why there was an odor eminating from that house - lotsa stinkies! )  :p

-B - sorry Capmar
Just robbed 142095 silvers from Broon]:)
Thank you

For A Robber Near You
If we could arrange for those to get back to hulk it would be appricated.

When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
450 gold nuggets
16 diamonds
4 magic nubs
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 4 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.

People EaterX-(
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 8 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that THE SNOW DOG lives here! 
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 13 earthspells.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that Mistress Of Evil lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
821 experience points earned!
You need 15 770 004 more experience points for the next level!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 9 mana potions, a cure potion, 8 mobilidoxins and 33 magic nubs.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 9 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that Kondor lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
983 experience points earned!
You need 14 442 885 more experience points for the next level!
You activated a blademachine trap while looking around! (10)
You avoid the blades skillfully until the machine stops!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 6,024 silvers and a pair of copper boots.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that Baynks lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
886 experience points earned!
You need 14 323 082 more experience points for the next level!
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
7,903 silvers, 7 gold nuggets, 15 vampiric herbs, a magician staff, 48 treasures and 12 diamond nails.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 11 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here!

ty TeT :)
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
5 pairs of golden boots.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 11 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! 

You stuff the following things into your sack: 
7 pegasus feathers, 3 hydragen-carbids, 7 disprosiums, 2 kallandra teeth, 4 stinkglands and an alien contraption.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 11 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
sneaky pete
 lives here

You stuff the following things into your sack: 
an alien gadget, 4 dragon eyes, 3 dragongrasses, 22 treasures, a cube and 43 universal keys.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 11 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
In the midst of searching the room, you feel a snarelock gripping your arms! 

After a long untying process, you succeed!

You activated a blademachine trap while looking around! 
 You avoid the blades skillfully until the machine stops!

Suddenly you find yourself in a fallinggrate trap! 

You crouch down to force the bars open, and after a little while you manage to lift them just enough to crawl out!

You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...

You stuff the following things into your sack: 310 magic nubs.

A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 6 diamond nails to your loot.

After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.

OMG.... Monty! what are you doin storing those in your house!!!!!  On the market

Kittin_103 :D:D:D
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
75,462 silvers and 2 shovels.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 11 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! 
A zombieshackle embraces you! (350)
You stretch the arms of the zombie until it goes limp and lets you go!
Suddenly you find yourself in a fallinggrate trap! (400)
You crouch down to force the bars open, and after a little while you manage to lift them just enough to crawl out!
In the midst of searching the room, you feel a snarelock gripping your arms! (400)
After a long untying process, you succeed!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 12,118 silvers, a mana potion, a vampiric herb and 147 magic nubs.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that Mephistopheles lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.

Thanks Beav :d
In the midst of searching the room, you feel a snarelock gripping your arms! (229)
After a long untying process, you succeed!
You've activated a stingbolt trap! Little poisoned arrows shower at you... (225)
Thanks to your very quick hopping, you manage to stay alive until the arrows run short!
You activated a blademachine trap while looking around! (206)
You avoid the blades skillfully until the machine stops!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 2 prayer-wheels, 5 alien contraptions, 5 magic nubs and 4 recovery drinks.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 9 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that Iron Midget lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
You activated a blademachine trap while looking around! (3)
You avoid the blades skillfully until the machine stops!
A manasucker trap approaches you! (100)
You try to stay as far away from the monster as you can, until it disappears. You were fortunate!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 368 gold nuggets, 12 diamonds, 5 emeralds, a pearl, 35 disprosiums, 24 kithrills and 65 hyperiums.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 9 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that DiggingUpTrouble lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.

thanks for the 600k trouble :d
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
69 alien gadgets and 56 alien contraptions.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 11 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
Zen Master
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.

can I just say....OMG:D

You stuff the following things into your sack: 
131,043 silvers.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 11 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that THE 
 lives here!
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
53,237 silvers.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 11 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
Ekul Relis

You stuff the following things into your sack: 
an acid crystal, an alien gadget, a daemonzanza, 4 yetifeet, 2 harpy braids and 3 esteticums.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 11 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
a vampiric herb, a hydragen-carbid, a membraneplasm, 12 magic spells, 15 airspells, a picture tube, a cannonmortar and a necrospell.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
37983 experience points earned!


robber in action
Suddenly you find yourself in a fallinggrate trap! (75)
You crouch down to force the bars open, and after a little while you manage to lift them just enough to crawl out!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
72,424 silvers
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 7 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
3253 experience points earned!
You need 11 935 685 more experience points for the next level!
ok, so it's not one of the biggest.  but it's my first rob of an actual item other than finding a diamond nail.  and hey... this is worth over 10k :)

You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: a fiendsteel harpoon.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append a diamond nail to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that Mix_and_Mage lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
301 experience points earned!
You need 5 608 501 more experience points for the next level!

--jason (simply digging)
Hey jason...congrats, and welcome to the world of subs...i look forward to seeing you robbed or stole from me some day soon :D
may not happen lusha... i only started because kms kinda asked if i could rob his house :p  so i took up robbing with my digger, who won't make a good robber.  no char's on that account really will.  and i don't think i'll sub my first account, which would make great robbers.
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
8 diamonds, 8 disprosiums, 2 kallandra teeth and 14 stinkglands.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 11 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here!
Wellcome to the world of subs...have fun for the months and weeks and days to come.:D


You stuff the following things into your sack: 
a shovel, 12 gold nuggets, a mobilidoxin, 31 aqua deis, a centroshield and 42 magic nubs
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.

Sorry Braves.

hey Beav...i'd bet he's gonna want the shield back;)
I figured that - Lusha.

Decided to take it home and polish it up until we could arrange a time to exchange. Some people just don't take care of their stuff. All covered in necrolord bits - distgusting!

Still have the evlensteel shield too Braves.

you can keep them both beav, i had the other shield made awhile ago and the one you just got i stole sometime before xmas :p
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
a steel spring, 27 bird's feathers, 2 skulls, a yorick, a poisonbag, a piece of iron ore, 2 griffin feathers, a piece of njukug whiskers, a dragontooth, an eyelid and 8 recovery drinks.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 9 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
31313 experience points earned!


robber in action

You stuff the following things into your sack:
 an antifeeler, a spiderbelly, 4 yetifeet and 1112 recovery drinks.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 11 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.

EEK...on returning to my robbing...find myself wondering why I'm overloaded....
 recovery drinks?!?!?!?!!?!?

Starting a hospital on larki Crusty?
O:)   what can i say i'm just trying to break the habbit, but if i feel the need to indulge it doesn't help to have a couple handy ;)
A manasucker trap approaches you! (123)
You try to stay as far away from the monster as you can, until it disappears. You were fortunate!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 9,363 silvers.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 9 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that By-Tor lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
2588 experience points earned!
You need 12 540 609 more experience points for the next level!

You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 9 breathing cornerstones and a daemonzanza.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 9 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that imp lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
713 experience points earned!
You need 12 296 586 more experience points for the next level!
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
a map of Larkinor, 3 dragon muscles, a nucleus, 3 hypergreases, 10 oreputtys, 16 magic nubs and some fodder.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 11 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.

You stuff the following things into your sack: 
9 elemental essences, a magician staff, an airbag and 26 oreputtys.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 11 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
fish n' chips
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.

You stuff the following things into your sack: 
14 gold nuggets, 2 mana potions, a miracle satchel, a prayer-wheel, 4 alien gadgets, 2 alien contraptions, 2 oreputtys and a magic nub.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 11 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
Iron Midget
 lives here

You stuff the following things into your sack: 
85 gold nuggets, 4 vampiric herbs, a griffin feather, 2 monstrous beaks, a piece of njukug whiskers, a njhenjherhe neck, 3 hydragen-carbids, a dragonscale, 3 dragonclaws, 2 eyelids and an eardrum.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 11 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here
Suddenly you find yourself in a fallinggrate trap! (1)
You crouch down to force the bars open, and after a little while you manage to lift them just enough to crawl out!
Suddenly you find yourself in a fallinggrate trap! (505)
You crouch down to force the bars open, and after a little while you manage to lift them just enough to crawl out!
You've activated a stingbolt trap! Little poisoned arrows shower at you... (505)
Thanks to your very quick hopping, you manage to stay alive until the arrows run short!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 112 extra mana potions and 18 universal keys.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 9 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that Sir Herby lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
11349 experience points earned!
You need 10 173 608 more experience points for the next level!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 4 breathing cornerstones.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that imp lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
991 experience points earned!
You need 9 581 181 more experience points for the next level!
You activated a blademachine trap while looking around! (3)
You avoid the blades skillfully until the machine stops!
A manasucker trap approaches you! (48)
You try to stay as far away from the monster as you can, until it disappears. You were fortunate!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 20,400 silvers, a disprosium, 3 kithrills, 4 centroliums and 2 hyperiums.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 9 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that DiggingUpTrouble lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
1807 experience points earned!
You need 7 711 723 more experience points for the next level!
You activated a blademachine trap while looking around! (2)
You avoid the blades skillfully until the machine stops!
In the midst of searching the room, you feel a snarelock gripping your arms! (100)
After a long untying process, you succeed!
Suddenly you find yourself in a fallinggrate trap! (24)
You crouch down to force the bars open, and after a little while you manage to lift them just enough to crawl out!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 6 disprosiums.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that supermole lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
2737 experience points earned!
You need 7 251 252 more experience points for the next level!
You activated a blademachine trap while looking around! (3)
You avoid the blades skillfully until the machine stops!
A manasucker trap approaches you! (48)
You try to stay as far away from the monster as you can, until it disappears. You were fortunate!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 11,952 silvers, 305 gold nuggets, 7 diamonds, 2 disprosiums, 3 kithrills, 2 centroliums and a hyperium.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that DiggingUpTrouble lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
1943 experience points earned!
You need 7 143 321 more experience points for the next level!

crustydigger  [16558/832]
Money: 0     
Hitpoints: 57 / 572
Manapoints: 793 / 793Drink cure potionDrink mobilidoxinTake on a magic hullCast HomeportTry to stealTry to robWhere is the balloon?Push Panic Button The calffiend escaped from you towards west!
You don't care for the calffiend, you go on...
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 25 dragongrasses.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 9 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that captkangaroo lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
812 experience points earned!
You need 6 792 857 more experience points for the next level!

You stuff the following things into your sack: 
17 aqua deis, a portion of ratfat, 3 buffalobeards, 2 hydragen-carbids, 
28 alien gadgets, a fiendsteel helm
, 2 nucleuses, 4 tendons and 2 lamps.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 11 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.

You stuff the following things into your sack: 
2 egoplasms and 53 diamond nails.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 9 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
El Doctor
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
5500 experience points earned!

You stuff the following things into your sack: 
20 rubies, 33 pearls, 3 crystal plates, 5 vampiric herbs and a flippant tongue.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 9 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
Alaura Kingsley
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
3191 experience points earned!

You stuff the following things into your sack: 
a miracle satchel, 11 aqua deis, an elemental essence, 7 airspells, a picture tube and 3 extra mana potions.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 9 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
Cobalt Shroud
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
34040 experience points earned!

You stuff the following things into your sack: 
a phantomeye, 41 necrospells, a warhead, 20 lamps, a daemonzanza and 2 yetifeet.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 9 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
36219 experience points earned!

You stuff the following things into your sack: 
an aqua dei, 3 butterfly wings, 2 monstrous beaks, 4 njonjoz teeth, 11 disprosiums, an alien gadget and an eardrum
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 9 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.

You stuff the following things into your sack: 
84 gold nuggets, an elemental essence and 58 pcs. of copper ore
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 9 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
billy jo bob
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
2568 experience points earned!

You stuff the following things into your sack:
 37 elemental essences.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 9 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
Saint Tiasu
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
16356 experience points earned!

You stuff the following things into your sack: 
a shovel, 4 gold nuggets and 7 mobilo diavovinos.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 9 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
8859 experience points earned!


robber in action
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
an ugliness, an eardrum, a lightbeam, 3 magic spells and a hypergrease.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 9 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
15864 experience points earned!


robber in action
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
6 manquills, a barreltap, 7 portions of fodder, an extra mana potion, 18 recovery drinks and 54 mobilo diavovinos
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 9 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.

WTG Ralph!!!

- gumpsta -B-):D:p]:)
You stuff the following things into your sack: 7 portions of rations, a shovel, 2 nets, 9 aqua deis, 
6 phantomeyes and some fodder.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 11 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here!

You stuff the following things into your sack: 
58,781 silvers.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 11 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here
In the midst of searching the room, you feel a snarelock gripping your arms! (73)
After a long untying process, you succeed!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 292 silvers and a breathing cornerstone.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 9 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that Deadlylola lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
2072 experience points earned!
You need 1 584 469 more experience points for the next level!
You activated a blademachine trap while looking around! (3)
You avoid the blades skillfully until the machine stops!
A manasucker trap approaches you! (48)
You try to stay as far away from the monster as you can, until it disappears. You were fortunate!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 2,741 silvers, 615 gold nuggets, 3 hypergreases and 15 magic nubs.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 9 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that DiggingUpTrouble lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
1721 experience points earned!
You need 24 596 257 more experience points for the next level!
You activated a blademachine trap while looking around! (1)
You avoid the blades skillfully until the machine stops!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack:
 25,525 silvers.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 5 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that Munduar lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.

You stuff the following things into your sack: 
7 diamonds, 6 alien gadgets and a dragon eye
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
sneaky pete
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.

Trouble325 :D:D:D

You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 6 bird's feathers and 66 magic nubs.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 9 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that Crisis lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
1151 experience points earned!
You need 20 772 609 more experience points for the next level!
While you wasn't home 
 has robbed your house. Following things are missing: 30,973 silvers, a cure potion, an antidote, a prayer-wheel, 26 centroliums and 3 raw composiums

Ok, just because I haven't been around much, doesn't give you a good excuse to take all my stuff.  Pfft.

TeT :p
You stuff the following things into your sack: 20 vampiric herbs, 2 alien gadgets, a breathing cornerstone and 3 recovery drinks.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 5 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that Dark Vader lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.

Ppl Eater X-(

You stuff the following things into your sack: 
48 hydragen-carbids
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that Shiftless lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
1737 experience points earned!
A manasucker trap approaches you! (587)
You try to stay as far away from the monster as you can, until it disappears. You were fortunate!
A zombieshackle embraces you! (587)
You stretch the arms of the zombie until it goes limp and lets you go!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 3 pegasus feathers, 63 manquills, 4 lamps, 4 antifeelers, 2 cubes, 8 extra mana potions and 40 mobilo diavovinos.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 9 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that Sishak lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.

The griffen escaped from you towards west!
You don't care for the griffen, you go on...
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
94 magic nubs.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 6 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that secretagentmole lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
408 experience points earned!
You need 1 406 894 more experience points for the next level!
The balloon was seen towards southwest. Frapator has held it for 1 steps.
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
117 gold nuggets, a mana potion, an antidote, 5 diamond nails, 11 magic nubs and an extra mana potion
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 10 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.

You stuff the following things into your sack: 
117 diamond nails, 63 oreputtys and 78 magic nubs
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.

Bumping this since we've had a handful of robbers come back to relieve houses of their stuff, and I suspect there'll be some nice hauls :)
Suddenly you find yourself in a fallinggrate trap! (544)
You crouch down to force the bars open, and after a little while you manage to lift them just enough to crawl out!
A zombieshackle embraces you! (524)
You stretch the arms of the zombie until it goes limp and lets you go!
You activated a blademachine trap while looking around! (563)
You stuff the following things into your sack: a stinkgland, an alien contraption, 3 dragongrasses, 4 holy symbols, an earblade and 17 mobilo diavovinos.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 10 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
Tico Capone
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.

Cheers pal :p
You stuff the following things into your sack: 29,128 silvers, 2 cure potions, a shin-bone, 4 vampiric herbs, a nannysnail gob and a dragontooth.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 9 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that harry cover lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
4669 experience points earned!
You stuff the following things into your sack: 2 10yearsold breads.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 9 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that Digger Fan lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
You stuff the following things into your sack: a steel spring, 22 bird's feathers, 3 lapis lazulis, 10 portions of ratfat, 18 liquid crystals, 2403 goblin coins, a pair of dwarf boots, 2 pcs. of copper ore, 2 disprosiums and a centrolium.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 9 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that esp M1 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
1686 experience points earned!
You need 8 094 456 more experience points for the next level!
You stuff the following things into your sack: 5,800 silvers, 2 kithrills, 5 centroliums, 34 hyperiums and 430 oreputtys.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that karmel lives here
You stuff the following things into your sack: a buffalobeard and 42 dragon eyes.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that thaelia lives here

You stuff the following things into your sack: 2 mana potions, 5 rubies and 2 crystal plates.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that Boomer86 lives here

While you wasn't home a boy named sue has robbed your house. Following things are missing:an airspell and 954 treasures

Suddenly you find yourself in a fallinggrate trap! (564)
You crouch down to force the bars open, and after a little while you manage to lift them just enough to crawl out!
You activated a blademachine trap while looking around! (550)
You avoid the blades skillfully until the machine stops!
In the midst of searching the room, you feel a snarelock gripping your arms! (584)
After a long untying process, you succeed!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 34 gold nuggets, an iron helmet, 2 crystal plates, a breathing cornerstone, a dragon crest, an extinguished nimbus and 94 recovery drinks.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 9 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that mr.mx lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
25013 experience points earned!
In the midst of searching the room, you feel a snarelock gripping your arms! (661)
After a long untying process, you succeed!
You activated a blademachine trap while looking around! (663)
You avoid the blades skillfully until the machine stops!
A zombieshackle embraces you! (677)
You stretch the arms of the zombie until it goes limp and lets you go!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 12,035 silvers, a silvernut, 11 magic nubs, 2 sunspots, 4 portions of vacuum, 2 runes, 29 elemental spits and a nightlight.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 9 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that Major Headache lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
31812 experience points earned!
You stuff the following things into your sack: 40,169 silvers and a prayer-wheel.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 9 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that lord monster lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
After 7 lightbeams, 2 picture tubes, 10 magic  nubs from MagicTrouble

You stuff the following things into your sack: 40,812 silvers.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 9 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that nosredna lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
You sure know how to give someone a minor heart attack...I've grown complacent with house maintenance as the robber population has dwindled. :p
You activated a blademachine trap while looking around! 

You avoid the blades skillfully until the machine stops!
Suddenly you find yourself in a fallinggrate trap! 

You crouch down to force the bars open, and after a little while you manage to lift them just enough to crawl out!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
3 stinkglands, an alien contraption and a composium.

After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
A zombieshackle embraces you! 

You stretch the arms of the zombie until it goes limp and lets you go!
Suddenly you find yourself in a fallinggrate trap! 

You crouch down to force the bars open, and after a little while you manage to lift them just enough to crawl out!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
a daemonzanza and 2 portrings.

A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 10 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! 
A zombieshackle embraces you! (386)
You stretch the arms of the zombie until it goes limp and lets you go!
You've activated a stingbolt trap! Little poisoned arrows shower at you... (386)
Thanks to your very quick hopping, you manage to stay alive until the arrows run short!
A manasucker trap approaches you! (191)
You try to stay as far away from the monster as you can, until it disappears. You were fortunate!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 19 hyperiums.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 9 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that Sandy Claws lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
You've activated a stingbolt trap! Little poisoned arrows shower at you... (111)
Thanks to your very quick hopping, you manage to stay alive until the arrows run short!
You activated a blademachine trap while looking around! (64)
You avoid the blades skillfully until the machine stops!
In the midst of searching the room, you feel a snarelock gripping your arms! (196)
After a long untying process, you succeed!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: a diamond, a disprosium, 7 stinkglands, 2 alien gadgets, 8 alien contraptions, a dragon muscle, a dragon eye and 2 dragongrasses.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 9 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that Lonerbabe lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
9244 experience points earned!
You activated a blademachine trap while looking around! (537)
You avoid the blades skillfully until the machine stops!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 98,272 silvers, 3 uglinesses, 2 snakerattles, 3 lashes and 90 mobilo diavovinos.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 9 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that Rabenschwarz lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
You stuff the following things into your sack: a magic hull, 245 recovery drinks and 9 rainbow hearts.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 9 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that The Vanquisher lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
55 extra mana potions, 232 recovery drinks and 15 mobilo diavovinos.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
A zombieshackle embraces you! (251)
You stretch the arms of the zombie until it goes limp and lets you go!
Suddenly you find yourself in a fallinggrate trap! (505)
You crouch down to force the bars open, and after a little while you manage to lift them just enough to crawl out!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
24,000 silvers.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 10 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
You activated a blademachine trap while looking around! (485)
You avoid the blades skillfully until the machine stops!
Suddenly you find yourself in a fallinggrate trap! (240)
You crouch down to force the bars open, and after a little while you manage to lift them just enough to crawl out!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
3 stinkglands.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 10 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
991 recovery drinks and 48 mobilo diavovinos
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 10 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
A manasucker trap approaches you! (606)
In the midst of searching the room, you feel a snarelock gripping your arms! (606)
You activated a blademachine trap while looking around! (606)
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
a miracle satchel and 31 mobilo diavovinos
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 10 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
Pest Control
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
You activated a blademachine trap while looking around! (600)
A manasucker trap approaches you! (694)
In the midst of searching the room, you feel a snarelock gripping your arms! (694)
You stuff the following things into your sack: 
316 recovery drinks.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 10 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
Sir Strength
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
A manasucker trap approaches you! (180)
You try to stay as far away from the monster as you can, until it disappears. You were fortunate!
You activated a blademachine trap while looking around! (73)
You avoid the blades skillfully until the machine stops!
In the midst of searching the room, you feel a snarelock gripping your arms! (188)
After a long untying process, you succeed!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 8 mana potions, 21 dragon hearts, 4 airspells, a tendon, a cannonmortar, a vari amulett, an extra mana potion and a universal key.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 10 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that Necromancer lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
12304 experience points earned!
You stuff the following things into your sack: a golden mothshield.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 10 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that Minas Morgul lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
After 2 and a bit months without crowbars ...

You activated a blademachine trap while looking around! (525)
You avoid the blades skillfully until the machine stops!
A zombieshackle embraces you! (625)
You stretch the arms of the zombie until it goes limp and lets you go!
In the midst of searching the room, you feel a snarelock gripping your arms! (625)
After a long untying process, you succeed!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 103,614 silvers, 15 recovery drinks, an image, 4 phantomhorns, 5 nucleons, 3 hypnogens, a tuft and 9 moustache nets.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 10 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that PHOENIX lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
31609 experience points earned!
I missed the name but I just hit a multi item rob in the Mag District starting with 443,294 silvers :)
And 8 necrospells + 73 magic nubs :)

plus (among others)

You activated a blademachine trap while looking around! (23)
In the midst of searching the room, you feel a snarelock gripping your arms! (104)
Suddenly you find yourself in a fallinggrate trap! (70)
You stuff the following things into your sack: 17 centroliums.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 10 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that B-ginner lives here! 
6640 experience points earned!

You activated a blademachine trap while looking around! (100)
Suddenly you find yourself in a fallinggrate trap! (48)
You've activated a stingbolt trap! Little poisoned arrows shower at you... (58)
You stuff the following things into your sack: a piece of njukug whiskers, 4 disprosiums, a breathing cornerstone, a dragon eye, 3 dragongrasses and a giant crown.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 10 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that Thomas More lives here! 
4850 experience points earned!

A manasucker trap approaches you! (555)
Suddenly you find yourself in a fallinggrate trap! (555)
You stuff the following things into your sack: a magic hull, 12 vampiric herbs, a nannysnail gob and95 recovery drinks.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 10 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that Mia Neptune ® lives here! 
19093 experience points earned

You've activated a stingbolt trap! Little poisoned arrows shower at you... (100)
A manasucker trap approaches you! (90)
You activated a blademachine trap while looking around! (100)
You stuff the following things into your sack: some rations, 13 pcs. of copper ore and 5 necrospells.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that podur lives here! 
6481 experience points earned!

You activated a blademachine trap while looking around! (485)
Suddenly you find yourself in a fallinggrate trap! (240)
You stuff the following things into your sack: a vampiric herb.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 10 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that DRACO MAN lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
17157 experience points earned!

In the midst of searching the room, you feel a snarelock gripping your arms! (237)
You stuff the following things into your sack: a lizardskin, an underrabit liver, 2 silver horseshoes, a poisonbag, a dragonscale and a dragonclaw.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 10 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize thatroland deschain lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
You activated a blademachine trap while looking around! (488)
You avoid the blades skillfully until the machine stops!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 958 treasures and a universal key.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 10 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that THE PROFESSOR lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
11243 experience points earned!
You've activated a stingbolt trap! Little poisoned arrows shower at you... (100)
A manasucker trap approaches you! (43)
You activated a blademachine trap while looking around! (100)
You stuff the following things into your sack: 65 silvers, 2 nets, 13 aqua deis and 25 nucleuses.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 10 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that podur lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
You've activated a stingbolt trap! Little poisoned arrows shower at you... (442)
A manasucker trap approaches you! (219)
A zombieshackle embraces you! (469)
You stuff the following things into your sack: a nannysnail gob, 7 hyperiums, a stinkgland, 6 breathing cornerstones, a daemontooth, 7 forms, 7 morfverbs, a hamstertusk and 4 universal keys.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 10 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that Jubal-A lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
You've activated a stingbolt trap! Little poisoned arrows shower at you... (1)
Thanks to your very quick hopping, you manage to stay alive until the arrows run short!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 315 recovery drinks.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 4 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
106 experience points earned!
You need 47 276 more experience points for the next level!

You stuff the following things into your sack: 90 vampiric herbs, an emerald mail shirt, 9 stinkglands, 5 alien gadgets, a hyper stinkbow and a firespell.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that mandarb lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
Dunkelstern  [38075/908]
Money: 0       
Hitpoints: 304 / 3239
Manapoints: 1328 / 1328Eat foodrationsDrink mana potionDrink mobilidoxinDrink aqua deiDrink from wonderflaskDrink extra mana potionDrink recovery drinkDrink mobilo diavovinoCast Healing SpellCast ManafountainCast HomeportTry to stealTry to robPush Panic Button You activated a blademachine trap while looking around! (480)
You avoid the blades skillfully until the machine stops!
A zombieshackle embraces you! (539)
You stretch the arms of the zombie until it goes limp and lets you go!
A zombieshackle embraces you! (512)
You stretch the arms of the zombie until it goes limp and lets you go!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 680 goblin coins, 3 uglinesses, 7 earthspells and a hypergrease.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that Tico The Renegade lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
You stuff the following things into your sack: 101,443 silvers and 434 gold nuggets.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that RAMZAGHI lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
After a long time of no robbery at Larkinor, we have one robber. :D
The evil person 
 was seen towards southwest a long time ago.

I have decided to gain experience at robbing.  After robbing a while I started to wonder why it says "No one lives here!" at the city center, there is palace, temple, pub, store, fortress and bank.  How come there is no one at these buildings. It would have been nice to rob the Larkinor Bank or palace. :D
You stuff the following things into your sack: a great mothshield, a disproshield and 15 magic nubs.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that Hierarch Nicram lives here! 

...did you want that disproshield back? :p
hehe, congrats! :D 

Nah, finders keepers! :D 
The old frostdragon escaped from you towards east!
You don't care for the old frostdragon, you go on...
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 480,099 silvers.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that Blacjaq lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
2192 experience points earned!
You need 24 807 385 more experience points for the next level!
LegalEagle  [36632/839]
Money: 351,948   You have insurance :-) 
Hitpoints: 149 / 746
Manapoints: 1116 / 1416Enter PubInventory & PropertiesTake a restFly North - cavernsFly West - Novice QuarterFly East - Magician DistrictFly South - City Center

Try to rob
In the midst of searching the room, you feel a snarelock gripping your arms! (170)
After a long untying process, you succeed!
A manasucker trap approaches you! (170)
You try to stay as far away from the monster as you can, until it disappears. You were fortunate!
You activated a blademachine trap while looking around! (170)
You avoid the blades skillfully until the machine stops!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 351,948 silvers, 3 aqua deis, 21 magic nubs and an extra mana potion.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that Arcanus Fortunum lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
14501 experience points earned!
You need 23 893 601 more experience points for the next level!
In the midst of searching the room, you feel a snarelock gripping your arms! (47)
After a long untying process, you succeed!
In the midst of searching the room, you feel a snarelock gripping your arms! (250)
After a long untying process, you succeed!
You've activated a stingbolt trap! Little poisoned arrows shower at you... (156)
Thanks to your very quick hopping, you manage to stay alive until the arrows run short!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 16 wizardrobes.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that ughohno lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
13005 experience points earned!
You need 4 234 848 more experience points for the next level!
Suddenly you find yourself in a fallinggrate trap! (47)
You crouch down to force the bars open, and after a little while you manage to lift them just enough to crawl out!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 141 diamond nails.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 10 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that Digger Fan lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
2689 experience points earned!
You need 1 301 574 more experience points for the next level!
You activated a blademachine trap while looking around! (485)
You avoid the blades skillfully until the machine stops!
Suddenly you find yourself in a fallinggrate trap! (240)
You crouch down to force the bars open, and after a little while you manage to lift them just enough to crawl out!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 1023 treasures.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that DRACO MAN lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
15778 experience points earned!
You need 239 134 more experience points for the next level!
 activated a blademachine trap while looking around! (488)
You avoid the blades skillfully until the machine stops!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 72 treasures and a roulette shield.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 10 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that THE PROFESSOR lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
the midst of searching the room, you feel a snarelock gripping your arms! (1180)
After a long untying process, you succeed!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 6 gold nuggets, 32 diamonds, 29 magic hulls, 19 alien gadgets, 40 alien contraptions, 16 airbags, 89 airspells and 2269 treasures.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 10 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that Apple lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
20627 experience points earned!
You need 45 899 619 more experience points for the next level!
The evil person Olive was seen towards northeast 46 minutes ago.
You cast a spell! Hellfire bursts from your hands! 3670 hitpoints damage made!
You've won a heroic battle!!!
You take 361 silvers and a giant crown from your opponent.
Sorry, if ever I get something you specifically need back message me.

In other news, have honoured our splat deal - please collect from market, been tied up with work this week so apologies for delay.

Still cannot access chat.
You almost swept away your opponent with your attack! You've made 4011 hitpoints damage with your magmahammer!
Your weapon vampirizes 902 hitpoints to you!
You've won a heroic battle!!!
You take 3 gold nuggets and 2 aqua deis from your opponent.

That was not enough you should carry more items. :D
I always have 200 mds or so unless overload and a few other bits, not sure why they are not giving them to you.
:D  :D 
I will rob your home :D

just joke

it is a game :D
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 11 recovery drinks.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that LegalEagle lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
90795 experience points earned!
You need 3 860 211 734 more experience points for the next level!

You've activated a stingbolt trap! Little poisoned arrows shower at you... (1)
Thanks to your very quick hopping, you manage to stay alive until the arrows run short!
In the midst of searching the room, you feel a snarelock gripping your arms! (1)
After a long untying process, you succeed!
A manasucker trap approaches you! (1)
You try to stay as far away from the monster as you can, until it disappears. You were fortunate!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 89 pcs. of iron ore.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that Almat lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
In the midst of searching the room, you feel a snarelock gripping your arms! (197)
After a long untying process, you succeed!
You activated a blademachine trap while looking around! (398)
You avoid the blades skillfully until the machine stops!
A manasucker trap approaches you! (398)
You try to stay as far away from the monster as you can, until it disappears. You were fortunate!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: a silver, 2 miracle satchels, a centro bodyshield and a lightbeam.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 10 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that Black Gold lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
You activated a blademachine trap while looking around! (200)
You avoid the blades skillfully until the machine stops!
A zombieshackle embraces you! (276)
You stretch the arms of the zombie until it goes limp and lets you go!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 75,244 silvers, a mana potion, an acid crystal, a liquid crystal, 32 vampiric herbs, 3 fiendcalfs, 2 kallandra teeth, 5 stinkglands, an alien contraption, a mobilo diavovino and a granitenut.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that ketchup_catsup lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
12327 experience points earned!
gripping your arms! (550)
After a long untying process, you succeed!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 6 vampiric herbs, an alien gadget, 2 alien contraptions and 10 portrings.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 10 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that LucyHunter lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.

Try to rob
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 127,803 silvers.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 10 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that chese grader lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
1801 experience points earned!
You need 1 295 402 more experience points for the next level
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 4 shovels and a disprosium.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that FreightTrain lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 3,406 silvers and a shovel.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that Haku lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
You try to stay as far away from the monster as you can, until it disappears. You were fortunate!
You activated a blademachine trap while looking around! (444)
You avoid the blades skillfully until the machine stops!
You've activated a stingbolt trap! Little poisoned arrows shower at you... (715)
Thanks to your very quick hopping, you manage to stay alive until the arrows run short!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: a disprosium, a dragon horn, a snakerattle, a knot, a lash, 4 chillis, 3 portions of vacuum, 2 crumbs of knowledge, 13 runes, 9 gelatins and 7 snailhooves.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 10 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that Jubal-m lives here

A manasucker trap approaches you! (361)
You try to stay as far away from the monster as you can, until it disappears. You were fortunate!
Suddenly you find yourself in a fallinggrate trap! (361)
You crouch down to force the bars open, and after a little while you manage to lift them just enough to crawl out!
In the midst of searching the room, you feel a snarelock gripping your arms! (362)
After a long untying process, you succeed!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 33 gold nuggets, 2 vampiric herbs, a lightbeam, a wizardrobe, 209 treasures, 23 eye-pits, 9 extra mana potions and 11 portions of vacuum.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 10 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that Lady Aiata lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
28372 experience points earned!
You need 63 628 035
Re-subbed and second Rob below 

A manasucker trap approaches you! (100)
You try to stay as far away from the monster as you can, until it disappears. You were fortunate!
A zombieshackle embraces you! (136)
You stretch the arms of the zombie until it goes limp and lets you go!
In the midst of searching the room, you feel a snarelock gripping your arms! (156)
After a long untying process, you succeed!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 31 vampiric herbs, 10 stinkglands, 10 alien gadgets and 26 alien contraptions.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 10 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that CookieCutter lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
13112 experience points earned
Much bigger one

n the midst of searching the room, you feel a snarelock gripping your arms! (891)
After a long untying process, you succeed!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: a map of Larkinor, 77 gold nuggets, 9392 diamonds, 15 mobilidoxins, 86 alien gadgets, 11 airbags, 241 wizardrobes, 318 airspells, 42 extra mana potions and 5 subtatoos.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 10 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that Lavender lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
17348 experience points earned!
You need 54 196 471 more experience points for the next level!

pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 2 nets, 2 kithrills, a centrolium, 63 hyperiums and an extra mana potion.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 10 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that digger bee 1 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
2457 experience points earned!
You need 52 469 824 more experience points for the next level!
You activated a blademachine trap while looking around! (500)
You avoid the blades skillfully until the machine stops!
You've activated a stingbolt trap! Little poisoned arrows shower at you... (518)
Thanks to your very quick hopping, you manage to stay alive until the arrows run short!
A zombieshackle embraces you! (524)
You stretch the arms of the zombie until it goes limp and lets you go!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 16891 treasures and a universal key.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 10 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that By-Tor lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 105,885 silvers, 7 aqua deis, 2 crystal plates, 11 acid crystals, 37 vampiric herbs, 2 dragonscales, 5 dragonteeth, 3 dragonclaws and 2 fiendcalfs.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 10 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that chese grader lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
2291 experience points earned!
You need 29 222 310 more experience points for the next level!
You activated a blademachine trap while looking around! (285)
You avoid the blades skillfully until the machine stops!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 34 gold nuggets, 4 diamonds, 69 emeralds, 59 rubies, 7 liquid crystals, 2 flippant tongues, 51 centroliums and a treasure.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 10 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that Hathunter lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
You've activated a stingbolt trap! Little poisoned arrows shower at you... (421)
Thanks to your very quick hopping, you manage to stay alive until the arrows run short!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 746 treasures and a universal key.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 10 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that LADRON OSCURO lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
11001 experience points earned!
You need 6 524 280 more experience points for the next level!
 try to stay as far away from the monster as you can, until it disappears. You were fortunate!
A zombieshackle embraces you! (287)
You stretch the arms of the zombie until it goes limp and lets you go!
Suddenly you find yourself in a fallinggrate trap! (68)
You crouch down to force the bars open, and after a little while you manage to lift them just enough to crawl out!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 5 aqua deis, 207 acid crystals, 2 hydragen-carbids, a fiendcalf, 2 centroliums, 8 hyperiums, 20 airbags, 3 firespells, 355 treasures and 2 universal keys.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that lilgyp lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
17535 experience points earned
zombieshackle embraces you! (57)
You stretch the arms of the zombie until it goes limp and lets you go!
A manasucker trap approaches you! (118)
You try to stay as far away from the monster as you can, until it disappears. You were fortunate!
You activated a blademachine trap while looking around! (243)
You avoid the blades skillfully until the machine stops!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 2 vampiric herbs, 3 alien contraptions, a lightbeam, 2 earthspells and 45 magic nubs.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 10 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that gyrtsedr lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
12692 experience points earned!
You stuff the following things into your sack: 57,289 silvers, 3 portions of rations and 2 mana potions.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 10 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that Johan Levinstein lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
2950 experience points earned!
You need 48 440 272 more experience points for the next level!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 38,400 silvers, a diamond, 2 lapis lazulis, 5 elemental essences, a pegasus feather, an underrabit liver, 2 strands of lion whiskers, a golden hinge, a mole hide and a piece of iron ore.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 11 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that bluescap lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
LegalEagle  [4385/843]
Money: 36,485   You have insurance :-) 
Hitpoints: 255 / 852
Manapoints: 1611 / 1611Inventory & PropertiesTake a restFly North - Fighter DistrictFly West - Fighter DistrictFly East - Fighter DistrictFly South - Fighter District

Try to rob
You activated a blademachine trap while looking around! (4)
You avoid the blades skillfully until the machine stops!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 36,485 silvers.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 11 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that Kovacsur lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
You stuff the following things into your sack: 42,000 silvers, an aqua dei, 49 vampiric herbs, a stinkgland, a giant crown and an eardrum.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 11 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that Johnny Deep lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
LegalEagle  [4385/843]
Money: 36,485   You have insurance :-) 
Hitpoints: 255 / 852
Manapoints: 1611 / 1611Inventory & PropertiesTake a restFly North - Fighter DistrictFly West - Fighter DistrictFly East - Fighter DistrictFly South - Fighter District

Try to rob
You activated a blademachine trap while looking around! (4)
You avoid the blades skillfully until the machine stops!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 36,485 silvers.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 11 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that Kovacsur lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house. 
A manasucker trap approaches you! (866)
You try to stay as far away from the monster as you can, until it disappears. You were fortunate!
A manasucker trap approaches you! (866)
You try to stay as far away from the monster as you can, until it disappears. You were fortunate!
In the midst of searching the room, you feel a snarelock gripping your arms! (866)
After a long untying process, you succeed!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 380 hyperiums.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 11 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that Prospector Jr. lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
70017 experience points earned!
You need 66 118 626 more experience points for the next level
LegalEagle  [3556/844]
Money: 0   You have insurance :-) 
Hitpoints: 176 / 883
Manapoints: 772 / 1660Enter Weapon StoreEnter PubInventory & PropertiesTake a restFly North - Fighter DistrictFly West - Fighter DistrictFly East - City CenterFly South - Fighter District

Try to rob
In the midst of searching the room, you feel a snarelock gripping your arms! (435)
After a long untying process, you succeed!
Suddenly you find yourself in a fallinggrate trap! (435)
You crouch down to force the bars open, and after a little while you manage to lift them just enough to crawl out!
A zombieshackle embraces you! (435)
You stretch the arms of the zombie until it goes limp and lets you go!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 11 airbags, a wizardrobe, 14 godnails and 28 gigatentacles.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that Lord Nem lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
LegalEagle  [4483/844]
Money: 0   You have insurance :-) 
Hitpoints: 883 / 883
Manapoints: 1660 / 1660Enter PubInventory & PropertiesTake a restFly North - cavernsFly West - Novice QuarterFly East - Magician DistrictFly South - City Center

Try to rob
You activated a blademachine trap while looking around! (488)
You avoid the blades skillfully until the machine stops!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: a seizing bodyshield.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 11 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that THE PROFESSOR lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
19565 experience points earned!
You need 27 481 769 more experience points for the next level!
You activated a blademachine trap while looking around! (500)
You avoid the blades skillfully until the machine stops!
You've activated a stingbolt trap! Little poisoned arrows shower at you... (257)
Thanks to your very quick hopping, you manage to stay alive until the arrows run short!
A zombieshackle embraces you! (524)
You stretch the arms of the zombie until it goes limp and lets you go!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 9 composiums and 2 universal keys.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 11 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that By-Tor lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
43329 experience points earned!
weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 36,420 silvers, a butterfly wing, a magic splinter, 29 vampiric herbs, 2 njonjoz teeth, a njhenjherhe neck and a fiendsteel harpoon.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 11 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that Hearto lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
3010 experience points earned!
You need 96 009 727 more experience points for the next level!
You stuff the following things into your sack: 106,978 silvers, an antidote and a butterfly wing.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 11 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that Quickshiv lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
4194 experience points earned!
You need 36 386 328 more experience
You stuff the following things into your sack: 117,420 silvers, a cure potion, 3 antidotes and 2 vampiric herbs.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 11 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that Puremagic lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
3973 experience points earned!
A zombieshackle embraces you! (135)
You stretch the arms of the zombie until it goes limp and lets you go!
You've activated a stingbolt trap! Little poisoned arrows shower at you... (236)
Thanks to your very quick hopping, you manage to stay alive until the arrows run short!
You activated a blademachine trap while looking around! (432)
You avoid the blades skillfully until the machine stops!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: an iron fork, 77 magic nubs and 17 mobilo diavovinos.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 11 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that Ghuri lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
23400 experience points earned!
You need 106 706 865 more experience points for the next level!
You activated a blademachine trap while looking around! (140)
You avoid the blades skillfully until the machine stops!
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 87,500 silvers, 18 gold nuggets, 3 cure potions, 2 antidotes, 20 rubies, a crystal plate, 2 platinum springs, 20 vampiric herbs, a stinkgland and 3 alien contraptions.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 11 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that Hathunter lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
11927 experience points earned!
You need 92 649 308 more experience points for the next level!
LegalEagle  [7477/847]
Money: 181,912   You have insurance :-) Poison! You take damage while moving! (1) Disease! You cannot get fully healed! (1) 
Hitpoints: 961 / 961
Manapoints: 1813 / 1813Inventory & PropertiesTake a restFly North - Fighter DistrictFly West - Fighter DistrictFly East - Fighter DistrictFly South - Fighter District

Try to rob
You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 181,912 silvers, 2 vampiric herbs, a hydragen-carbid, a dragonscale, a dragontooth, a dragonclaw, 7 extra mana potions and 29 mobilo diavovinos.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that chese grader lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
4266 experience points earned!
You need 81 130 558 more experience points for the next level
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