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Call Pockets
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Call Pockets
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Call Pockets
Ok this seems to have been an on going problem i see those that play and beat me part of the game right wrong it bites they beat me cause they are lucky i watch them 
they dont even move the stick on there turn just simply hit it as hard as they can and hope 
I think they should have a couple of rooms were u have to pick the ball your shooting and call the pocket you plan to make it in this will simply prove the players from the flukes 
we all get lucky i my self have had it happen many times but i still think it isnt fair to other players that acually try and i also dont think we should lose as many points when we pot the (8) by accident just some things to ponder over ;)
Its odd to me that you hate it when people fluke but you want a smaller punishment for players who fluke 8 early.

Calling pockets, good idea, softer punishment for being unsafe or just not smart, bad idea.

It goes like this:

Swings and roundabouts
Look,I learned a long time ago,Hit and Hope wont go away. I have many friends here that admire me(no comma) for taking the time to line my misses up.
Id like to not be fluked,  but the runners,and fluky runners, are still way worse.
At least a accidental fluker says sorry, and then Still you have crybabies that rant about the points they just lost..
Best to just make a list of players you wont get caught in a room with.
When I first started playing on flyordie..I remember that they had this rule where they chose which pocket the black ball should be potted in..a pocket was selected with an icon of an arrow over the top of that pocket..I thought it was good..made it that little bit harder..but then again I like a challenge :p

Well done Thom, that was near perfect.
im curious as to why they still dont have ppl call the 8 ball
i have been to many bars and played on many tables but i have never had a game where u dont call the 8 at least seems only right for the sprit of the game and 9 ball also i have seen many tournaments and the call all of there shots and the 9 but i have yet to see the rules applied here.
heres and idea 
have a button that at the start of the game u can press to 
TURN ON or TURN OFF a call pockets so those players wishing for a good challenge can have one but those who like it the original way have no change (some ppl dont like change );)
just some things to think about thx for your comments 
It's not sometihng they can do over night hot guy.  Sit back and wait a few months before you claim they have done nothing.

wel,it took 15 monthes for League rooms in (9), and still we get Forums on nothing but you poor 8Ballers. They call 9Ball the "Go get yer Luck back" game. You'd think some of them would awaken to the fact that its as good as the other two.
Heck,I've only played REAL-LIFE 9Ball 2 times in 20 yrs.
But for Game Formats,its way better.
BO3 Button should be in 9Ball WAY befor the other 2 games.
Take 4ever to do bo3 in 8Ball and Snooker.
>i have never had a game where u dont call the 8

It's not in the rules, bars tend to make their own to suit the locals or to be in synch with the local leagues.
9ball will alwasy be the game for lucky and fluker ppl.. except the real man... he's just class.. 
i en disagrea i en fluked alot but theay get scanned en banned 
hey snipe i wasnt asking them to do it over night i was wondering y they took it off in the first place read all the comments ;)k
really hot... the reason why they dont call the 8 ball is cos its american rules.  sooner uk rooms become available the better. it seems that u can just slam the ball and hope it goes in.  that tells me its a game of hope ?
>the reason why they dont call the 8 ball is cos its american rules. sooner uk rooms become available the better

Nice idea, except for that UK rules are the same as the US in that no pocket nomination is required. From the UK rules at 

The object of the game is to win by being the first player to Pot a group of colours in any order and in any pocket and then Pot the Eight-Ball 
in any pocket

If you think it might be in the old rules, it's not. Check at 
 In fact, it has 
 been a requirement in UK pool that the 8 ball (or black) is nominated.
beppe now its definatly time to hush up i play in a very high pool league in wales and play many top players from the area and i have been playing for almost 18 yrs.   and always had to nominate where the 8 ball is being pocketed.  if it is potted in a diffrent pocket u lose.  u can copy and paste chite from the internet and leave links as many times as u want.  but i play in these leagues and nomination is always a part of game 
Wales is in the uk right ???? lol
A few links 

General differences between UK and US 8-ball
There are also various differences from other sets of (eg US) pool rules which are common to all 3 codes... 
The balls and the table
Since American pool game such as 9-ball and straight pool, requiring spots (solids) and stripes are really only ever played on American-style tables in dedicated clubs, these kinds of balls have been almost completely phased out from UK 8-ball tables. When playing on a UK table, you will almost always find that there are 7 solid red balls and 7 yellows, plus the black which retains its white spot and number and is still called the 8-ball. 
In EPA and BAPTO rules, the balls are racked like this. In World Rules there is a slight difference (swap the balls 2nd and 3rd from the right in the bottom row) 
The game is played with 2" object balls. Usually the cue-ball is slightly smaller (1 7/8"), although very rarely (when not paying per frame) one comes across sets where the cue ball is the same size as the others). 
Tables vary in size. The table should be twice as long as it is wide, and can be 6ft, 7ft, or 8ft long. 
The jaws of the pockets are more rounded than on a US table. This tends to mean that potting a ball into a corner pocket down the cushion is much harder. Potting into side pockets, from a narrow angle, is however much more feasible than on an American table. 
Legal shots
Jump shots are illegal (defined as the cue ball jumping over any part of any ball before making contact with any object ball). In World Rules, a Jump Shot is a "serious foul" ie doing it twice leads to loss of frame! 
In most situations a player must play away from a touching ball (which if it is a ball "on", will be deemed to have been hit). But see above for EPA and World Rules exceptions) 
There is no concept of calling shots whatsoever. Occasionally one comes across people who like to play call pocket on the black, but this does not appear in any official rules. 
There is thus no concept of "calling a safety". If a ball is potted on a legal shot, the player at the table is always obliged to play again. 
The US requirement that a ball hit a cushion if nothing goes in only appears in World Rules (see "Hitting a cushion" above). In the other 2 codes, simply rolling up to your own ball to leave one's opponent snookered behind it is a common tactic. In World Rules, rolling up to your opponent's ball is a more common tactic! (because they won't be able to move the cue ball or play a free ball, so will often have to "waste" their first visit in playing the cue ball to somewhere more useful) 


"House Rules" (local variations)
You'll find some pubs, people, and even a few of the smaller local leagues play "house rules" which vary slightly from the published sets. Some of the more common variations include: 
Call pocket on the black (often you have to stick to the pocket once it's been called) 
Push shots allowed (see "Push shots & touching balls" above). 
Can never move the white after a foul. This is how it used to be played years ago. 
Can only move the white after a foul if you're snookered (this is an old variant from EPA and BAPTO rules, when moving the white after a foul was first brought in, this was how it worked). Note that there are different definitions of "snookered". It can mean 
"can't see any part of any ball 'on'"
(cf World Rules 'Total Snooker' ), or 
"can't see to play 'thinnest possible cut' on any ball 'on'"
(cf World Rules 'foul snooker/f ree ball') or 
"can't see to play full-ball shot on any ball 'on"
(once upon a time official BAPTO rules said you could only move the white after a foul if snookered in this sense, still played in some local leagues: every variant that there ever was is still played in some local league somewhere!) 
You only ever have one shot on the black. It's surprising how many people think this variant makes sense. They suggest that having 2 shots on the black makes it too easy for the person who's on the black. Actually their variant makes it far too easy for the person who's NOT on the black. 
Some places have extremely non-standard rules. One of the oldest is the Bridlington rule set used in the East Riding of Yorkshire. They play call-pocket on the black, and push shots are allowed. 


Pool rules links
EPA: English Pool Association (governing body for World Rules and formerly old EPA rules) 
EUKPF: European & UK Pool Federation (governing body for Federation rules) 
BAPTO: British Association of Pool Table Operators NB this site is usually out of date, see EUKPF site for more up-to-date info 
BCA: Billiard Congress of America. NB the EPA "World Rules" described above are NOT the same as the BCA's "World Standardised 8-ball rules". 
My Killer page 
UK8ball forums for discussion of the various rules: technical and tactical queries regarding both individual rule sets and comparisons between rule sets. 
sorry about that i only ment to paste and post this bit
There is no concept of calling shots whatsoever. Occasionally one comes across people who like to play call pocket on the black, but this does not appear in any official rules. 
There is thus no concept of "calling a safety". If a ball is potted on a legal shot, the player at the table is always obliged to play again. 
The US requirement that a ball hit a cushion if nothing goes in only appears in World Rules (see "Hitting a cushion" above). In the other 2 codes, simply rolling up to your own ball to leave one's opponent snookered behind it is a common tactic. In World Rules, rolling up to your opponent's ball is a more common tactic! (because they won't be able to move the cue ball or play a free ball, so will often have to "waste" their first visit in playing the cue ball to somewhere more useful)
like i said links can be posted all day here.  i play pool in uk and know the rules i dont need to read links to understand rules
if you read the rules as they are and not the way you choose to play it clearly states >> There is no concept of calling shots whatsoever. Occasionally one comes across people who like to play call pocket on the black, but this does not appear in any official rules.

House Rules" (local variations)
You'll find some pubs, people, and even a few of the 
smaller local leagues play "house rules"
 which vary slightly from the published sets. Some of the more common variations include: 
Call pocket on the black (often you have to stick to the pocket once it's been called) 
not local variations last time i checked wales was a country and always nominate black 
i think the rules u r indicating are proffesional rules..are we proffesionals ??? nope im talking about rules which people like US play every day in pubs and clubs over the uk.  everyone i spoke to here from the uk would like to nominate the black stops the luck which is dominating 8 ball so many times
>beppe now its definatly time to hush up i play in a very high pool league in wales

You might want to learn the difference between 
 rules Martin. If you are posting rule references on a general site, please use the official rules. When I lived in Reading they never carried the two shots, but that doesn't mean I should be telling everyone that's the way it is.

When I was in the UK I used play and ref in quality leagues. I learnt the official rules at the time along with any league or regional variations, so in the case of any disagreement I was able to explain the difference of opinion. You might benefit from doing the same.
> nope im talking about rules which people like US play every day in pubs and clubs over the uk. everyone i spoke to here from the uk would like to nominate the black stops the luck which is dominating 8 ball so many times

Most pubs in your town or area maybe, but across the UK there are MANY different variations of the rules. There has to be one set of 
 rules which covers any local discrepancies - they are not professional rules, but act as a guideline for the local rules. They actually represent the most popular variations, so ulnt Martin ;)
pmsl beppy i work all over uk and only england dont nominate black all across wales scotland and ireland is nominated black 
yes i was talking about pro rules.
And yes i agree that nominate is a better way to play pool (its the way i play). 
I was only pointing out that it is in no rule books for pool to nominate pocket.

As for wales being a country i didnt dispute that fact. 
its a fact m8 live with it posting rules and links aint gonna change reality
u disputed that im talking about local rules if a country is local then yes i agree 
Martin, there are official rules to solve disputes. The official rules do not require pocket nomination, therefore the dispute is solved. It doesn't matter what set of rules you pull up from whatever competition or league, according to the rules that are on paper there is no nomination. In a dispute like this, variations DO NOT WIN, end of story.

Now do I believe that nomination is a good idea? Absolutely, I am 100% behind you that this variation to the rules would be a good implementation for FoD.
pmsl official rules are only played by pros...we aint pros 
Maybe we should simply invent some new rules...

I don't really have to time to thing, but I think Hara always wins would be a good one...Mind you, not change there is there.
come on hara u said rules not dreams hehehe joke
nothing like a good banter eh beppe (y) thnx for the argument 
>come on hara u said rules not dreams hehehe joke

Nice to see you agree.
sry this is off topic, but really_hot_guy do u remember me?
>nothing like a good banter eh beppe (y) thnx for the argument 

No problem friend. Why is it that so many others can't have disagreements without making the conversation degenerate into personal insults?
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